John Douglas
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John Douglas, born about 1802, was the son of Robert Douglas
(1773*-1830), an inn keeper from Castle Douglas. He was appointed
Provost Marshall General of the island of Grenada on 3rd April 1835. His death, aged 36, on 31st July 1838 is recorded on a gravestone in Kelton graveyard. In 'Scots in the West Indies 1707-1857 Vol. 11', there is an entry: "John Douglas, ex. Castle Douglas, Provost Marshall of Grenada, died 31 Aug.,1838, heir to Grandfather John Douglas, labourer in Castle Douglas, Kirkcudbrightshire. Reg. 3, Feb.,1837." Note: In 'The House of Commons 1790-1820' By Roland G. Thorne, History of Parliament Trust (Great Britain) an assumption is made that it was John Douglas, MP, of Grantham who became Provost Marshall of Grenada in 1836, and died there in 1838.
* 1773 or 1783? Any contributions will be gratefully accepted
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