Clan Douglas Association of Australia Newsletters


Page 2


See also page one for earlier editions and page three for later editions

With the demise of the Clan Douglas Association of Australia, it is important to ensure that the accumulated knowledge is not lost.

It is intended to collect and catalogue/index the newsletters here as a reference source for Douglas researchers.

There are more than 100 newsletters, and it may not be possible to gather them all, but as the collection grows, it may be necessary to change the format of this page.

Links to the newsletters can be found here>>>

CDAA Newsletter No41
DC3 camper van
Know your roots (Continued)
Archibald Douglas, Parson of Glasgow
The Battle of Arkinholm (Drawing)
Hon. John Douglas, CMG (Continued)
Chief of Clan Douglas (Daily Mail)
Unidentdified cottage near Annan (Photo)
St Andrew, patron saint of Scotland
Protocal of the celidh
Battle for Earldom of Selkirk
CDAA Newsletter No51
AGM reports
Ron Douglas, past president
Dating family photos  (continued)
Scotch whisky
CDAA Newsletter No42
AGM notes
Know your roots (Continued)
Hon. John Douglas, CMG (Conclusion)
Jock Douglas, AO
Clifton Hall (Photo)
Redheugh Dene (Drawing)
Oakes/Douglas, of Tasmania
James Douglas, 1836
Sir Sholto Douglas, patron of CDAA
CDAA Newsletter No52
History of C.D.A.A.
Marriage of William Shaw and Lisa Borlai (Photo)
Know your roots (continued)
Battle of Culloden
Dating family photos  (continued)
Robert Burns
CDAA Newsletter No43
Know your roots (Continued)
Douglass of Kurrajong Heights
Glamis Castle (Photo)
Dalmahoy (Photo)
Tragedy of Janet Douglas
Kilt accessories
Handwriting evolution
CDAA Newsletter No53
Clan Gathering at Newstead House
First Fleeter, William Douglas
Earls of Angus (continued)
Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (extract)
The Caledonian Pearl
Dating family photos - women
Douglas Heritage Centre
Salute to the Scots
CDAA Newsletter No44
Know your roots (Continued)
Dr RA Douglas, 1915-1998
Maj Sholto Douglas in Van Diemien's Land
Customs and beliefs
Lucinda Crichton
John Douglas, 1829-1903
Sir Robert Douglas, 3rd Bt, 1837-1884
Gogar Castle (Photo)
Douglass of Kurrajong Heights - correction
CDAA Newsletter No54
AGM reports
Glengallon Homestead
Crichton Castle
Dating family photos - men
Celtic origins of Christmas
CDAA Newsletter No45
AGM reports
CDAA Committee (Photo)
John Douglas, Bishop of Salisbury
Clan Douglas (Brief history)
Maj Sholto Douglas in Van Diemien's Land (Conclusion)
Celtica Herbal Elixir
St Monans (Monance) Church
CDAA Newsletter No55
Dating family photos
Earls of Angus (continued)
Scottish regiments
79th (Cameron of Erracht) tartan
CDAA Newsletter No46
Know you
Know your roots (Continued)
Sir Adye Douglas
Henry Douglas, Kangaroo Island
Last Quest of Sir James Douglas
The origin of tartan
Vanishing Kiwi - Francis Vernon Douglas
Early Douglas arms
The bones and the Heat - poem

CDAA Newsletter No56
CDAA Newsletter No47
CDAA Newsletter No57
CDAA Newsletter No49

CDAA Newsletter No50
Book launch - 'Never Behind'
How to date family photos
Know your roots (continued)
Battle of Bannockburn (part 2)
Celtic art
  CDAA Newsletter No77

  CDAA Newsletter No78

CDAA Newsletter No69
Drumlanrig (continued) - Dornoch, Mouswald, Penzearie & Baitford families
Heraldry (Continued from No63)
CDAA Newsletter No79

CDAA Newsletter No70
Drumlanrig (continued) - Morton & Fingland
Commonwealth wad dead - Ayrshire
Burghs of Barony
Monumental inscriptions - Hounan & Linton
Blue Mountains Pipe Band
Battle of Bannockburn
Research resources
CDAA Newsletter No80
Sandilands, Lord Abercrombie
Drumlanrig (continued)


Any contributions will be gratefully accepted


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The content of this website is a collection of materials gathered from a variety of sources, some of it unedited.

The webmaster does not intend to claim authorship, but gives credit to the originators for their work.

As work progresses, some of the content may be re-written and presented in a unique format, to which we would then be able to claim ownership.

Discussion and contributions from those more knowledgeable is welcome.

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Last modified: Thursday, 23 January 2025