Descendants of Charles 2nd

Gt Gd son of Charles II

Francis Scott, 2d Duke of Buccleuch, *11.1.1695, +22.4.1751; 1m: London 5.4.1720 Lady Jean Douglas (+Langley 31.8.1729); 2m: London 4.9.1744 Alice Powell (+5.12.1765)


Gd dau of Francis Scott, 2d Duke of Buccleuch,E5.

Lady Frances Scott, *26.7.1750, +May 1817; m.London 13.5.1783 Archibald James Edward Douglas, Lord Douglas of Douglas (*1748 +1827)


Gt Gd son of Francis Scott, 2d Duke of Buccleuch

Henry James Montagu-Scott, 2nd Lord Montagu of Boughton, * London 16.12.1776, + London 30.10.1845; m.Dalkeith House 22.11.1804 Hon.Jane Margaret Douglas (*21.12.1779, + Ditton Park 8.1.1859) Dua of William Douglas, 1st Lord douglas, b before 1763


Gt Gd dau of Francis Scott, 2d Duke of Buccleuch

Lady Caroline Scott, * London 6.7.1774, +Bute House, Petersham 29.4.1854; m.Richmond 13.8.1803 Charles Douglas, 6th Marquess of Queensberry (*1777 +1837)