The Douglases of Tilquhillie Burial Aisle

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The Banchory-Ternan graveyard is situated in the Aberdeenshire town of Banchory.  In it is the burial aisle of the Douglasses of Tilwhilly, a plain building with slated roof, which stands near the middle of the kirkyard.


Burial aisle entrance lintel Archibald Kennedy Douglas Memorial to John Douglas of Falkenhorst
Entrance Lintel reads:
J. D : M. A : 1775
(John Douglas and Mary Arbuthnot)
Archibald Kennedy
John Douglas,
of Falkenhorst
and his wife
Memorial to Penuel McKenzie John and his brother George Douglas of Tilquhillie Hannah, widow of john john and mary memorial
Penuel McKenzie John and his
brother George
Hannah (?nee Colquhoun)
widow of John
John, son of
John and Mary
Memorial to John, 1904-1987 Memorial to Elsa, died 1961 Memorial to colin, 1947-1983 Memorial to John
John, died 1987 Elsa, died 1961 Colin, died 1983 John, killed shooting chamois
Memorial John, died 1943 Memorial to Olga de Reuter Memorial Plants:
John, Died 1943 Olga, died 1941 spare  spare

The Banchory-Ternan graveyard is situated in the Aberdeenshire town of Banchory.  In it is the burial aisle of the Douglasses of Tilwhilly, a plain building with slated roof, which stands near the middle of the kirkyard.

Note:  There are multiple spellings of Tilquhillie.

The initials and date of
J. D : M. A : 1775,
upon the door lintel, refer to John Douglass and his wife Mary, sister to the sixth Viscount Arbuthnott.

To their only son, a marble monument (inside) bears this inscription : —

Here lies Interr'd among his Ancestors, John Douglass of Tilliwhilly, Advocate, who died at Edini'. March 6th 1773, in the 36th year of his Age, and in his Fatheirs lifetime. He was only son of John Douglass and Mary Arbuthnott, was early educate in principles of true religion, which appear'd well in him all his Life. O ! Eeader, here drop a Tear for a young man so soon cutt off. But let this comfort thee, that he has gain'd infinitely by dying, for Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord ; and we have reason to believe that his righteous soul is now in a happy state, waiting for the resurrection of his body to eternal life. — The above is built in the south-east corner of the vault : The next is near it : —

In memory of Mrs Hannah Douglass, widow of the late John Douglass of Tilwhilly, advocate, and daughter of the late Sir G. L. A. Colquhoun of Tillyquhoun, Bart., who departed this life 10th April 1835, aged 53 years, and lies interred here, in the same grave with her husband. This tablet is placed as a small testimony of respect and affection by her only surviving son, G. L. A. Douglass, advocate(1). She lived beloved, and died lamented. Blessed are the dead that died in the Lord.

Upon a marble slab in the south-west corner : —

Here lies the body of John Douglass of Tilwhilly, who died on the 6th of July 1812, in the 40th year of his age. Here lies also the body of his only brother, George Lewis Augustus Douglass, Sheriff-Depute of Kincardineshire, who died on the 30th of October 1847, in the 76th year of his age. Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life. John xi. 25.

— From a dark grey granite slab, built into the wall above the last-noticed : —

In memory of John Douglass of Tilquhillie, and of Falkenhorst (Thueringen Vorarlberg, Austria.) Born at Inchmarlo, March 28, 1804 ; died at Tilquhillie, October 11, 1870.

— Quotations from John xiv. 12 ; v. 28 ; and ix. 25 (slightly destroyed by damp), are painted upon the plaster on the north wall.


1.  George Lewis Augustus Douglas (b 1773, d 30.10.1847); m. (01.08.1837) Hannah Ellison (dau of Henry Ellison of Bebburn, widow of Ralph (or John) Carr of Dunstan Hill)



Sources for this article include:
  • Photography by Andrew Douglas; July 2022

  • Any contributions will be gratefully accepted


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    Last modified: Thursday, 23 January 2025