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Will - Honourable & Reverend Charles Douglas of Earlsgift 27 May 1857







TThis is my Last Will and Testament conceiving that my only remaining unmarried daughter Louisa Emma is by the provisions of
her Aunt Lady Charlotte Douglas will better provided for than any of my other children and further conceiving that my married
daughter Adelaide Charlotte by her marriage to Mr Ogilby and from the circumstance of the share of the accumulated funds
received from her Aunt Lady Charlotte Douglas’s Will being so much greater than those of the other married sister is also
provided for than them I do hereby will and bequeath to the rest of my children born of my first wife Lady Isabella Douglas
namely to my two sons William Grant and Gordon James and also to my daughters Anne Jane Surtees Augusta ffrederica Cox
Julia Mary Montgomery Caroline Prothero whatever property I may die possessed of also whatever sums may be out at the
different Assurance Offices in which I have insured my life with the exception of those Insurance Offices in favor of my wife
according to her Marriage Settlements and also whatever sum may be due after my death from my Successor to the living of
Donagheady for the charge on the Glebe house to be divided between them share and share alike But in case of my aforesaid
daughter Louisa Emma marrying before my death in which case the amount of the principal sum left and bequeathed by the
Will of Lady Charlotte Douglas would by the provisions of that Will go to my two surviving sons William Grant and Gordon
James share and share alike and conscious that in that case and under those circumstances my two sons would be better
provided for than most of my married daughters I do in that case will and bequeath all the property I may be possessed of all
the sums due from the Assurance Offices to which they are entitled and the sum due from my Successor for the charge on the
Glebe house to the above named daughters Anne Jane Surtees Augusta ffrederica Cox Julia Mary Montgomery and Caroline
Prothero to be divided equally among them share and share alike But as my son William Grant lent to me from a legacy
bequeathed to him the sum of three hundred pounds which loan I am repaying back to him by instalments I desire and it is my
will that whatever sum of that loan remains unpaid at my death then the amount be repaid in addition to whatever he may by
this my will be entitled to further I will and bequeath to Mrs Caroline Arabella Heath as a slight token of grateful remembrance
for past kindness conferred upon me a flat gold watch and chain that I have been in the habit of wearing which I request may
be delivered to her and I do further express my wish and request that my brother the Honble. Col. Douglas Pennant and my
nephew Lord Aberdour will see for me the provisions of this my last Will and Testament be carried out to the full meaning and
intention and as much as lies in their power attend to the interest of such of my children as require their protection
Charles Douglas (Seal)
Dated the 3rd day of March 1856 Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us –
Arthur J. Douglas 18 Cockspur Street London
Ed. G. Douglas Dalmally ~

In the Goods of the Hon. and Rev. Charles Douglas deceased.

Arthur J. Douglas of Cockspur Street London in the County of Middlesex in England Esq. maketh oath and saith that deponent is
an attesting witness to the last Will and Testament hereunto annexed of the Honourable and Reverend Charles Douglas
deceased saith said deceased duly executed said Will by signing his name opposite his seal at the foot or end thereof as same
now appears and by publishing and declaring the same to be and contain his last Will and Testament in presence of this
deponent and of Edward W Douglas the other subscribed witness thereto who with this deponent severally subscribed their
names as witnesses thereto in the presence of said deceased and of each other all three being present at one and the same
time –
Arthur J. Douglas –
Sworn this seventh day of February 1857 Before me –
Robert Higginbottom
Curate of the Parish of Templemore.

The last Will and Testament of the Honourable and Reverend Charles Douglas late of Earlsgift in the County of Tyrone Clerk
deceased (having and so forth) was proved in Common form of law and probate thereof granted by the Most Revd. Father John
George and so forth unto the Honourable Edward Gordon Douglas Pennant [in Will the Honourable Colonel Douglas Pennant] of
No. 36 Belgrave Square Middlesex one of the Executors of said Will according to the tenor thereof he being first sworn by
Requisition Saving the right of Lord Aberdour the other Executor of said Will according to the tenor thereof and of every person
whatever Dated the sixteenth day of March 1857.
M. Keatinge } D. Regs.
} A. J. Hawkins

Proved at London the 27th May 1857 before the Worshipful James Parker Deane Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oath of
the Honourable Edward Gordon Douglas Pennant the brother one of the Executors according to the tenor to whom Admon was
granted he having been first sworn duly to administer power reserved of making the like grant to the Right Honourable Sholto
John Douglas normally called Lord Aberdour the nephew the other Executor according to the tenor when he shall apply for the

Catalogue Reference: Prob 11/2251



See also:

  • Hon Rev Charles Douglas of Earlsgift


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    Last modified: Friday, 02 August 2024