Rev John Douglas
John Douglas, A.M., brother to the laird of Bonjedward, was laureated at the Univ. of Edinburgh 23d July 1635, got a testimonial from the Presb. of Jedburgh 22d Aug. 1638, pros. by Francis, Earl of Buccleuch, and his tutors in Feb. 1639, and by William, Earl of Lothian same month, ord. 23d April following, and inst. soon after; he was a member of the Commission of Assembly 1649, and trans. to Crailing 2d April 1661.-[Reg. Laur. Univ. Edin., Presb., and Jedburgh Presb. Reg., Acts of Ass., Baillie's Lett., Sinclair's St. Acc. xv.]
JOHN DOUGLAS, brother of George D. of Bonjedward ; M.A. (Edin burgh 1635) ; had a testimonial from Fresb. of Jedburgh 22nd Aug. 1638; ord. to Yetholm 23rd April 1639 : called in Feb., and adm. after 2nd April 1661 ; he conformed to Episcopacy, and died in 1671, aged about 56. [Kelso Fresh. Re<j. : Wodrow s Hist. : Reg. Sec. Sig.~\
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