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The Edinburgh Academy is an independent school in Edinburgh,
Scotland, which was opened in 1824. The original building, on Henderson
Row in the city's New Town, is now part of the Senior School. The Junior
School is located on Arboretum Road to the north of the city's Royal
Botanic Garden.
The Edinburgh Academy was originally a day and boarding school for boys.
It ceased boarding and transitioned to co-education in 2008 and is now a
fully coeducational day school. The nursery, housed in a 2008 purpose
built block on the Junior campus, caters for children from age 2 to 5.
The Junior School admits children from age 6 to 10 whilst the Senior
School takes pupils from age 10 to 18.
It is apparent that the early names listed here were founder pupils
of the Academy.
Francis Brown Douglas, Advocate, afterwards Lord Provost of Edinburgh
C. K. M. DOUGLAS .1910-13
Archibald Halliday Douglas, Dux of the School, 1st Acad. Club Prize for
Classics, 1st Clyde-Millar Greek Prize, Balfour Music Prize, Cadet Off.
O.T.C., 1914.
DOUGLAS. Francis Brown, 1824-5. CI. 4. b. 2 April 1814 ; s. of Archibald
Douglas, Advocate.
D.L. Edin. ; Advocate, 1837 ; Lord Prov. of Edin. 1859-62 ; contested
Edin. 1S56; St. Andrews Burghs, 1857; Dir. E.A. 1838-44; m. (i) 1845
Mary, dau. of C. M. Christie, Esq., of Durie ; (2) 1852 JMarianne, dau.
of the Hon. Alex. Leslie Melville of Branstone Hall, Lincolnsliire ; d.
8 Aug. 18S5.
DOUGLAS, Robert Duncan. 1824-6. CI. 4, 5. b. 1812 ; s. of William
Douglas. Miniature Portrait Painter. 13 Hart Street.
Edin. Univ. ; Mem. of Fac. of Proc. Glasg. ; 1843-56 in Strathearn and
Douglas, Writers ; i856r84 Proc. Fis. to Justices of L. \\'ard of Lan. ;
represented B. of Trade ; Q.M. Lan. Yeo. ; Capt. 5th Batt. Glasg.
Rifles; d. 12 Aug. 1S84.
ROBINSON, George Rose, afterwards Robinson Douglas, 1824-5. CI. 3. b. 25
March 1813 ; s. of Wm. Rose Robinson of Clermiston, Midlothian. Glasg.
Univ. 1829-32 ; Snell Exhib. ; Ball. Coll. O.xou, 1833 ; 3rd CI. Lt.
Hum. 1S37 ; B.A. 1837 ; M.A. 1840 ; vacated Exhib. 1843 ; of Almorness
and Orchardton. Ch. of Eng. : D. 1840 ; P. 1S41 ; C. of Woking, Surrey ;
R. of Bisley, Surrey, 1845-56; held no permanent charge subsequent to
1S56. 1S74 S. to estate of Orchardton, near Castle Douglas,
Kirkcudbrightshire, and assumed the additional name of Douglas ; m. Jane
Eleanor, only dau. of Boyd MiUer of Collier's Wood, Surrey ; d. 30 Jan.
DOUGLAS, Adam Smith, 1824-30. CI. 2-7. b. 5 May 1816; s. of David
Douglas (lion. Lord Reston), 51 Northumberland Street. Advocate, 1S3S ;
d. 23 Sept. 183S.
FERGUSSON, Neil James, afterwards Fergusson Blair, 1824-30. CI. 2-7. b.
1814 ; s. of Hon. Adam Fergusson of Woodhill, Canada, Advocate ; Dux of
the 6th Class, 1829. Of Balthayock, Perthshire ; assumed name of Blair;
Advocate, 1835 ; m. Elsie, dau. of Sir Neil Douglas ; d. 12 Jan. 1862.
DOUGLAS. Archibald. 1824-5. CI. 1, b. 1817 ; s. of Archibald Douglas,
DOUGLAS. David. 1824-30. CI. 1-6. b. 1817 ; s. of William Douglas, St.
Andrew Square.
DOUGLAS. William. 1824-5. CI. 1. b. 1817 : s. of William Douglas.
Portrait Painter, 13 Hart Street ;"d. 1825.
DRUMMOND, Charles Home, 1825-8. CI. 5a-7. b. 1816 ; s. of Henry Home
Drummond of Blair Drummond, M.P. Cornet 2nd Life Guards, 1S34 ; Lt.
1836; ret. 1843 ; m. Lady Anne Georgina Douglas, Sth dau. of Charles,
5th IMarquess of Queensberry ; d. 1 89 1.
JOHNSTON, James Dunsmure, 1825-31. CI. 1-6. b. 23 Oct. 1816 ; s. of Dr.
Henry Johnston, Surg., 34 Queen Street. M.D. Edin. Univ. 1S37 ;
L.R.C.S.E. 1836; F.R.C.S.E. 1848; Surg. 71st and 26th Regt. 1847; ret. 3
Feb. 184S ; J.P. for Co. of Kirkcudbright; m. (i) Helen M'Lachlan
Campbell; (2) Anna Ramsay Douglas ; d. 16 May 1902.
SHAIRP, John Campbell, 1829-32. CI. 3-5. b. 30 July 1819; s. of Maj.
Shairp yr. of Houston. Glasg. Univ. 1836-9 ; Snell Exhib. 1840 ; Ball.
CoU. Oxon, 1840-5 ; B.A. ; Newdigate Prize, 1842 ; LL.D. Edin. 1884 ;
Ass. Master, Rugby, 1846-56 ; teaching Greek in Glasg. Univ. 1856-7 ;
Ass. Prof, of Latin, St. Andrews, 1S57-61 ; Prof. 1861-72 ; Prin.
1868-77 ; Prof, of Poetry, Oxford, 1877-85. Published : 1864 Kilmahoe, a
Highland Pastoral, and other Poems; 1S68 Studies in Poetry and
Philosophy; 1870 Culture and Religion ; 1873, along with Prof. Tait, The
Life and Letters of J. D. Forbes; 1S74 edited Dorothy Wordsworth's
Journal ; 1877 Poetic Interpretation of Nature; 1881 Aspects of Poetry
(Oxford Lectures) ; in 1887 Prof. Veitch collected in a volume a number
of his articles under the title of Sketches in History and Poetry, m.
1853 Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Alex. Douglas ; d. 18 Sept. 1885.
CAMPBELL, Alexander Henry, 1831-6. CI. 1-5. b. 31 July 1822 ; s. of
Colin Campbell of Colgrain, Dumbartonshire. Edin. Univ. ; Lycee Bourbon,
Paris ; Austrian Consul, Bombay, 184S-53 ; JI.P. (C.) Lancaster, 1S65-S;
Mem. of Council of Gov. of Bombay, 1S6S-70 ; J. P. Herts ; D.L.
Cornwall; partner of Ritchie, Stuart and Co. of Bombay, and Finlay,
Campbell and Co. of Lond., Liverpool, and Manchester ; m. Agnes, dau. of
John Campbell Douglas of Mains, Dumbartonshire. Address: 8 Cornwall
Gardens, Lond., S.W.
DOUGLAS, Robert, 1831-2. CI. 1. b. 1823 ; s. of Robert Douglas, India
DOUGLAS, James C, 1835-41. CI. 1-6.
DOUGLAS, James R., 1835-40. CI. 1-5.
DOUGLAS, John, 1839-43. CI. 3-6.
DOUGLAS, Edward, 1839-45. CI. 1-6.
DOUGLAS, Gordon, 1844-5. Cl. 1. b. 1835 ; s. of Charles Douglas, Dean
DOUGLAS, James Henry, 1852-4. CI. 3, 4. b. 16 Jan. 1841 ; s. of David
Douglas, W.S., 23 Great King Street. Of Yanco and Walla Walla, N.S.W.,
and of Newtonairds, Dumfriesshire ; m. Sibella Susan, dau. of J. Lawson
Hill, W.S. ; d. 6 May 1905.
DOUGLAS, Charles Hill, 1852-4. CI. 2, 3. b. 23 Sept. 1841 ; s. of David
Douglas, W.S., 23 Great Iving Street. Landed proprietor ; d. 30 March
DOUGLAS, Charles, 1859-61. CI. 5, 6.
DOUGLAS, Lord Francis William Bouverie, 1859-62. CI. 4-6. b. 8 Feb. 1847
; s. of Marquis of Queensberry, E. Warriston House. Obtained direct
commission in army ; killed on the Matterhorn, 14 July 1865.
DOUGLAS, Lord Archibald Edward. 1859-61. CI. 1. b. 17 June 1850 ; s. of
7th Marquis of Queensberry,- East Warriston House. In Holy Orders of the
Catholic Ch. ; Canon of Galloway. Address: The Presbytery, Girvan,
DOUGLAS, William U., 1861-4. CI. 1-4. b. 3 Dec. 1850; s. of J. Brown
Douglas, W.S., 6 Fettes Row. d. 2 June i866.
DOUGLAS, John Brown, 1862-6. CI. 1-4. b. 30 May 1852 ; s. of J. Brown
Douglas, W.S., 6 Fettes Row. W.S. 1879 ; m. 1882 Emma Jane, dau. of
Thomas Overy West, Seven Score, Kent ; d. Jan. 1908.
DOUGLAS, John Ogilvie, 1863-5. CI. 1, 2. b. 2 Nov. 1848; s. of John D.
W. Douglas, Edin., Searcher of Public Records. Orange-grower and
storekeeper in Florida for many yrs. ; now at Atlanta, Georgia ; m.
Annie, dau. of Thos. H. Douglas, Edin. Address : c/o WiUiam Simpson,
Austell, Georgia, U.S.A.
DOUGLAS, Francis Archibald Brown, 1864-7. CI. 1-3. b. 17 April 1854 : s.
of Francis Brown Douglas, Advocate, D.L., 21 Moray Place. M.A. Cantab;
Advocate, 1879. Address: 21 Moray Place, Edin.
DOUGLAS. Wilham Young, 1864-8. CI. 1-4. b. 29 Jan. 1853 ; s. of John D.
W. Douglas, Edin.. Searcher of Public Records. For thirty yrs. fruit
grower, Florida, U.S.A. ; m. S. F. Lovett of Dunedin, Florida, U.S.A.
Address : Dunedin, Florida, U.S.A.
DOUGLAS, William, 1869-71. CI. 5, 6. s. of P. Douglas, Grosvenor Road,
Claughton, Birkenhead.