James W. Douglass
James W. "Jim" Douglass is an American author, activist, and
Christian theologian born in the late 1930s. He is a graduate of
Santa Clara University. He and his wife, Shelley Douglass, founded
the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action in Poulsbo, Washington,
and Mary’s House, a Catholic Worker house in Birmingham, Alabama. In
1997 the Douglasses received the Pacem in Terris Award.
In 1975 Jim and Shelley Douglass founded Ground Zero Center for
Nonviolent Action to protest the construction of a Trident missile
nuclear submarine base on the Kitsap Peninsula in the U.S. state of
Washington. The Douglasses, joined by other activists seeking to
prevent the installation of Trident missiles, formed a small
intentional community, the Pacific Life Community, near the
submarine base. Their goal was to "seek the truth of a nonviolent
way of life," both personally and politically. Personally we tried
to confront our racism, sexism, consumerism — all the isms that
allowed us to violate others. Politically, we chose to experiment
with nonviolent actions resisting Trident, a system that seemed to
epitomize all the violence of our society.
The Douglasses later moved to the Ensley neighborhood of Birmingham,
Alabama, to establish Mary's House, a "house of hospitality" for
homeless or indigent people in need of long-term health care.
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