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Louise Douglas, author





Louise Douglas was born in Sheffield but has lived in North Somerset for the past 20 years. She has three beautiful sons, and lives with her partner, who works in construction.

Although she’s earned her living through writing for years, firstly as a journalist and, more recently, copywriting for a variety of clients, her dream has always been to become a published author.

In 2006, the opportunity finally arose. “My partner was working away during the week and my sons had all reached an age where they didn’t need, or want, my constant attention. I thought: ‘it’s now or never,’” said Louise.

She took a postal course in fiction-writing and began work on The Love of my Life, sitting at the kitchen table for at least a couple of hours every evening, after work. It took six months to finish the book, and Louise then submitted the first three chapters to agents. A little later, the highly-regarded Irish literary agent, Marianne Gunn O’Connor called to say she liked the story and very soon after, thanks to Marianne and her co-agent Vicki Satlow, Louise had a contract for two books with Pan Macmillan.

“When Marianne called to tell me the news, it was the best, most exciting single moment of my entire professional life,” said Louise. “I said to Marianne: ‘things like this just don’t happen to people like me,’ and she said: ‘it just has!’ I know how lucky I am, but I hope my experience will encourage other writers to persevere.”

Louise still has her day job, which she thoroughly enjoys, and she has continued to save her fiction-writing for the evenings when the words seem to come more easily. She has never been a morning person.

She says the best thing about the past few years has been meeting, learning from and working with some inspirational and hugely professional people in particular Imogen Taylor, Trisha Jackson, Thalia Suzuma and Helen Guthrie at Pan Macmillan, Marianne and Pat Lynch at the agency and the talented, kind and helpful author Milly Johnson.

The true loves of Louise’s life are her family and friends. She enjoys reading, drawing, evening classes, drinking wine, cooking, listening to music and especially walking.

“My third book is set in Somerset, so I’m thinking about the story while I’m out with the dog in the Mendips,” she said.






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Last modified: Friday, 02 August 2024