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David Douglas Wemyss
David Douglas Wemyss (1760–1839), army officer, went by the name of
Douglas until about 1790, when he took the additional name of Wemyss,
to the noble family of which name he belonged. He was commissioned
ensign in the 49th foot on 27 April 1777, and joined them that year
in North America, where he served first under General Howe, and then
under Sir Henry Clinton, in the operations of the American war. In
November 1778 he sailed with the 49th from New York in the
expedition under Admiral Hotham and Major-General Grant to the West
Indies. He took part in the capture of St Lucia on 13 December, and
in the defence of the Vigie against the French under D'Estaing on
the 18th. He was also in the naval engagement off the island of
Grenada on 6 July 1779, and was promoted lieutenant on 15 August
1779. He returned to England in 1781.
Wemyss was promoted
captain on 31 May 1783, and shortly after, on reduction of his
regiment, was placed on half pay. He was brought into the 3rd foot
(the Buffs) on 9 June 1786, joining the headquarters at Jamaica. He
was required by ill health to return home in 1789. On 16 March 1791
he was promoted major in the 37th foot. In 1793 he served with them
under the duke of York in Flanders, where he took part in the affair
of Saultain, the battle of Famars (22 May), and the siege of
Valenciennes, which capitulated on 28 July. For his services he was
promoted lieutenant-colonel in the 18th foot (Royal Irish) from 12
April 1793. He was aged thirty-three. He had purchased every step in
rank from ensign to colonel.
Wemyss commanded his new
regiment in 1794, with the force under Sir Charles Stuart at the
capture of Corsica, taking part in the sieges of Fiorenza in
February, of Bastia in April, and of Calvi, where he was wounded, in
August. He was mentioned in dispatches, and in 1795 was appointed
governor of Calvi and its dependencies. He was promoted brevet
colonel on 3 May 1796. On the evacuation of Corsica in October he
accompanied the troops to Porto Ferrajo in Elba, whence he commanded
a force (including the 18th) which landed on the Italian coast on 7
November, and succeeded in driving the French from Piombino,
Campiglia, and Castiglione, but, the enemy receiving considerable
reinforcements, the British troops were withdrawn from Italy and
returned to Elba. On the evacuation of the Mediterranean in 1797
Wemyss took his regiment to Gibraltar at a time of the mutiny against
the Duke of Kent, where he was employed as a
brigadier-general on the staff until promoted major-general on 29
April 1802, when he returned to England.
In April 1803 Wemyss
was appointed to the command of the forces in Ceylon. He returned
home in 1806, was promoted lieutenant-general on 25 April 1808, and
on 27 May 1809 was appointed (the last?) governor of Tynemouth Castle and Cliffe
Fort (And Colonel of the 93rd?). He was promoted general on 12 August 1819. He died on 5
September 1839 at his residence, Upper Gore House, Kensington, and
was buried at Kensal Green cemetery.
His son served on the Revenge - Source: 'Lady Blessington at Naples By Edith
Clay (1979) See below'
Elias Tuckett married Sarah Merchant, of Bath, about 1750, and had
one daughter, Elizabeth Tuckett, who married Lieutenant-General
Douglas Wemyss, and died s. p. They married in Tottenham in
1810.(So, presumably a second wife) Elizabeth may have been 'The
Tottenham heiress'.
David's brother, James, was a Lt in the Marines and was wounded at
Trafalgar. Another brother, Thomas was the father of his niece, Frances Maria.
David Douglas Wemyss - summary
Born Scotland 1760; served in West Indies 1778 to 1782; also 1786 to
1789; Major in 3rd Foot march 1791; Lieutenant-Colonel in 18th Foot
12 April 1793 (on transfer from 37th Foot); served in Flanders 1793;
Governor of Calvi 1795; brevet Colonel 3 May 1796; on staff in
Gibraltar 1797 to 1799; Brigadier-General in Mediterranean 1798;
Major-General 29 April 1802; commander of forces in Ceylon 1803 to
1806; Lieutenant-General 25 April 1808; General 12 August 1819; died
GENERAL Douglas WEMYSS. Sept. 5. At Upper Gore house, Kensington, General David
Douglas Wemyss, Governor of Tynemouth and Cliffe Fort.
This officer obtained an Ensigncy in the 49th foot in 1776,
and the following year sailed for America, and in 1778 for
the West Indies. He was present at the taking of St. Lucie,
and in two naval engagements. In 1780 he was promoted to a
Lieutenancy; in 1781 the 49th was, on account of its reduced
state, drafted, and he came home; in 1782 he was promoted to
a company, and in 1783 placed on half-pay. The following
year he paid the difference between full and half pay, and
received a company in the 3d foot, which corps he joined at
Kingston in Jamaica in 1786, and remained on that service
till 1789, when, from ill health, he was permitted to return
home. In 1790 he was promoted to a Majority in the 37th, and
served with it 1793 in Flanders; he was present at the
affair of Saltaine and Famars, and the siege of Valenciennes,
and in the same year, 1793, he received the
Lieutenant-Colonelcy of the 18th or Royal Irish; he was at
the taking of Corsica, the sieges of Fiorenza, Bastia, and
Calvi. In 1795 he was appointed Governor of Calvi and its
dependencies, in the siege of which he had been wounded; the
3rd of May 1796 he had the brevet of Colonel. On the
evacuation of Corsica, Colonel Wemyss went with the troops
to Portoferrajo, and was appointed to the command of an
expedition to open a communication with the coast of Italy,
and to oblige the French to fall back upon Leghorn. The
enemy were driven from Piombino, Campelia, Castiglione, and
Grossetta. On the evacuation of the Mediterranean, in 1797,
he sailed for Gibraltar, and remained there on the staff
till 1799. In 1798 he was appointed Brigadier-General. On
his return to England he was placed on the Staff of the
expedition under Sir Charles Stuart, destined for the West
Indies, 1800, and in April sailed with the 1st division, but
was shortly after ordered to Gibraltar, where he remained
till 1802. The 29th April, 1802, he was appointed
Major-General; and in April, 1803, Commander of the Forces
in Ceylon, from whence he returned in 1806. He received the
rank of Lieutenant-General the 25th of April, 1808, and
subsequently the appointment of Governor of Tynemouth Castle
and its dependencies. The 12th of August, 1819, he obtained
the brevet of General. Twenty-four years of General Wemyss's
service were passed abroad : he purchased every commission :
served four years during the American war : twice in the
West Indies, and in the East: thrice on the Continent of
Europe: was present at nine sieges, several general actions,
and in innumerable minor affairs. It is believed the
Governorship of Tynemouth will not again be filled up.
The Gentleman's Magazine - 1839 |
Yesterday, we went on board the Revenge, commanded by Ad– miral
Sir Harry Neale. It is a magnificent ship; and the admiral is the
very beau idéal of a British flag-officer. Handsome, dignified and
amiable, no wonder that he is so beloved by his crew, and so
respected and esteemed by all who know him.
Among the officers of the Revenge, Lord B. has recognised the son of
an old friend, General Wemyss. He has come to stay a few days with
us, and is so amiable and well-informed, that he is a great
acquisition to our circle. He is daily expecting his promotion of
master and commander, and will he greatly regretted when he leaves
the Revenge. I know not why it is, that people imagine that naval
officers are in general rough in their manner, and more jovial than
well-bred. No opinion can be more erroneous; for, out of an
extensive acquaintance, I never met a naval officer that was not
well-bred and agreeable. Mr. Wemyss, who has been at sea since he
was ten years old, possesses all the high breeding and gentleness,
that people think appertain peculiarly to those accustomed to pass
the greater portion of their time in the most refined female
society. He draws remarkably well, is fond of music, and has an
extensive knowledge of literature; and is nevertheless, I am told,
considered one of the best officers in the service; a proof that
nautical skill is not incompatible with accomplishments and
The Idler in Italy by the Countess of Blessington
By Marguerite Blessington (Gardiner, countess of)
Probably August 1822
Any contributions will be
gratefully accepted particularly if you can help with his family
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