Captain John Douglas
Foot - died 11th July 1796.
Memorial in St. Mary Magdalen's church, Taunton, Somerset - "Sacred
to the Memory of Major-General Robert Douglas,
who died June 7th 1798, aged 54, Sincerely regretted by all his relatives
& friends. After serving his country forty years In all quarters of
the globe, he fell a victim to the fatal effects of climate. His remains
lie interred near this spot. Also to the memory of his son, John Douglas,
Captain in the 54th Regt. of Foot, who died of the yellow fever, at St.
Kitt's, July 11th 1796, In the 22d year of his age. This tribute of
gratitude is erected by her who lives to deplore the loss of the best of
husbands and a beloved son."
would welcome additional information.