J.S. Douglass

J. S.Douglass, A. M., M. D., PH. D., of Milwaukee, Wis., was born in Westmoreland, Oneida county, N. Y., on July 4th, 1801. 

His father was a pioneer farmer in that county. His academic studies were conducted at the Academy of Whitesborough, N. Y., where he continued his preparation for college, but the Madison University of New York, in consideration of thorough proficiency, conferred upon him the honorary degree of Master of Arts, and he received the degree of Ph. D. from the same institution, in 1870.

He pursued his medical studies in Palmyra, under Drs. McIntyre and Peckham, and under Drs. Sayles and Stevens, of Vernon, N. Y. He graduated M. D., at the Fairfield Medical College, N. Y., in 1825. After practicing in Oswego, Vernon, and Hamilton, N. Y., until 1848, he removed to Milwaukee, having three years previously adopted the homœopathic practice of therapeutics, at that date comparatively unknown in that section. In 1845, in less than one year after his conversion, he delivered a lecture before the citizens, and the faculty and students of the university, explanatory of the principles of homœopathy. The repetition of this lecture was several times called for, and so great was the interest awakened by it that he gave it to the press for wider diffusion. Hearing of a large number of physicians and laymen who had become homœopathists through this lecture, he made special efforts to disseminate popular information upon the subject.

He has given to the public several valuable works. In 1855, he published a valuable treatise on intermittent fevers, and subsequently, a more immediately useful work, entitled, "Practical Homœopathy." This has reached its eleventh edition. He has also been a contributor to various medical journals.

In 1859, he accepted the professorship of Materia Medica, and Special Pathology and Diagnosis in the Homœopathic College of Cleveland. He has been, since 1847, a member of the American Institute of Homœopathy -once its President, and once its Orator. He is now over seventy-one years of age ; in excellent health ; and able to perform all the duties of an extensive practice with the activity and energy seldom equaled by young men.

For nearly half a century he has earnestly and conscientiously been devoted to the practice of medicine-twenty years an allopath, twenty-eight years a homœopath. Long experience in both schools admirably qualify him to decide which is the superior. His sudden transition from the old to the new, and his unprecedented success in expounding and teaching the doctrines of Hahnemann, speak volumes in favor of his later choice. His lectures and writings, incisive and full of common sense, give evidence of vast philosophy and experience. He possesses, as he deserves, the love and reverence of his many friends and patients.


  • Birth: July 4th, 1801
  • Death: ?

    Father: ?
    Mother: ?

Further details on this entry would be welcome.


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