de Douglas, Alexander (Cannon of Spyvie) {I15104} (d. ABT 1237)
de Douglas, Archibald Sir{I14441} (b. 1170 - d. 1240)
de Douglas, Bruce (Bishop of Moray) {I15103} (d. 1222)
de Douglas, Freskin (Parson of Douglas) {I15107} (d. BEF SEP 1232)
de Douglas, Henry (Cannon of Spyvie) {I15105} (d. ABT 1239)
de Douglas, Hugh (Cannon of Spyvie) {I15106} (d. ABT 1230)
de Douglas, Margaret {I14445}
de Douglas, William Sir{I14443} (b. BET 1144 AND 1150 - d. BET 1213 AND 1214)


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Last modified: Friday, 02 August 2024