Betto Douglas
We have before us the official details, (No. 187 of 1st May,
1827,) as recently printed by order of the House of Commons, of a
case from the Island of St. Kitt's, which affords some striking
illustrations of the spirit and influence of slavery—not merely as
it prompts the master to acts of cruelty and oppression, but as it
operates to subvert and vitiate the best sympathies of our nature,
to such an extent as to render slaveholders, generally speaking,
unfit to discharge the functions of legislation or of judicature
towards the enslaved population. The particulars of the present case
are as follow :—
Betto Douglas is a Mulatto slave, about
fifty-two years of age, belonging to the Earl of Romney. Some years
previous to the present transactions she had requested Mr. Goldfrap,
one of Lord Romney's attorneys on his estates in St. Christopher's,
to solicit for her the proprietor's permission to be allowed to
purchase the freedom of her two sons. The request was complied with;
and this poor slave had the delight of thus securing the freedom of
her offspring, probably under an impression that she might not live
long enough to effect her own liberation as well as theirs. Mr.
Goldfrap, in a letter to Governor Maxwell states, that he had on
that occasion strongly recommended Betto Douglas to Lord Romney's
favourable consideration, which recommendation his lordship seemed
to construe as a wish that she should be manumitted; and, as Mr
Goldfrap, who at that time ceased to be his agent, understood, had
issued orders to his'new attorney to that effect.
Several years
however elapsed, and no steps for her enfranchisement were taken.
She had been allowed to reside in a house, apart from the estate,
but was obliged, by the new agent, to pay a certain sum (three
dollars and a half) per month to Lord Romney. The following is her
own account when interrogated before the magistrates :—" Mr Cardin
told me I must go and work out for three and half dollars a month. I
told him I was not able to give that price : and he would insist,
and I went. And after I found it was so hard, I went to him again,
and told him the times were hard—I was not able to give that
price—that I sold all I had to pay the money: and he would insist. I
then said \ had nothing to give him, unless I went upon the
highways, and committed something bad. He would insist upon the
money. I then went to Master Richard; I tell him to speak to his
father, and tell him how hard the times were—and he promised to do
so. I told him his father had told me that he had directions to
manumit me, and I'd thank him to speak to him. The month following
that, I strove and made up three dollars and a quarter, and carried
that to him : and he told me if I did not give him the other quarter
he would stop my allowance." " When owing two months' hue, I went to
Mr. Cardin with four dollars, saying, I could pay no more. He
refused to receive the four dollars, but confined me two weeks in a
room; and my children went and borrowed three dollars, and made up
the seven dollars for the two months' hire. I paid for the time I
was in confinement, and received no allowance of any kind."
For about three years matters went on in this way. The monthly
pittance of three dollars and a half was wrung from the toil, or the
prostitution* of this poor creature, or supplied by the affection of
her children and relatives. But in February, 1825, these resources
failed ; and being hard pressed for the arrears by Mr. Cardin, and
having the assurance of his predecessor Mr. Goldfrap, that he
believed her to have had from Lord Romney a promise of manumission,
Betto Douglas, by the advice of that gentleman, presented a petition
to the Governor, praying for his interposition, in order to procure
for her relief and justice.
Governor Maxwell, with a
promptitude highly honourable to his character, immediately
instituted an inquiry into the facts of the case. But though Mr
Goldfrap, in his letter already mentioned, corroborated the woman's
claim for enfranchisement, so far as his recollection of Lord
Romney's kind intentions went, the other persons, to whom
referencewas made in the petition, contradicted her allegations; and
as no written evidence could be produced in support of her
pretensions, the claim was rejected, and she was advised by the
Governor to return to her duty on his Lordship's estate.
as the female slave alleged in her declaration, some of the1 persons
whose evidence opposed her claim, could have supported it except for
the dislike " to interfere with people's business," and to " go
against Mr. Cardin," we will not undertake to determine; but it is
obvious that she was herself fully persuaded that her manumission
was unjustly withheld from her by Mr. Cardin, after being granted by
Earl Romney; and this persuasion she continued to cherish, even
after the Governor had dismissed the case for want of proof.
On returning to Earl Romney's estate, Mr. Cardin insisted on Betto
Douglas going on hire, and continuing the monthly payment of three
and a half dollars as formerly. This it would seem she objected to—
alleging her inability to make it up. The course pursued with her is
thus described in her subsequent examination: " During the time I
was last in confinement, after the petition to the Govemor, I was
carried before Mr. Stedman Rawlins at Miss Douglas's; and from
thence I was carried to the estate, and confined in the stocks, from
the 17th May to the 2d December. I then owed for three months'hire.
I was put in stocks one foot night and day, except on several
occasions when Dr. Rawlins gave me physic." Some rumour of this
severe treatment having reached the Governor, he directed the
circumstances to be inquired into by the magistrates ; in
consequence of which the slave was liberated from imprisonment in
the stocks, after a confinement of six months : and on the 16th and
20th of January, 1826, an investigation of the treatment to which
she had been subjected was gone into. The conduct of the magistrates
on this occasion was very far from satisfactory. After examining the
woman, and hearing Mr. Cardin's exculpatory statement, a few
questions were asked of the witnesses brought forward in his
defence; but they seem to have carefully avoided calling such
witnesses or touching on such points as might lead to a confirmation
of his illegal conduct; and this defective investigation having been
concluded, they gave the following decision :
" The magistrates
having taken into their consideration the complaint preferred
against Mr. Cardin, are of opinion that the duration of Betto
Douglas's confinement in the stocks not being proved, they cannot
decide the question of the punishment being excessive; but they at
the same time cannot refrain from remarking, that Betto Douglas's
conduct has evinced great insubordination, highly injurious to the
property, and recommend that the said Betto Douglas be returned to
the estate, and placed at such light work as Mr. Cardin may please
to direct.
" We the magistrates having reconsidered the point
of Cawky Connor's evidence, are still of opinion that it is not
sufficiently strong to govern them in their opinion as to the
particular period of, Betto Douglas's confinement."
The Cawky
Connor here referred to was the person who carried the daily
allowance to the prisoner ; and she stated distinctly, that the
period of confinement " might be about six months."
attorney-general was so little satisfied with this decision that he
resolved to prefer a bill of indictment against Mr. Cardin, for
illegal treatment, at the ensuing Court of King's Bench and Grand
Sessions. A bill was accordingly preferred ; but here likewise the
spirit of the system was triumphant: the Grand Jury unanimously
threw out the bill, and made a special presentment to the Court, in
the following terms:—
" In returning the bill of indictment,
ignored unanimously, the Grand Jury feel themselves called upon
respectfully to state to the Court their regret that a prosecution
should have been founded upon so frivolous a complaint, and
supported only by the slender evidence adduced before them, whereby
the feelings of an honourable, humane, and respectable man have been
considerably wounded unnecessarily, and his character (which from
the evidence before us appeared unimpeachable) attempted to be
" The Grand Jury also beg leave to express to the
Court the feeling of indignation that this course of proceeding has
excited; and they lament that the time and money of the country
should have been thus sacrificed in investigating such frivolous and
unfounded complaints as the present matter is founded upon."
Such was the conduct of the Magistrates and Grand Jury of St.
Christopher's, in a case where very illegal and cruel conduct to a
slave was as clear as day ; and where, if more direct proof had been
wanted, it could readily have been obtained. Instead, however, of
animadverting on such gross partiality and injustice, in the strong
terms which naturally suggest themselves, we turn with much
satisfaction to the opinions expressed by Governor Maxwell and Earl
Bathurst in the correspondence appended to this case.
Governor, in transmitting the documents to Lord Bathurst observes :
" The several inclosures will inform your Lordship of the real
circumstances of the case, which contain strong evidence of the
illegal treatment of the old woman; but this sort of confinement
being a common usage, it is from custom considered justifiable and
proper. But this opinion is strongly reprobated by the
Attorney-general, and some humane thinking gentlemen in the island."
In reply Earl Bathurst remarks, that he had " read these
documents with great regret and concern;"—that " the fact of Betto
Douglas having been actually confined night and day in the stocks
for a period of six months, appears to be established;"—that " it
must also be observed, that if the magistrates considered the
evidence incomplete they had ample means of procuring additional
testimony. They might have put the question distinctly to Mr.
Cardin, junior, who as overseer of the estate, must have known the
truth, and to Mr. J. Rawlins, the attending physician on the
plantation : and had any doubt remained, it was palpably their duty
to send for other free persons resident on the estate, whereby the
truth of this simple fact might have been substantiated or
disproved. It is inexplicable why these obvious means of inquiry
were neglected."
Of the extraordinary presentment of the
Grand Jury his Lordship states, that he had " perused it with
extreme surprise." He then goes on to remark:—" They express their
regret that a prosecution should have been founded upon what they
term ' so frivolous a complaint;' yet the complaint which they thus
designate as' frivolous' was expressly stated in .the indictment
sent up to them, as nothing less than the confinement in the stocks
of a female slave for twenty hours in each day, during a period of
six months and eleven days. If it be said that such punishment was
sanctioned by usage, and that its severity was rather nominal than
real, it is to be remarked, that the Chief Justice in his charge to
the Grand Jury, uses the following expressions : ' It is due to the
cause of truth and justice to inform you, that the records of this
Court, and the Court below, to which the punishment of slaves is
more immediately confined, do not afford an instance of such severe
and protracted punishment for any offence whatever.'
" The
Grand Jury state that the charge was supported only by slender
evidence ; and that the feelings of an honourable, humane, and
respectable man have been considerably wounded unnecessarily; and
hischaracter, which from the evidence befpre us appears
unimpeachable, attempted to be assailed. .
" I am bound to
give the gentlemen of the Grand Jury credit for the conscientious
discharge of their duty, especially when I remember that this
presentment was made under the sanction of an oath. But it is
impossible not to observe, that as it is plainly no part of the
functions of a Grand Jury to examine witnesses in favour of the
accused, particularly as to general character and reputation, I am
at a loss to understand on what this part of their presentment was
" In conclusion the Grand Jury express '
indignation' at the course of proceeding adopted, and at the use of
the public money in what they again term ' a frivolous and unfounded
complaint;' observing, however, that they do not mean to cast any
imputation on the character of the Attorney-general.
" It is far
from my wish to use any expressions which could be painful to the
feelings, or injurious to the reputation of any gentleman in the
colony; but I cannot withhold the expression of my deepest regret
that such proceedings as those on which I have observed should have
" I have not particularly adverted to the offence
with which Betto Douglas was charged by Mr. Cardin, because it is
not very easy, nor perhaps very material, to discover the precise
nature of it. But it would appear from the language of Mr. Cardin
himself, as quoted by Mr. William Wharton Rawlins, that she was kept
in confinement,' in consequence of her refusal to continue the
payment of the hire' she had been in the habit of giving her master.
" If this was really the offence, it would be superfluous to
observe how utterly the punishment was disproportionate to such an
Of the justice and propriety of these observations
every one must cordially approve; and the discountenance shewn in
this case, both by Governor Maxwell and Lord Bathurst, to the
oppressive spirit of the Colonial proprietary, and to the
unrighteous spirit of the Colonial judicatures is highly creditable
to his Majesty's Government. But the root of the evil lies too deep
to be cured by such lenitive applications.
Even if we allow
that the old woman's claims for enfranchisement were illusory
(though supported by Lord Romney's former agent) what a picture does
not this case present to us of the meanness, as well as the misery
of the slave system! A poor worn-out female (for even the bench of
magistrates recommend her to be employed only in light work) is
refused the freedom which the strong recommendation of a former
manager, and the reply of the noble proprietor had long led her to
expect; and in order at the same time to silence her pretensions,
and to wring from her the paltry pittance of nine pounds a year, to
augment Earl Romney's income, this poor creature is first threatened
with being flogged and worked in the field, and is afterwards
imprisoned, and confined in the stocks for six continuous months. -
She had already meritoriously exerted herself, while health
and strength were continued to her, and before the ravages of age
had enfeebled her frame, to effect the redemption of her two
sons—magnanimously preferring their emancipation to her.own. And
when this meritorious conduct had produced an impression on the
agent of Lord Romney, and on his Lordship also, leading them to use
language calculated to excite a confident expectation of receiving
her own gratuitous manumission from the bounty of his Lordship—she
is threatened, at her advanced age, with flogging and the field, for
daring to prefer such a claim : and she is required, as the only
means of escape from that, or from some still worse fate, to pay to
Lord Romney a sum of three dollars and a half monthly, procure it as
she may. She fails to fulfil the condition : and what is the result
? She is incarcerated, on the sole authority of Lord Romney's agent.
She is incarcerated, her feet in the stocks, with a brief interval
in each day, night and day for six long months. And when an attempt
is made, by course of law, to relieve this poor creature from such a
merciless infliction, the grand jury (to say nothing of the
magistracy) representing, without doubt, the predominant feeling of
the white population of St. Christopher's, are roused to
"indignation" by the attempt; stigmatize the prosecution as if it
were a public nuisance; and reconsign the wretched Betto to the
tender mercies and considerate care of Mr. Cardin.
We have
often been accused of unfairly dwelling on individual in-" stances
of cruelty, as if they proved any thing more than that, in every
community, there were to be found cruel individuals. We have been
reproached on such occasions with Mother Brownrigg, or some other
inmate of the murderer's cell in England. But suppose Betto's case
had occurred on Lord Romney's estate in Kent, instead of his estate
in St. Christopher's, and that, invested with his Lordship's
authority, his bailiff had treated her as she has been treated by
Mr. Cardin ; and suppose a similar indictment had been preferred
against the bailiff before the grand jury at Maidstone, what would
have been the fate of that indictment, and what the situation of the
bailiff, as compared with that of his colonial compeer? Would he
have found the charge scouted as trivial; the bill on that ground
ignored, though there was not, and could not be auy opposing
evidence; the prosecution denounced and presented as a nuisance ;
the respectability of the accused affirmed in the face of positive
evidence establishing the facts of the case; and the wretched
complainant remanded to the custody and uncontrolled authority, and
arbitrary disposal of her oppressor ? So far from this, the general
indignation of the community would have been roused against the
bailiff; and he might have deemed himself fortunate in escaping from
the rage of the multitude without the loss of life or limb. Let us
only imagine such a transaction to take place in England, where the
peasantry, we are told, are far worse off than the slaves in the
West Indies ! Only suppose an elderly woman, the mother of a family,
to be treated by any nobleman in the land, or by any nobleman's
bailiff, as poor Betto was treated in St. Kitt's ; and what could
save the conduct of either the one or the other from the vengeance
of the law, and from the universal execration of the community ?
Can any thing shew more strongly than this contrast, which any
Englishman may realize to himself, the state of feeling which exists
in Colonial communities, as to all that affects the wretched slave,
when his claims are brought into competition with the authority or
the pride or the interests of the master or manager; or when a black
or a brown complexion, nay, when even a single tinge of African
blood stands opposed, before a jury of planters, to the unlimited
power, and the not-tobe questioned superiority of the white ?
Let us mark too in this transaction the real source of those
revenues, which enable the owners of West Indian estates to vie with
the proudest nobles of the land in every luxurious enjoyment; which
enable them even to purchase those seats in parliament that give
security to their uncontrolled power of exaction ; and thus enable
them also to maintain a system which violates with impunity every
obligation ofjustice and humanity, every maxim of constitutional
law, and every precept of the gospel. The real source of those
revenues is to be found in the compelling power of the whip and the
stocks and the dungeon, which may, at will, he put in operation to
secure to the absent owner an income of nine pounds a year from the
toil of a wretched female, who has already worn out her strength,
not only by the labours of nearly half a century for her master's
benefit, but by effecting besides the redemption of her two sons
from the stocks and the cartwhip; and the very dregs of whose age
and feebleness are to be drained in contributing to his multiplied
enjoyments, by toiling under a vertical sun, and under the whip of
the driver, for his sole advantage.
Is it necessary to add
one word more to the facts of the case ? They speak more strongly
than any comment could possibly do.
* The declaration that
she could not make up the sum" unless she went upon the highways,"
&c. appears to indicate some such wretched resource as is here
See also:
Biography of Betto Douglas
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