Vessels employed in the Slave Trade

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The following ships, and their Douglas owners, have been identified as being involved in the transportation of slaves from Africa to the Americas.

It should be noted that the vessels are listed only once.  Several made multiple trips.

Owner Vessel Flag Cargo Place where voyage began Via To Dates End
Douglas, Richardson - and others Liberty (1) Great Britain Slaves disembarked in Americas Liverpool West Central Africa and St. Helena, port unspecified Jamaica, port unspecified 1757/1758
Douglas, Robt Prince Edward Great Britain Slaves disembarked in Americas London Africa., port unspecified Kingston, Jamaica 1753/1754
Douglas, Thomas Saint George (2) Great Britain Slaves disembarked in Americas Scotland Bonny; Bight of Biafra and Gulf of Guinea islands Saint John (Antigua) 1753/1754 Montrose
Douglas, Thomas (as above) Potomack Merchant Great Britain Slaves disembarked in Americas Montrose Bonny; Bight of Biafra and Gulf of Guinea islands South Potomac 1751/1752 Montrose
Douglas, T (as above) Delight Great Britain Slaves disembarked in Americas Montrose Gambia, Senegambia and offshore Atlantic Virginia 1753/1754
Douglas, James, Douglas, Henry - and others Dobbs Gally Great Britain Slaves disembarked in Americas Bonny; Bight of Biafra and Gulf of Guinea islands Barbados, port unspecified 1748/1749 London
Douglas, Richardson - and others Rainbow Great Britain Slaves disembarked in Americas Africa., port unspecified Barbados, port unspecified 1754 Liverpool

Slave ships' captains
Vessel name Captain Date Slaves bought Slaves sold
Kentucky Douglas 1844 Southeast Africa and Indian Ocean islands Southeast Brazil
Sarah Douglass, William 1733 Other Africa South Carolina
James Douglas, William 1731 Gold Coast Barbados
Prince Edward Douglas, Robert 1752 Gold Coast Jamaica
Nancy Douglass, Thomas 1773 Other Africa Jamaica
Cotton Planter McCaw, P 1803 Other Africa Cuba

1. The Liberty was a privateer
2.  The Potomack Merchant was renamed Saint George



Sources for this article include:
  • UCL database

  • Any contributions will be gratefully accepted


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    Last modified: Thursday, 23 January 2025