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Philip Douglas









Philip Douglas, a master car repairer, Central Pacific Railroad Company, is a native of The Isle of Man, born February 28, 1843, his parents being Philip, Sr., and Jane (McDowell) Douglas.

When he was eight years old his parents came to the United States, landing at New Orleans, and located in New York, where his father resided some eighteen years before, and four years later returned to England. There he remained until twenty-two years of age, and learned the trade of carpenter in the shops of the London & Northwestern Railway at Lancashire.

In 1865 he again came to the United States, and was engaged until 1868 working in the shops of the New York Central Railroad and those of the Hudson River Railroad, before these two systems were consolidated. In 1868 he came to California, and locating in Sacramento, entered the employ of the Central Pacific Railroad as a carpenter in the car and locomotive departments of the shops, under Benjamin Welch. His work at that time was principally in the round-house. He worked two years at the bench as carpenter, then as foreman of the running-gear department in car shops.

In October, 1876, he was promoted to master car repairer, having his jurisdiction over all the line of which J. B. Wright is superintendent. The number employed in his department averages about 135, though it sometimes reaches 175.

Mr. Douglas was married at Albany, New York, June 4, 1868, to Miss Caroline Foreman, a native of Great Yarmouth, England, but was reared in this country. They have three children, viz.: Jennie M., Hattie C. and Harry W.

Mr. Douglas is a member of Union Lodge, A. F. & A. M., and of Sacramento Lodge, K. of P. He was one of the organizers of the Union Building and Loan Association, and is now director.

He has two brothers, also in the shops, viz.: Robert C., machinist, and James A., a moulder.

Mr. Douglas is an active, energetic man of business, and performs with great credit the supervision of his department, in which he is popular with the employes, and whose respect and confidence he commands.

An Illustrated History of Sacramento County, California. By Hon. Win. J. Davis.
Lewis Publishing Company 1890. Page 307.





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Last modified: Friday, 02 August 2024