William Sholto Douglas
William Sholto Douglas was born 28 November 1856 in Blairgowrie,
Perthshire, Scotland. He married Ellen Gilbert from Norwich. His father
was Sholto Douglas born 28 November 1820 (note same day as his son), an
Aberdeen millwright, and his mother Isabella Anderson b Aberdeen,
Mr. W. S. Douglas, editor of the New Zealand Herald, died this
morning after a long illness.
Writing in the New Zealand
Journalist in its issue of last December on the editors of the leading
dailies of the Dominion, the Editor said: "One of the few journalists in
New Zealand entitled to place 'F.J.I.' after his name is William Sholto
Douglas, editor-in-chief of the New Zealand Herald and Auckland Weekly
News since 1903. Another distinction he possesses is that of being the
only editor of our city press who has filled the position of editor of
an English paper.
Mr. Douglas was born in Perthshire, Scotland,
and in 1873 commenced his press experience as a junior reporter. His
progress was rapid, for five years later he became editor of the Leeds
Daily News (England), remaining, there from 1878 to 1881, when
acceptance of an engagement on the editorial staff of Auckland's fine
morning paper necessitated a severance of his connection with the
English journal.
It was in 1882 that he arrived in New Zealand.
In addition to his routine work, he has since found time to write
numerous short stories, and is also the author of many poems. He is
recognised as an untiring worker, interesting writer, and good all-round
journalist. It was in 1903 that he became editor-in-chief of the Herald,
where in the past few years his health has not been of the best, and at
times has compelled less strenuous effort than was customary. To Mr.
Douglas is accorded the credit for introducing nearly all the features
of the Herald which for many years gave that paper a unique distinction.
He was one of the earliest members of the New Zealand Institute
of Journalists, was chairman of the Auckland branch in 1895, and
president of tho institute 1903-4. Ho .was a New Zealand representative
at the Imperial Press Conference in 1909, acted as secretary for the New
Zealand section,, and is still one of the overseas secretaries of the
institute. Mr. Douglas is a Fellow of the English Institute,' and a
member of the Empire_ Press Union. Another of the many little extra
duties for wliich the northern editor has found time in a busy life, was
that of advisory member of the Library Committee of the Auckland City
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