Dr James Frederick Douglas,

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Dr James Frederick Douglas, Consultant Nephrologist and Transplant Physician, worked for 20 years at the Department of Nephrology and Transplantation, at Belfast City Hospital, to which over 25% of the world's longest surviving kidney transplant patients owe their lives.

The son of the Rev. Capt. James Douglas, he was born 22nd September 1938, and educated at Portora Royal School, Enniskillen, Wadham College, Oxford (MA, BM BCh, BCL) and Queen's University, Belfast (MB BCh). his recreational interests include astronomy, chess, cricket and country pursuits

A former consultant nephrologist at Belfast City Hospital, he lectures at Queen's University Belfast. He is also a former barrister and teacher of law and has published numerous articles on the law and ethics of organ donation and the treatment of renal failure. He is a Council member and Archivist of the British Transplantation Society.

Lecturer College of Law 1963-64, called to the Bar Middle Temple 1964;
Houseman at Royal Victoria Hosp Belfast 1969-70, tutor in pharmacology Queen's University Belfast 1970-71, casualty posts Oxford and Belfast 1971-72, nephrologist 1972, consultant Belfast City and Royal Victoria Hospitals 1975, senior nephrologist Belfast City Hospital 1988-2003 (director 1990-96), lecturer at Department of Clinical Pharmacology Queen's University Belfast 2003-, conslultant Antrim Area Hospital 2004-07, visiting physician St Helena 2008; medical advisor Northern Ireland Kidney Research Fund 1988-2003 (patron 2003-);
Member: UK Transplant Support Association 1996-2002, ULTRA (Unrelated Living Transplant Regulatory Authy) 1996-2006;
Author of various pubications on: renal transplantation, renal failure, renal toxicology, the law and renal failure;
Member: Renal Association, European Dialysis and Transplantation Association, British Transplant Society (member Council 2002-), Transplantation Society, International Society of Nephrology, American Society of Nephrology;
FRCP 1987 (MRCP 1973) 

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