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Surname List: Begins with B

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[no surname] ' ( * - 0 2 ? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \

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All surnames beginning with B, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. B (6)
2. B. (2)
3. B?ckstr?m (1)
4. B?dingen (4)
5. B?lach (1)
6. B?liny (1)
7. B?llesheim (1)
8. Baal (1)
9. Baart (3)
10. Babb (1)
11. Babbridge (1)
12. Babcock (20)
13. Babe (2)
14. Babel (1)
15. Babenberg (7)
16. Babin (2)
17. Babington (1)
18. Babo (1)
19. Babthorpe (2)
20. Baca (1)
21. Bacciochi (1)
22. Bacheller (1)
23. Bachkora (1)
24. Baciocchi (2)
25. Backhouse (1)
26. Backus (2)
27. Bacle (4)
28. Bacon (78)
29. Bacorn (1)
30. Bacot (2)
31. Badaroux (1)
32. Bade (11)
33. Badeloch (1)
34. Baden (43)
35. Baden-Baden (6)
36. Baden-Durlach (18)
37. Baden-Rodemachern (1)
38. Baderic (1)
39. Badget (1)
40. Badgley (1)
41. Badh (1)
42. Badlesmere (3)
43. Baedan (1)
44. Baeldaeg (1)
45. Baerg (1)
46. Baetann (1)
47. Baettge (1)
48. Bagenal (3)
49. Baggerly (2)
50. Baggs (2)
51. Bagley (4)
52. Baglin (1)
53. Bagnall (8)
54. Bagot (4)
55. Baguley (1)
56. Bagwell (9)
57. Baham (1)
58. Bahls (52)
59. Bahre (5)
60. Baiersford (2)
61. Baikie (18)
62. Bailes (2)
63. Bailey (101)
64. Bailie (2)
65. Bailiss (1)
66. Baille (9)
67. Baille-Hamilton (2)
68. Baillie (99)
69. Baillie-Hamilton (15)
70. Baily (7)
71. Bain (7)
72. Bainbridge (2)
73. Baines (6)
74. Baird (97)
75. Bairos (4)
76. Baithine (1)
77. Baity (1)
78. Baker (134)
79. Bakewell (2)
80. Balbus (2)
81. Balcarres (1)
82. Balcom (3)
83. Balderston (9)
84. Balderstone (2)
85. Baldhan (2)
86. Baldini (1)
87. Baldridge (7)
88. Baldry (3)
89. Baldwin (35)
90. Baldwin-Smith (1)
91. Bale (16)
92. Bales (6)
93. Baley (1)
94. Balfour (101)
95. Balfour (or Ramsay) (1)
96. Balfrour (2)
97. Balharrie (1)
98. Balian (1)
99. Baligarno (1)
100. Balkcombe (1)
101. Ball (47)
102. Ballah (1)
103. Ballance (3)
104. Ballantine (1)
105. Ballard (13)
106. Balle (2)
107. Ballentine (1)
108. Ballestrem (2)
109. Ballew (10)
110. Ballie (1)
111. Ballingall (5)
112. Ballingate (1)
113. Ballinger (2)
114. Ballingshall (2)
115. Balliol (6)
116. Ballioll (1)
117. Balloch (4)
118. Ballou (1)
119. Balmain (1)
120. Balmer (4)
121. Balmerinoch (1)
122. Balnavis (2)
123. Balquanquill (2)
124. Balquhain (2)
125. Balsdon (1)
126. Balser (2)
127. Balsille (1)
128. Baltinglas (1)
129. Baltzell (16)
130. Baluet (1)
131. Baluun (3)
132. Balwearie (2)
133. Bambery (1)
134. Bamburgh (4)
135. Bamford-Hesketh (1)
136. Bampfylde (2)
137. Bamville (1)
138. Banard (2)
139. Banaster (3)
140. Banastre (1)
141. Bancroft (8)
142. Band (4)
143. Bandell (4)
144. Bandini (1)
145. Bandle (1)
146. Bane (8)
147. Banes (1)
148. Bang (4)
149. Banganz (1)
150. Bange (1)
151. Banges (1)
152. Bangham (1)
153. Banghart (1)
154. Banister (3)
155. Banker (1)
156. Bankert (1)
157. Bankes (3)
158. Bankhead (1)
159. Banks (63)
160. Bankston (1)
161. Bannatine (2)
162. Bannatyne (2)
163. Banner (2)
164. Bannerman (26)
165. Banning (18)
166. Bannister (6)
167. Bannon (2)
168. Banta (30)
169. Bantin (1)
170. Bantz (2)
171. Banwell (1)
172. Baoth (1)
173. Bapp (1)
174. Bar (13)
175. Bar-Mousson (2)
176. Baraka (1)
177. Barakiel (1)
178. Barakiel) (1)
179. Barbancon (1)
180. Barbantine (1)
181. Barbar (1)
182. Barbara (11)
183. Barbaron (1)
184. Barbazon (4)
185. Barber (235)
186. Barber (or Barbour ) (1)
187. Barberini (1)
188. Barbour (8)
189. Barbrook (1)
190. Barby (1)
191. Barby-M?hlingen (1)
192. Barccus (1)
193. Barcelona (14)
194. Barchman (1)
195. Barclay (48)
196. Barclay-Maitland (1)
197. Barcroft (3)
198. Bard (3)
199. Barde (1)
200. Bardeau (1)
201. Barden (5)
202. Bardi (1)
203. Bardolf (15)
204. Bardolph (2)
205. Bardoul (2)
206. Bardsley (3)
207. Bardwell (1)
208. Bare (10)
209. Barenthin (1)
210. Barentine (1)
211. Barger (1)
212. Bargeron (3)
213. Bargewell (1)
214. Bargoit (1)
215. Barham (2)
216. Baril (1)
217. Baring (17)
218. Barington (1)
219. Barkalow (46)
220. Barkay (2)
221. Barkdull (1)
222. Barkeloo (1)
223. Barker (62)
224. Barkey (1)
225. Barkham (1)
226. Barking (1)
227. Barkley (7)
228. Barksdale (3)
229. Barksfield (1)
230. Barkway (1)
231. Barlag (1)
232. Barlett (1)
233. Barling (1)
234. Barlow (30)
235. Barnaby (1)
236. Barnard (24)
237. Barnardo (1)
238. Barnes (73)
239. Barnet (2)
240. Barnett (17)
241. Barnette (1)
242. Barnewall (234)
243. Barney (3)
244. Barnham (1)
245. Barnhard (10)
246. Barnhart (19)
247. Barnhouse (2)
248. Barnum (47)
249. Barnwell (10)
250. Baron (2)
251. Baron-Jobson (1)
252. Barr (26)
253. Barrac (3)
254. Barrack (6)
255. Barraclough (6)
256. Barrantes (1)
257. Barratt (53)
258. Barre (3)
259. Barres (7)
260. Barret (1)
261. Barrett (51)
262. Barrett-Lennard (1)
263. Barrette (1)
264. Barrick (1)
265. Barricklow (7)
266. Barriesford (1)
267. Barriet (1)
268. Barrington (6)
269. Barron (23)
270. Barrow (24)
271. Barrows (6)
272. Barry (38)
273. Barstow (27)
274. Bart (4)
275. Bartan (1)
276. Barten (6)
277. Barth (4)
278. Barthalmew (1)
279. Barthalomew (1)
280. Barthold (1)
281. Bartholf (4)
282. Bartholomew (9)
283. Bartim (1)
284. Bartkowiak (2)
285. Bartle (6)
286. Bartlett (20)
287. Bartley (3)
288. Bartmeir (1)
289. Bartolo (1)
290. Barton (41)
291. Bartos (1)
292. Bartosh (1)
293. Bartoun (2)
294. Bartram (1)
295. Barwick (4)
296. Barwise (1)
297. Barybrooke (1)
298. Barz (5)
299. Basabiliano (2)
300. Bascainn (1)
301. Baschaein (1)
302. Basco (1)
303. Bascom (2)
304. Basden (2)
305. Baser (1)
306. Bash (1)
307. Basham (1)
308. Bashford (1)
309. Basilia (2)
310. Basilina (1)
311. Basina (1)
312. Basing (1)
313. Baskerville (4)
314. Baskin (9)
315. Baskins (1)
316. Bass (10)
317. Bassanus (1)
318. Basset (40)
319. Bassett (63)
320. Bassingbourne (1)
321. Bassler (1)
322. Basso (1)
323. Basteguieta (1)
324. Bastian (10)
325. Bastien (2)
326. Bastin (3)
327. Batail (1)
328. Batatzaina (1)
329. Batatze (1)
330. Batatzes (1)
331. Batchelor (1)
332. Bate (2)
333. Bateford (2)
334. Bateman (21)
335. Bateman-Hanbury (2)
336. Bates (24)
337. Bateson (9)
338. Bateson-Harvey (1)
339. Bath (3)
340. Bathe (4)
341. Bathow (1)
342. Bathsheba (1)
343. Bathurst (2)
344. Batisford (1)
345. Batista (1)
346. Batman (1)
347. Batson (2)
348. Battel (1)
349. Batter (1)
350. Batterson (21)
351. Battin (1)
352. Battine (1)
353. Battista (1)
354. Battle (11)
355. Battram (3)
356. Batty (2)
357. Battye (1)
358. Baty (1)
359. Bauda (1)
360. Baudains (4)
361. Bauder (6)
362. Baudouin (3)
363. Bauer (9)
364. Baugh (4)
365. Baugher (2)
366. Baughey (1)
367. Baugues (1)
368. Bauhlite (1)
369. Baum (2)
370. Baumann (3)
371. Baume (2)
372. Baumgarner (2)
373. Baumgartner (1)
374. Bausch (1)
375. Bavaria (124)
376. Bavaria-Ingolstadt (1)
377. Bavaria-Landshut (4)
378. Bavaria-Munich (1)
379. Bavaria-Straubing (1)
380. Bavier (1)
381. Bavoillot (1)
382. Bax (3)
383. Baxendale (1)
384. Baxley (1)
385. Baxter (22)
386. Baxterlyon (1)
387. Bay (2)
388. Bayard (7)
389. Bayeux (4)
390. Bayless (3)
391. Bayley (4)
392. Bayley (Later Laurie) (1)
393. Baylis (14)
394. Bayliss (1)
395. Bayly (6)
396. Baynard (3)
397. Bayne (8)
398. Baynes (4)
399. Baynham (2)
400. Bayning (2)
401. Baynton (5)
   402. Baze (8)
403. Bazeley (2)
404. Bazley (1)
405. Bazner (1)
406. Bdagneault (1)
407. Beabout (2)
408. Beach (34)
409. Beachan (2)
410. Beacom (5)
411. Beacon (1)
412. Beai (1)
413. Bealdeagus (1)
414. Beale (2)
415. Bealing (2)
416. Bealknap (2)
417. Bealle (1)
418. Beals (6)
419. Beam (4)
420. Beaman (5)
421. Bean (24)
422. Beane (6)
423. Beaney (1)
424. Beard (19)
425. Bearding (2)
426. Beardslee (1)
427. Beardsley (3)
428. Beare (2)
429. Bearnock (1)
430. Beasley (9)
431. Beason (4)
432. Beat (1)
433. Beatie (2)
434. Beaton (17)
435. Beatoun (2)
436. Beatrice (10)
437. Beatrix (3)
438. Beatson (5)
439. Beattie (19)
440. Beatty (7)
441. Beaty (15)
442. Beauchamp (49)
443. Beauchamps (3)
444. Beauchenes (2)
445. Beauclerk (45)
446. Beaudette (2)
447. Beauficel (1)
448. Beauforest (1)
449. Beaufort (25)
450. Beaulien (1)
451. Beaulieu (1)
452. Beaulne (2)
453. Beaulnes (1)
454. Beaumont (44)
455. Beauregard (2)
456. Beauvais (1)
457. Beauvoir (1)
458. Beaver (4)
459. Beavers (2)
460. Beaw (1)
461. Bebee (2)
462. Bebout (1)
463. Bec (2)
464. Becher (1)
465. Bechtel (4)
466. Beck (31)
467. Beckelhymer (41)
468. Becker (21)
469. Becket (11)
470. Beckett (4)
471. Beckford (2)
472. Beckham (6)
473. Beckman (3)
474. Beckstrom (7)
475. Beckus (3)
476. Beckwell (1)
477. Beckwith (14)
478. Beckwith-Smith (2)
479. Beckworth (1)
480. Beconsai (2)
481. Beda (1)
482. Bedale (1)
483. Bedca (1)
484. Bedda (1)
485. Beddow (1)
486. Bedell (6)
487. Bedford (9)
488. Bedoiner (1)
489. Bedwig (1)
490. Bee (19)
491. Beebe (7)
492. Beech (2)
493. Beecher (2)
494. Beecroft (1)
495. Beedle (2)
496. Beehler (1)
497. Beekman (1)
498. Beeler (8)
499. Beeman (18)
500. Beers (24)
501. Beery (4)
502. Beeston (30)
503. Beet (2)
504. Beevor (3)
505. Beewith (1)
506. Beezley (17)
507. Beg (1)
508. Begbie (7)
509. Begg (1)
510. Begin (3)
511. Bego (1)
512. Behall (1)
513. Beheathland (9)
514. Beheler (1)
515. Behmer (8)
516. Behr (1)
517. Behrens (1)
518. Behringer (3)
519. Beirne (2)
520. Beitsh (1)
521. Beke (3)
522. Bekeb (1)
523. Beken (2)
524. Beker (1)
525. Beki (1)
526. Belair (2)
527. Belanger (13)
528. Belasye (1)
529. Belasyse (20)
530. Belayase (3)
531. Belcher (6)
532. Belden (7)
533. Belding (2)
534. Beldon (5)
535. Belew (1)
536. Belgians (7)
537. Belgium (3)
538. Belgiums (2)
539. Belgrave (3)
540. Belhaven (1)
541. Beli (3)
542. Belin (2)
543. Beliveau (1)
544. Belknap (4)
545. Bell (393)
546. Bellaby (1)
547. Bellairs (3)
548. Bellamy (2)
549. Bellars (4)
550. Bellasis (1)
551. Bellasys (2)
552. Bellay (1)
553. Belle (3)
554. Belleme (1)
555. Bellenden (6)
556. Belles (2)
557. Bellesfelt (1)
558. Bellew (13)
559. Bellhouse (3)
560. Belli (3)
561. Bellinger (8)
562. Bellingham (19)
563. Bellis (2)
564. Bellmore (1)
565. Belmore (1)
566. Belowski (1)
567. Belsches-Wishart (1)
568. Belsher (8)
569. Belton (5)
570. Belyea (8)
571. Beman (6)
572. Bement (1)
573. Benbow (1)
574. Bence (5)
575. Bench (2)
576. Bencinic (2)
577. Bender (124)
578. Bendern (4)
579. Bendickson (4)
580. Bending (12)
581. Bendle (4)
582. Bendziunas (2)
583. Benedict (14)
584. Benedikt (1)
585. Benediktdottir (1)
586. Benefiel (2)
587. Benevides (1)
588. Beneyt (1)
589. Benger (1)
590. Benham (11)
591. Benia (1)
592. Benight (2)
593. Benivides (3)
594. Benjamin (33)
595. Benn (1)
596. Benne (1)
597. Bennedict (1)
598. Benner (1)
599. Bennet (34)
600. Bennett (110)
601. Benning (2)
602. Benoit (9)
603. Bensel (1)
604. Benslie (1)
605. Benson (27)
606. Bentevers (2)
607. Bentheim und Steinfurt (2)
608. Bentheim-Tecklenburg (3)
609. Bentick (1)
610. Bentinck (17)
611. Bentinick (1)
612. Bentley (21)
613. Benton (18)
614. Bentz (6)
615. Benyon (1)
616. Benz (3)
617. Beorn (1)
618. Beouman (1)
619. Berard (1)
620. Berclay (6)
621. Berdette (1)
622. Bereford (1)
623. Bereman or Douglas or Schmidt (1)
624. Berendt (1)
625. Berengar (4)
626. Berenger (3)
627. Berengere (1)
628. Beresford (24)
629. Berestord-Peirse (4)
630. Berford (2)
631. Berg (18)
632. Berg-Schelklingen (1)
633. Berger (12)
634. Bergevin (3)
635. Bergh (1)
636. Berglio\Thorburg (1)
637. Bergljot (1)
638. Bergman (2)
639. Bergner (3)
640. Berindei (1)
641. Berjenanette (1)
642. Berkeley (43)
643. Berkely (1)
644. Berkhoven (3)
645. Berkshire (2)
646. Berlais (2)
647. Berlichingen (1)
648. Berling (1)
649. Bermingham (9)
650. Bermudes (1)
651. Bermudez (1)
652. Bernadina (1)
653. Bernadini (3)
654. Bernadotte (1)
655. Bernak (1)
656. Bernake (2)
657. Bernaray (1)
658. Bernard (42)
659. Bernay (1)
660. Bernell (5)
661. Berners (3)
662. Berneval (2)
663. Berney (2)
664. Bernhardt (7)
665. Bernhoft (1)
666. Bernic (1)
667. Bernica (12)
668. Bernice (1)
669. Bernicia (5)
670. Bernier (2)
671. Bernitt (1)
672. Bernon (1)
673. Berns (1)
674. Bernsdorff (1)
675. Beroldus (1)
676. Berow (2)
677. Berquin (1)
678. Berrend (1)
679. Berrim (1)
680. Berringer (1)
681. Berry (44)
682. Berryhill (4)
683. Berryman (19)
684. Berse (1)
685. Bertha (6)
686. Berthe (1)
687. Berthiaume (1)
688. Bertholet (1)
689. Bertie (30)
690. Bertling (1)
691. Bertnik (1)
692. Bertolani (1)
693. Bertolf\Bertolff (1)
694. Bertolini (1)
695. Bertram (7)
696. Bertrand (8)
697. Bertrude (1)
698. Bertzen (1)
699. Berverley (1)
700. Berwald (1)
701. Berwick (3)
702. Besancon (1)
703. Beschel (1)
704. Besik (1)
705. Bess (1)
706. Bessborough (1)
707. Besse (3)
708. Bessel (1)
709. Besset (2)
710. Bessie (2)
711. Best (20)
712. Bestor (8)
713. Beswick (2)
714. Betenham (2)
715. Betham (3)
716. Bethea (8)
717. Bethel (2)
718. Bethell (3)
719. Bethell-Codrington (1)
720. Bethune (36)
721. Betoun (4)
722. Betram (1)
723. Betsey (3)
724. Betsy (2)
725. Bettenhausen (3)
726. Bettershorne (2)
727. Betterton (1)
728. Betteson (1)
729. Bettie (1)
730. Betton (1)
731. Bettridge (1)
732. Betts (25)
733. Betty (10)
734. Bettz (3)
735. Betuel (1)
736. Betuwe (1)
737. Beuhling (1)
738. Beulah (1)
739. Beuthen (2)
740. Bevan (3)
741. Bever (1)
742. Beveridge (14)
743. Beverley (4)
744. Beverlin (2)
745. Beverly (4)
746. Bevers (1)
747. Bevil (2)
748. Beville (2)
749. Bevins (1)
750. Bevis (3)
751. Bewicke-Copley (3)
752. Bews (3)
753. Beyer (1)
754. Beyle (1)
755. Beynan (1)
756. Bhutan (7)
757. Biagota (1)
758. Bianco (8)
759. Biard (1)
760. Bibring (1)
761. Bice (1)
762. Bickel (1)
763. Bickell (1)
764. Bicker (2)
765. Bickerstaff (1)
766. Bickerton (3)
767. Bickford (2)
768. Bickley (1)
769. Bickmore (4)
770. Biddix (1)
771. Biddle (11)
772. Biddulph (3)
773. Biden (4)
774. Bidlack (3)
775. Bidwell (16)
776. Bieg (1)
777. Bielinski (2)
778. Bierbaum (3)
779. Biere (1)
780. Bierlien (1)
781. Bigby (1)
782. Bigelow (15)
783. Bigger (1)
784. Biggerstaff (1)
785. Biggert (1)
786. Biggs (5)
787. Bigham (46)
788. Bigler (4)
789. Biglin (3)
790. Bigod (14)
791. Bigras (1)
792. Bilbrough (3)
793. Bild (1)
794. Bile (1)
795. Bilhah (1)
796. Bill (1)
797. Billard (1)
798. Billet (2)
799. Billie (1)
800. Billing (2)
801. Billings (3)
802. Billingsley (2)
   803. Billington (5)
804. Billman (6)
805. Billman\Fife (2)
806. Bills (1)
807. Billung (3)
808. Billyard (2)
809. Bilodeau (1)
810. Bilsland (2)
811. Bilyea (1)
812. Binder (1)
813. Binding (1)
814. Bindoff (5)
815. Bine (2)
816. Bingaman (14)
817. Bingham (25)
818. Bingle (1)
819. Bingley (1)
820. Bining (1)
821. Binnie (7)
822. Binning (2)
823. Binns (19)
824. Binny (2)
825. Biondi (2)
826. Biornsson (1)
827. Birch (184)
828. Birchfield (1)
829. Bird (14)
830. Birde (1)
831. Birdsall (3)
832. Birdsell (1)
833. Birge (3)
834. Birk (1)
835. Birka (1)
836. Birkbeck (2)
837. Birkett (1)
838. Birkmyre (3)
839. Birley (3)
840. Birm (1)
841. Birmingham (8)
842. Birn (1)
843. Birnie (2)
844. Birrell (8)
845. Birstein (1)
846. Birt (4)
847. Birtwistle (194)
848. Birtwistle-Riley (2)
849. Biscay (1)
850. Bischoff (6)
851. Bischop (1)
852. Biscop (1)
853. Biseth (1)
854. Bisgood (1)
855. Bishop (43)
856. Bishopp (4)
857. Bisland (2)
858. Bissart (1)
859. Bisse (1)
860. Bissell (15)
861. Bisset (5)
862. Bissett (4)
863. Bisshopp (9)
864. Bissonette (5)
865. Bistline (4)
866. Bitner (1)
867. Bittle (1)
868. Bitty (1)
869. Bivins (2)
870. Bixby (2)
871. Bixler (1)
872. Bizzell (1)
873. Bjarni (1)
874. Blaauw (3)
875. Black (96)
876. Black-Hawkins (2)
877. Blackadder (7)
878. Blackader (1)
879. BlackBlack (1)
880. Blackburn (18)
881. Blackburne (4)
882. Blackenstoe (1)
883. Blacker (10)
884. Blacker-Douglas (6)
885. Blackerby (1)
886. Blacketer (4)
887. Blackett (13)
888. Blacketter (1)
889. Blackford (16)
890. Blackie (3)
891. Blacklaws (1)
892. Blacklock (1)
893. Blacklow (1)
894. Blackman (3)
895. Blackmer (7)
896. Blackmon (12)
897. Blackson (85)
898. Blackstock (3)
899. Blackstone (4)
900. Blackwelder (2)
901. Blackwell (19)
902. Blackwood (25)
903. Blaecman (1)
904. Blaikie (2)
905. Blain (2)
906. Blaine (2)
907. Blair (205)
908. Blair-Imrie (2)
909. Blaisdell (6)
910. Blake (38)
911. Blakelock (1)
912. Blakely (10)
913. Blakemore (5)
914. Blakeney (1)
915. Blaker (1)
916. Blakeslee (4)
917. Blakesley (3)
918. Blakie (1)
919. Blakiston (5)
920. Blakiston (Blackston) (2)
921. Blakiston-Houston (4)
922. Blamey (1)
923. Blanc (2)
924. Blanchard (7)
925. Blanche (2)
926. Blanchett (1)
927. Blanckenstein (2)
928. Bland (22)
929. Blandy (1)
930. Blank (1)
931. Blankenbaker (11)
932. Blankenbehler (1)
933. Blankenbeker (5)
934. Blankenship (20)
935. Blann (4)
936. Blannott (7)
937. Blanton (2)
938. Blantyre (4)
939. Blascon (2)
940. Blasher (1)
941. Blasio (2)
942. Blaski (1)
943. Blass (2)
944. Blathachta (1)
945. Blathwyt (2)
946. Blaustein (1)
947. Blauvelt (1)
948. Blaylock (4)
949. Blayney (2)
950. Blaythwayte (2)
951. Bleakley (6)
952. Bleasel (4)
953. Bledsoe (2)
954. Bleeks (1)
955. Bleich (1)
956. Blennerhassett (6)
957. Blesenthal (4)
958. Bleuer (1)
959. Blevin (1)
960. Blevins (5)
961. Blewer (1)
962. Blick (1)
963. Bligh (11)
964. Blight (1)
965. Bline (1)
966. Blinkensopp (4)
967. Blinn (16)
968. Bliss (33)
969. Blissie (1)
970. Blitildis (1)
971. Blivins (8)
972. Blizzard (3)
973. Block (1)
974. Blocklack (1)
975. Blodget (2)
976. Blodnikar (2)
977. Blogg (1)
978. Blois (23)
979. Blomer (4)
980. Blomfield (2)
981. Blomstedt (1)
982. Blondell (2)
983. Blondin (2)
984. Blood (1)
985. Bloodgood (2)
986. Bloom (2)
987. Bloomer (2)
988. Bloomfield (6)
989. Bloor (13)
990. Bloss (1)
991. Blount (38)
992. Blowe (2)
993. Blue (4)
994. Bluet (2)
995. Bluett (2)
996. Blum (2)
997. Blumer (2)
998. Blummer (1)
999. Blund (1)
1000. Blundell (7)
1001. Blunston (1)
1002. Blunt (3)
1003. Blurchard (1)
1004. Blynn (1)
1005. Blystone (1)
1006. Blyth (7)
1007. Blythe (11)
1008. Blythman (2)
1009. Boak (Burke?) (1)
1010. Board (4)
1011. Boardley (2)
1012. Boardman (8)
1013. Boas (5)
1014. Boate (2)
1015. Boatman (2)
1016. Boatright (2)
1017. Boatwright (4)
1018. Boaz (1)
1019. Bobbie (1)
1020. Bobby (1)
1021. Bober (1)
1022. Bobo (24)
1023. Bobrinsky (1)
1024. Boccuzzi (1)
1025. Bocholtz-Asseburg (1)
1026. Bockland (1)
1027. Bocock (6)
1028. Bode (2)
1029. Bodenham (3)
1030. Bodgeley (1)
1031. Bodicea (1)
1032. Bodie (1)
1033. Bodine (3)
1034. Bodley (1)
1035. Bodman (1)
1036. Bodrits (1)
1037. Bodwell (10)
1038. Boedhe (1)
1039. Boehm (10)
1040. Boeji (1)
1041. Boesch (1)
1042. Bofa (1)
1043. Bogaert (1)
1044. Bogard (2)
1045. Bogardus (7)
1046. Bogart (1)
1047. Bogdan (2)
1048. Boggan (38)
1049. Boggiano (1)
1050. Boggis (4)
1051. Boggis-Rolfe (5)
1052. Boggs (11)
1053. Bogie (3)
1054. Bogle (8)
1055. Bogue (2)
1056. Bohannan (1)
1057. Bohemia (69)
1058. Bohemia\Poland (1)
1059. Bohen (1)
1060. Boher (1)
1061. Bohler (1)
1062. Bohm (1)
1063. Bohman (2)
1064. Bohn (1)
1065. Bohum (1)
1066. Bohun (1)
1067. Boilard (1)
1068. Boileau (3)
1069. Bois (2)
1070. Bois-Ferrand (2)
1071. Boisdavid (3)
1072. Boisseau (3)
1073. Boissey-Le-Chatel (1)
1074. Boissier (6)
1075. Bok (2)
1076. Bokal (1)
1077. Boker (2)
1078. Bolam (1)
1079. Boland (5)
1080. Bolander (1)
1081. Bolc (1)
1082. Bold (3)
1083. Boles (4)
1084. Boley (1)
1085. Boleyn (16)
1086. Bolgon (1)
1087. Bolhay (1)
1088. Boling (1)
1089. Bollar (1)
1090. Bolle (6)
1091. Bollin (1)
1092. Bolling (13)
1093. Bollinger (1)
1094. Bolls (2)
1095. Bollweg (2)
1096. Boltenhouse (1)
1097. Boltman (1)
1098. Bolton (6)
1099. Bolts (1)
1100. Boltwood (1)
1101. Bonaccolosi (1)
1102. Bonacorsi (1)
1103. Bonames (1)
1104. Bonapart (1)
1105. Bonaparte (73)
1106. Bonaparte-Patterson (6)
1107. Bonar (8)
1108. Bonczynski (1)
1109. Bond (33)
1110. Bonde (10)
1111. Bonds (1)
1112. Bondurant (1)
1113. Bone (5)
1114. Bonear (1)
1115. Bonebright (3)
1116. Boneham (13)
1117. Boner (4)
1118. Bones (20)
1119. Bongiovanni (4)
1120. Bonham (4)
1121. Bonifant (11)
1122. Bonine (1)
1123. Boning (1)
1124. Bonipeu (1)
1125. Boniton (1)
1126. Bonk (7)
1127. Bonker (2)
1128. Bonkyl (2)
1129. Bonman (1)
1130. Bonnar (1)
1131. Bonneau (5)
1132. Bonnel (1)
1133. Bonnell (2)
1134. Bonner (9)
1135. Bonnett (2)
1136. Bonney (2)
1137. Bonngau (1)
1138. Bonnikson (1)
1139. Bonning (1)
1140. Bonnyman (2)
1141. Bonocar (1)
1142. Bonsey (1)
1143. Bonshaw (1)
1144. Bonson (4)
1145. Bonte (1)
1146. Bontein (2)
1147. Bonthrone (1)
1148. Bontine (1)
1149. Bonville (8)
1150. Bonzo (2)
1151. Booher (27)
1152. Book (6)
1153. Booker (8)
1154. Bookman (1)
1155. Boone (18)
1156. Boonman (2)
1157. Boor (7)
1158. Booram (1)
1159. Boord (3)
1160. Boost (1)
1161. Booth (43)
1162. Boothby (4)
1163. Boothe (3)
1164. Boothman (3)
1165. Booths (1)
1166. Bootle-Wilbraham (2)
1167. Boots (425)
1168. Booy (2)
1169. Booyer (1)
1170. Booze (1)
1171. Boozer (5)
1172. Boquette (1)
1173. Boraker (2)
1174. Borbone (1)
1175. Borden (5)
1176. Borden-Fernly-Burk (1)
1177. Borders (3)
1178. Bordroyne (1)
1179. Borel (1)
1180. Boreland (1)
1181. Borelli (2)
1182. Boren (3)
1183. Borgen (1)
1184. Borghese (4)
1185. Borgia (1)
1186. Boring (1)
1187. Borks (1)
1188. Borland (1)
1189. Born (1)
1190. Borneman (6)
1191. Boroughs (1)
1192. Borovsk (3)
1193. Borri (2)
1194. Bort (1)
1195. Borthwick (37)
1196. Bos (1)
1197. Boscawen (108)
1198. Bosie (2)
1199. Boskovic (1)
1200. Bosnia (6)
1201. Boso (1)
1202. Boss (8)
1203. Bossie (1)
   1204. Bosswell (1)
1205. Boster (1)
1206. Bostick (1)
1207. Bostock (5)
1208. Boston (1)
1209. Bostwick (1)
1210. Bosvile (2)
1211. Bosville (4)
1212. Bosville Macdonald (1)
1213. Boswall (1)
1214. Boswell (43)
1215. Boswell-Douglas (8)
1216. Bosworth (15)
1217. Boteler (17)
1218. Boterel (9)
1219. Botererl (3)
1220. Bothwell (15)
1221. Bothwick (1)
1222. Botiller (2)
1223. Botreaux (1)
1224. Botrton (1)
1225. Bottetcourt (2)
1226. Bottomley (1)
1227. Botton (1)
1228. Bouch (1)
1229. Bouchard (1)
1230. Boucher (1)
1231. Boude (35)
1232. Boudinott (1)
1233. Boudreau (1)
1234. Bough (1)
1235. Boughan (1)
1236. Boughton (4)
1237. Bougie (5)
1238. Bouling (1)
1239. Boulogne (17)
1240. Boultbee (1)
1241. Boulton (4)
1242. Boulware (2)
1243. Bounassisi (1)
1244. Bounden (1)
1245. Bourbeau (2)
1246. Bourbon (1)
1247. Bourbon-Montpensier (1)
1248. Bourbon-Parma (5)
1249. Bourbon-Penthi?vre (1)
1250. Bourbonais (3)
1251. Bourbonnaise (1)
1252. Bourchier (37)
1253. Bourdal (1)
1254. Bourdeau (1)
1255. Bourgeois (1)
1256. Bourges (1)
1257. Bourghchier (1)
1258. Bourgogne (14)
1259. Bourke (23)
1260. Bourn (1)
1261. Bourne (6)
1262. Bournes (1)
1263. Boursier (1)
1264. Bouseman (1)
1265. Bousis (1)
1266. Bousman (1)
1267. Bousofiane (1)
1268. Bousquet (1)
1269. Boutcher (5)
1270. Bouteiller (1)
1271. Boutignon (1)
1272. Boutilier (1)
1273. Boutwell (1)
1274. Bouverie (9)
1275. Bouvet (1)
1276. Bouvier (1)
1277. Bouwens (3)
1278. Bovile (2)
1279. Bovill (8)
1280. Bow (2)
1281. Bowcock (2)
1282. Bowden (19)
1283. Bowdich (5)
1284. Bowditch (1)
1285. Bowdre (5)
1286. Bowen (57)
1287. Bower (6)
1288. Bower-Bower (1)
1289. Bowerman (10)
1290. Bowers (15)
1291. Bowes (7)
1292. Bowes-Lyon (25)
1293. Bowet (1)
1294. Bowie (1)
1295. Bowker (3)
1296. Bowker-Douglass (4)
1297. Bowkes (2)
1298. Bowlby (3)
1299. Bowler (1)
1300. Bowles (20)
1301. Bowlin (10)
1302. Bowling (1)
1303. Bowlins (1)
1304. Bowman (56)
1305. Bowman-Flynn (1)
1306. Bowman? (1)
1307. Bown (1)
1308. Bowness (1)
1309. Bowscar (2)
1310. Bowser (1)
1311. Bowya (1)
1312. Bowyer (27)
1313. Bowyer (Later Atkins-Bowyer Of Clapham) (1)
1314. Bowyer-Bower (1)
1315. Bowyer-Smith (2)
1316. Box (9)
1317. Boyce (25)
1318. Boyd (117)
1319. Boyd (Previously Hay) (2)
1320. Boyd-Carpenter (2)
1321. Boyde (2)
1322. Boydell (5)
1323. Boyer (18)
1324. Boyes (3)
1325. Boykin (14)
1326. Boyle (191)
1327. Boyletownshend (1)
1328. Boylston (2)
1329. Boynton (9)
1330. Boys (3)
1331. Boyson (2)
1332. Boze (1)
1333. Bozena (1)
1334. Bozzi (2)
1335. Br?ggen (1)
1336. Br?hl (16)
1337. Brabant (45)
1338. Brabant-Aerschot (1)
1339. Brabant-Arschott (1)
1340. Brabazon (13)
1341. Brabshimire (1)
1342. Bracan (1)
1343. Brace (8)
1344. Bracebridge (2)
1345. Bracewell (2)
1346. Bracewell)Tempest (3)
1347. Brackell (2)
1348. Bracken (5)
1349. Brackett (3)
1350. Brackhausen (2)
1351. Brackley (1)
1352. Brackney (2)
1353. Bracton (2)
1354. Bradberry (1)
1355. Bradbury (1)
1356. Bradby (1)
1357. Braden (9)
1358. Bradfield (1)
1359. Bradford (78)
1360. Brading (1)
1361. Bradish (1)
1362. Bradley (40)
1363. Bradshaigh (3)
1364. Bradshaw (7)
1365. Bradstreet (1)
1366. Bradwell (1)
1367. Brady (14)
1368. Braganca (1)
1369. Braganza (1)
1370. Bragg (1)
1371. Braidfoot (1)
1372. Brailey (2)
1373. Brailsford (1)
1374. Brain (4)
1375. Brainard (10)
1376. Braine (2)
1377. Brainerd (1)
1378. Braithewaite (1)
1379. Braithwaite (8)
1380. Braley (1)
1381. Bramall (1)
1382. Braman (6)
1383. Bramble (3)
1384. Brame (3)
1385. Bramen (18)
1386. Bramhall (3)
1387. Bramlett (1)
1388. Brammer (1)
1389. Bramston (1)
1390. Bran (4)
1391. Branbridge (1)
1392. Branch (91)
1393. Brand (17)
1394. Brandeburg (1)
1395. Brandenberg (11)
1396. Brandenberg-Ansbach (3)
1397. Brandenberg-Salzwedel (2)
1398. Brandenberg-Schwedt (1)
1399. Brandenberger (1)
1400. Brandenburg (39)
1401. Brandenburg-Ansbach (8)
1402. Brandenburg-Bayreuth (10)
1403. Brandenburg-Kulmbach (2)
1404. Brandenburg-Salzwedel (1)
1405. Brandenburg-Schwedt (6)
1406. Branderhorst (8)
1407. Brandis (5)
1408. Brandling (1)
1409. Brandon (35)
1410. Brandram (2)
1411. Brandt (5)
1412. Brane (2)
1413. Branford (10)
1414. Branham (12)
1415. Brann (2)
1416. Brannan (2)
1417. Brannen (1)
1418. Brannin (1)
1419. Branning (169)
1420. Brannon (3)
1421. Bransford (2)
1422. Branson (11)
1423. Brant (2)
1424. Brantley (3)
1425. Brantner (1)
1426. Braose\Bruce (2)
1427. Brashear (1)
1428. Brashears (40)
1429. Brasher (1)
1430. Brassard (5)
1431. Brasseur (2)
1432. Brassey (12)
1433. Bratcher (1)
1434. Bratchie (1)
1435. Brath (1)
1436. Bratlie (2)
1437. Bratton (12)
1438. Braughton (1)
1439. Brault (1)
1440. Braum (1)
1441. Braunschweig (13)
1442. Braunschweig-Bevern (1)
1443. Braunschweig-Blankenberg (1)
1444. Braunschweig-Celle (1)
1445. Braunschweig-Dannenberg (2)
1446. Braunschweig-G?ttingen (6)
1447. Braunschweig-Grubenhagen (7)
1448. Braunschweig-Grubenhagen-Einbeck (1)
1449. Braunschweig-Harburg (1)
1450. Braunschweig-Kalenberg (2)
1451. Braunschweig-L?neburg (21)
1452. Braunschweig-Osterode (1)
1453. Braunschweig-Wolfen (1)
1454. Braunschweig-Wolfenb?tt (1)
1455. Braunschweig-Wolfenb?ttel (18)
1456. Braunschweig-Wolffenb?ttel (1)
1457. Brauw (1)
1458. Bravo (1)
1459. Brawley (13)
1460. Brawls (1)
1461. Brawn (1)
1462. Bray (23)
1463. Braybroke (2)
1464. Braybrook (2)
1465. Braybrooke (3)
1466. Braye (4)
1467. Brayla (1)
1468. Brayman (3)
1469. Braymer (1)
1470. Brayn (1)
1471. Brayshaw (157)
1472. Brayshaw(Brawshaw) (1)
1473. Brayton (1)
1474. Brazeau (1)
1475. Brazel (1)
1476. Brazell (1)
1477. Brazelton (1)
1478. Brazil (1)
1479. Brazzel (1)
1480. Breadalbane (1)
1481. Breadman (3)
1482. Breagh (1)
1483. Breakey (2)
1484. Breakfield (3)
1485. Breaks (1)
1486. Bream (5)
1487. Brearey (2)
1488. Breasrigh (1)
1489. Breassal (1)
1490. Breazeale (1)
1491. Brebant (1)
1492. Brecheisen (1)
1493. Brechin (3)
1494. Brecknock (1)
1495. Brecount (1)
1496. Bredner (1)
1497. Bree (3)
1498. Breebaart (1)
1499. Breeding (1)
1500. Breedlove (3)
1501. Breemes (1)
1502. Breen (2)
1503. Breese (6)
1504. Breestede (1)
1505. Bregg (1)
1506. Bregger (1)
1507. Bregon (1)
1508. Breguswith (1)
1509. Breichniog (1)
1510. Breier (1)
1511. Breisgau (2)
1512. Breithaupt (1)
1513. Breland (2)
1514. Brelloch (1)
1515. Brelsford (1)
1516. Bremen (1)
1517. Bremer (1)
1518. Bremner (1)
1519. Brennaman (1)
1520. Brennan (7)
1521. Brennen (1)
1522. Brenner (5)
1523. Brent (4)
1524. Brenton (1)
1525. Brereton (5)
1526. Bresie (2)
1527. Breslau (3)
1528. Bressler (3)
1529. Bret (2)
1530. Bretaign (3)
1531. Breton (2)
1532. Brett (11)
1533. Breugel (5)
1534. Breugel Douglas (3)
1535. Breugel-Douglas (2)
1536. Breunner (1)
1537. Brevard (107)
1538. Brewer (75)
1539. Brewes (5)
1540. Brewis (5)
1541. Brewster (9)
1542. Brewton (4)
1543. Brian (1)
1544. Briarcliffe (1)
1545. Brice (37)
1546. Brick (1)
1547. Brickland (2)
1548. Brickley (1)
1549. Brickner (3)
1550. Brico (1)
1551. Briconnet (1)
1552. Bridenbaker (1)
1553. Bridenbough (1)
1554. Bridge (14)
1555. Bridgeman (18)
1556. Bridgeman-Simpson (2)
1557. Bridgen (1)
1558. Bridger (5)
1559. Bridges (9)
1560. Bridget (1)
1561. Bridgett (2)
1562. Bridgewater (3)
1563. Bridgwater (1)
1564. Bridgwood (6)
1565. Brieg (5)
1566. Brientini (2)
1567. Briese (3)
1568. Briggs (41)
1569. Bright (8)
1570. Brightley (2)
1571. Briley (1)
1572. Brill (4)
1573. Brims (4)
1574. Brimson (2)
1575. Brinberry (3)
1576. Brinckerhoff (1)
1577. Brinckeroff (1)
1578. Brind (1)
1579. Brine (4)
1580. Bringham (1)
1581. Bringol (1)
1582. Brining (1)
1583. Brink (4)
1584. Brinker (1)
1585. Brinkerhoff (1)
1586. Brinkhorst (1)
1587. Brinkley (5)
1588. Brinkman (15)
1589. Brinkruff (1)
1590. Brinton (1)
1591. Brisbane (16)
1592. Briscoe (34)
1593. Brisomu (1)
1594. Brissey (1)
1595. Brisson (5)
1596. Brister (6)
1597. Bristol (21)
1598. Bristow (2)
1599. Bristowe (2)
1600. Britain (37)
1601. Britain) (1)
1602. Britany (1)
1603. Britiffe (1)
1604. Britland (1)
   1605. Britons (9)
1606. Britt (3)
1607. Brittany (44)
1608. Brittas (1)
1609. Britton (4)
1610. Briwere (3)
1611. Briwerre (1)
1612. Brnffenigl (8)
1613. Broadbent (1)
1614. Broadfoot (15)
1615. Broadhead (4)
1616. Broadhurst (2)
1617. Broadspear (2)
1618. Broadwood (1)
1619. Broas (1)
1620. Brobston (1)
1621. Brock (1)
1622. Brock-Hollinshead (2)
1623. Brockburn (1)
1624. Brockden (1)
1625. Brocket (1)
1626. Brockett (15)
1627. Brockhall (1)
1628. Brockhaus (8)
1629. Brockholes (2)
1630. Brockman (1)
1631. Brocksopp (1)
1632. Brockway (5)
1633. Brodbeck (3)
1634. Broderick (1)
1635. Brodhead (2)
1636. Brodie (59)
1637. Brodiske (2)
1638. Brodrick (1)
1639. Broek (1)
1640. Broertjes (8)
1641. Brogden (1)
1642. Bromage (1)
1643. Brome (2)
1644. Bromehall (2)
1645. Bromfield (6)
1646. Bromflete (1)
1647. Bromhead (4)
1648. Bromley (6)
1649. Bromnenburg (3)
1650. Bromwich (1)
1651. Brond (1)
1652. Bronnenberg (1)
1653. Bronough (1)
1654. Bronson (3)
1655. Brook (1)
1656. Brooke (31)
1657. Brooker (4)
1658. Brookes (5)
1659. Brookhouse (1)
1660. Brooks (110)
1661. Brooksbank (4)
1662. Brooksby (1)
1663. Brookshire (1)
1664. Broome (3)
1665. Broomfield (1)
1666. Brosc (1)
1667. Brosenitsch (7)
1668. Broshar (6)
1669. Bross (2)
1670. Brosseau (1)
1671. Brossoit (3)
1672. Brotherhood (2)
1673. Brotherington (1)
1674. Brothers (2)
1675. Brotherson (1)
1676. Brotherton (2)
1677. Brothwick (2)
1678. Brotzman (7)
1679. Brough (3)
1680. Broughman (1)
1681. Broughton (22)
1682. Brouke (1)
1683. Broun (6)
1684. Broun-Ramsay (1)
1685. Broune (1)
1686. Brousseau (2)
1687. Brower (66)
1688. Browm (1)
1689. Brown (572)
1690. Brown Douglas (1)
1691. Browne (128)
1692. Brownell (3)
1693. Brownfield (1)
1694. Browning (6)
1695. Brownlaw (2)
1696. Brownlee (16)
1697. Brownlie (1)
1698. Brownlow (5)
1699. Brownlow-Smith (1)
1700. Brownsmith (2)
1701. Brownson (3)
1702. Brownwell (6)
1703. Brownworth (7)
1704. Broyles (7)
1705. Brrewer (1)
1706. Bruadar (1)
1707. Brubaker (1)
1708. Bruce (323)
1709. Bruce-Gardyne (17)
1710. Brucher (4)
1711. Brudenall (1)
1712. Brudenall-Bruce (4)
1713. Brudenell (14)
1714. Brugge (3)
1715. Bruhl (1)
1716. Bruim (1)
1717. Brumby (19)
1718. Brumit (1)
1719. Brummel (1)
1720. Brummett (2)
1721. Brumsteede (1)
1722. Brundage (3)
1723. Brundle (1)
1724. Brune (2)
1725. Bruneau (13)
1726. Brunel-Cohen (9)
1727. Bruner (6)
1728. Brunet (7)
1729. Brunet-Bourbonna (1)
1730. Bruning (1)
1731. Brunker (4)
1732. Brunner (2)
1733. Bruno (3)
1734. Brunson (5)
1735. Brunswick (20)
1736. Brunswick-L?neburg (5)
1737. Brunswick-L?neburg-Gottingen (1)
1738. Brunswick-L?neburgh (1)
1739. Brunswick-Lunenburg (2)
1740. Brunswick-Wolfenb?ttel (4)
1741. Brunt (1)
1742. Brunton (1)
1743. Brus (2)
1744. Brush (3)
1745. Bruthwaite (1)
1746. Bruton (1)
1747. Bruxner (2)
1748. Bruxwell (1)
1749. Bruyn (2)
1750. Bryan (12)
1751. Bryant (27)
1752. Bryce (10)
1753. Bryce-Douglas (3)
1754. Bryden (4)
1755. Brydge (1)
1756. Brydges (24)
1757. Bryen (2)
1758. Brymer (1)
1759. Brymeton (1)
1760. Brynhom (1)
1761. Brynjolfson (1)
1762. Bryson (4)
1763. Buadhach (1)
1764. Bubba (1)
1765. Bubie (3)
1766. Buccleuch (2)
1767. Buchan (24)
1768. Buchanan (110)
1769. Buchanan-Jardine (7)
1770. Buchannan (3)
1771. Buchans (1)
1772. Buchholz (5)
1773. Bucholz (1)
1774. Buck (16)
1775. Buckeley (2)
1776. Bucker (1)
1777. Bucket (1)
1778. Buckhout (1)
1779. Buckingham (4)
1780. Buckinghamshire (2)
1781. Buckland (6)
1782. Buckle (7)
1783. Buckles (1)
1784. Buckley (19)
1785. Bucklin (1)
1786. Buckmaster (5)
1787. Bucknall (5)
1788. Bucknell (3)
1789. Buckner (5)
1790. Budd (22)
1791. Buddenhagen (74)
1792. Budge (4)
1793. Buelah (1)
1794. Buell (44)
1795. Buetlinger (1)
1796. Buffium (2)
1797. Buford (8)
1798. Bugbee (4)
1799. Bugden (1)
1800. Bugg (2)
1801. Buifra-Kari (1)
1802. Buijck (1)
1803. Bulfinch (1)
1804. Bulgaria (9)
1805. Bulgarians (6)
1806. Bulkelely (1)
1807. Bulkeley (13)
1808. Bulkely (2)
1809. Bull (16)
1810. Bullard (7)
1811. Bullen (1)
1812. Buller (34)
1813. Buller-Fullerton-Elphinstone (1)
1814. Buller-Yarde-Buller (1)
1815. Bulline (21)
1816. Bulling (1)
1817. Bullis (4)
1818. Bullivant (1)
1819. Bulloch (5)
1820. Bullock (25)
1821. Bullock-Marsham (1)
1822. Bullough (3)
1823. Bulluss (2)
1824. Bulmer (2)
1825. Bulstrode (1)
1826. Bulteel (2)
1827. Bumbak (3)
1828. Bumbaugh (1)
1829. Bumgarder (2)
1830. Bump (1)
1831. Bumpes (1)
1832. Bunce (3)
1833. Bunch (4)
1834. Bunchley (1)
1835. Bungeon (1)
1836. Bunker (1)
1837. Bunn (1)
1838. Bunnell (9)
1839. Buntin (4)
1840. Buntine (6)
1841. Buntine [Bontine] (4)
1842. Bunting (7)
1843. Buonaparte (55)
1844. Buquet (1)
1845. Burbank (2)
1846. Burbury (6)
1847. Burch (5)
1848. Burcham (2)
1849. Burchard (2)
1850. Burchel (1)
1851. Burck (6)
1852. Burd (1)
1853. Burdell (1)
1854. Burden (12)
1855. Burdenell (1)
1856. Burdett (3)
1857. Burdick (3)
1858. Burdon (1)
1859. Burell (1)
1860. Burfield (1)
1861. Burford (16)
1862. Burg (1)
1863. Burge (2)
1864. Burger (1)
1865. Burgersh (2)
1866. Burges-Lumsden (1)
1867. Burgess (26)
1868. Burgh (15)
1869. Burghart (1)
1870. Burghersh (6)
1871. Burghill (1)
1872. Burghley (1)
1873. Burghsen (1)
1874. Burgindy (1)
1875. Burgman (1)
1876. Burgner (3)
1877. Burgress (1)
1878. Burgundy (71)
1879. Burholder (1)
1880. Burian (1)
1881. Burk (25)
1882. Burke (51)
1883. Burkeholder (1)
1884. Burkett (2)
1885. Burkhalter (1)
1886. Burkhart (3)
1887. Burks (4)
1888. Burkwell (1)
1889. Burleigh (3)
1890. Burleson (17)
1891. Burleton (1)
1892. Burley (7)
1893. Burlingame (2)
1894. Burlington (2)
1895. Burls (1)
1896. Burlton (16)
1897. Burly (15)
1898. Burman (1)
1899. Burmester (1)
1900. Burn (49)
1901. Burnaby (5)
1902. Burnam (1)
1903. Burne (6)
1904. Burnell (8)
1905. Burnet (13)
1906. Burnett (35)
1907. Burnett-Ramsay (2)
1908. Burnett-Stewart (6)
1909. Burnette (1)
1910. Burnham (4)
1911. Burns (134)
1912. Burns-Hartopp (4)
1913. Burnside (3)
1914. Burr (44)
1915. Burrell (23)
1916. Burrill (2)
1917. Burris (4)
1918. Burroughs (4)
1919. Burrow (2)
1920. Burrowes (2)
1921. Burrows (10)
1922. Burruss (1)
1923. Burt (12)
1924. Burtch (1)
1925. Burtenshaw (7)
1926. Burtholf (1)
1927. Burton (44)
1928. Burts (1)
1929. Burtsell (1)
1930. Burtwistle (2)
1931. Burum (1)
1932. Burwell (5)
1933. Bury (10)
1934. Busby (4)
1935. Busemann (1)
1936. Busenbark (2)
1937. Buser (4)
1938. Bush (27)
1939. Bushby (3)
1940. Bushe (2)
1941. Bushel (6)
1942. Bushell (2)
1943. Busher (2)
1944. Bushnell (38)
1945. Bushong (1)
1946. Bushrod (1)
1947. Buskirk (1)
1948. Busli (2)
1949. Buss (1)
1950. Bussche (1)
1951. Bussell (7)
1952. Bussey (1)
1953. Bustard (8)
1954. Buswell (1)
1955. Butcher (41)
1956. Bute (2)
1957. Butler (347)
1958. Butler-Bowdon (3)
1959. Butner (5)
1960. Butt (1)
1961. Buttar (2)
1962. Butter (16)
1963. Buttercask (1)
1964. Butterfield (23)
1965. Butters (2)
1966. Butterworth (2)
1967. Buttler (4)
1968. Buttles (15)
1969. Buttolph (6)
1970. Button (4)
1971. Buttorf (1)
1972. Buttram (7)
1973. Buttrum (1)
1974. Butts (5)
1975. Buxton (16)
1976. Buzzard (1)
1977. Buzzell (1)
1978. Byam (4)
1979. Byard (1)
1980. Byars (1)
1981. Byatt (3)
1982. Byerley (2)
1983. Byerly (2)
1984. Byers (42)
1985. Byfield (7)
1986. Byler (1)
1987. Byng (16)
1988. Bynum (4)
1989. Byram (35)
1990. Byrant (2)
1991. Byrd (5)
1992. Byres (3)
1993. Byrne (2)
1994. Byrnside (1)
1995. Byrom (3)
1996. Byron (23)
1997. Bythell (1)
1998. Bytom (1)
1999. Bywater (2)
2000. Byzantine (1)
2001. Byzantium (60)

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