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Contributed by the owner, Michael Dagley

The milk float was made in 1949 and sold to a farmer in North Wales, Dewi Wynne of Bryn Cwnin farm Rhyl, and was used for milk deliveries around Rhyl and Rhuddlan, about 1950. It was part exchanged for another vehicle at Gittins garage, Rhuddlan.

John Nuttall was a local land rover agent and tyre dealer and used to go to Gittins garage to sell his parts.  One day Gittins brought a series one land rover and put a small crane on the back to tow broken down vehicles to their garage. John was interested in this and said to Gittins if you should part with it would you give me first refusal, and in 1998 he got the call from Gittins. They were selling up and the land rover was now for sale. When he went to do the deal they said what about giving us an offer on this milk float as well so he brought both.

John and I are both members of the Mechanical horse club (

The milk float speed is about 8mph and it has external valves which are drip fed there is no engine cover and the fumes from the engine come into the cab; there are no gears and it is driven by a dead man pedal. There is no head light only two small side lights. go back wards you have to turn the steering wheel 360 degrees and when you lookdown there is a plate when it shows white then you are ok to go forward and if you see red then that means you can go back.

There were 8 built by Douglas Motorcycles about 1949 and I believe that I now own the last one.


Milk float

This Douglas manufactured Ludgershall Dairy float appears to be a later model.


See also:
•  Douglas vehicles


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Last modified: Friday, 02 August 2024