James Robinson Douglass, M. D. After having practiced his
profession for some years. Dr. Douglass has taken up his residence on a
farm in Richwoods Precinct, Calhoun County and is enjoying all the
comforts with which the well-to-do farmer of modern times surrounds
himself. He owns a fine estate of four hundred acres, more than one
hundred and fifty acres of which is given to fruit culture. His
residence, a commodious brick structure, is pleasing in architectural
design, conveniently arranged and well furnished. The immense amount of
fruit gathered from the orchards of Dr. Douglass led him to erect a
cider mill in 1882, which is operated by steam power and has a capacity
of upwards of one hundred and twenty barrels per day and this year he
erected another Steam cider mill at Martin's Landing, on the Mississippi
River, with a capacity of two hundred barrels per day. Every appliance
which the invention of man has furnished for the thorough and rapid
cultivation of the soil and disposal of the fruits thereof may be found
upon the estate of Dr. Douglass, and neatness and order everywhere
Dr. Douglass, as his name denotes, is of Scotch descent and comes of a
family, many members of which have won renown in the world's history.
During the Colonial times two brothers emigrated from Scotland to the
New World, one of them settling in Vermont and founding the branch of
the family of which the famous Stephen A. Douglas was a member. The
other brother made his home in Maryland, which State was the home of
that branch of the family for several generations. The grandfather of
our subject, Joseph Douglass, was born in St. Mary's County, December
25, 1747, and died in Dorchester County, December 28, 1816. His wife
bore the maiden name of Margaret Nichols, and was a native of the same
State, having been born in Caroline County, and like her husband spent
her entire life in Maryland. This couple had six sons, two of whom,
Isaac N. and Joseph, died in their youth. Thomas H. married Janet Smoot;
Joseph 2d, married Celia Wright and for his second wife Charlotte
Wilson; John married Nancy Turpin; Jeremiah married Susan Thompson.
Jeremiah Douglass was born in Caroline County, Md., April 23, 1791. He
was reared and educated in his native State and began dealing in horses
when a young man, buying the animals in the West and taking them East to
sell. While in Kentucky on that business he made the acquaintance of the
lady who became his wife in Scott County, in June, 1817. The couple made
their home in that county until 1821, when they removed to Pike County,
Mo., the journey being made overland with a team. Mr. Douglass was one
of the pioneers of the county in which Indians still lingered and where
wild game was plentiful. He took up Government land seven miles
southwest of the present site of Bowling Green. There were no railroads
spanning the country and no steamers plying the streams, and St.
Charles, eighty miles distant, was the nearest market and depot of
supplies, and there the nearest physician was located.
The people in that section lived upon the products of their farms, even
the clothing being supplied from the wool and flax raised at home. The
mother of our subject used to card, spin and weave, making all the cloth
used in the family and forming it into garments by her own hands. Mr.
Douglass had learned the trade of a boot and shoemaker and for years
made all the footwear used by his household. The worthy couple lived to
see the country develop into a well-settled and wealthy region and their
own farm finely improved and thoroughly cultivated. Mr. Douglass died in
1863 and his wife survived until December 13, 1876. The latter was born
in Scott County, Ky., May 12, 1796.
In the maternal line Dr. Douglass traces his descent from John Thompson,
an Englishman who came to America in early manhood. In Maryland he
married Margaret Gilbert and removing to Scott County, Ky., during its
early settlement, made that his home during the remainder of his life.
In his family was a son Gilbert who was born in Maryland, accompanied
his parents to the Blue Grass State and in 1821 emigrated with his
family to Missouri, taking his place among the pioneers of Pike County.
He took up a tract of land adjoining that of Mr. Douglass, improved the
property and also built many mills in Pike and the surrounding counties,
being a millwright by trade. The wife of Gilbert Thompson was Jane
Shannon, a native of Pennsylvania, daughter of John and Susan
(Alexander) Shannon, both of whom were born in Ireland, but whose
marriage took place in Pennsylvania. Gilbert and Jane (Shannon) Thompson
were the grandparents of our subject.
The family of Jeremiah and Susan (Thompson) Douglass consisted of seven
children, our subject being the fourth in order of birth. John T. now
lives near Bowling Green, Mo.; Joseph M. in Virginia City, Nev.; Marion
C. in Pike County, Mo.; William G. died December 15, 1888; Thomas J.
lives in Batchtown, Ill.; Susan J. married Green G. Thompson and died in
Dr. Douglass was born on the farm near Bowling Green, Pike County, Mo.,
December 29, 1830. He spent his youth in the manner customary to
farmers' sons in a sparsely settled locality, receiving his early
education in the schools taught on the subscription plan. In 1852 he
began the study of medicine in the office of Dr. Benjamin F. Todd at
Bowling Green, Mo. In 1854 he was found at Pittsfield, Pike County,
Ill., with Dr. John T. Hodgen. During the winter of 1853-54 he attended
lectures in the medical department of the University of Missouri, at St.
Louis, and the following winter was again pursuing his investigations
there, being graduated in the class of 1855.
Immediately after receiving his diploma Dr. Douglass located in
Richwoods Precinct, Calhoun County, Ill., but a year later removed to
Rockport, Pike County, Ill.; he sojourned there but three months, then
took up his residence in New Harmony, Pike County, Mo., where he resided
until January, 1857. Returning to Richwoods Precinct, Calhoun County, he
bought three acres of timber land, which is included in his present
homestead, and has continued to make this his home. He built a log cabin
which he occupied ten years, then took possession of his present
residence, a view of which will he found elsewhere in this volume. He
added to his estate from time to time as his affairs prospered and is
now well situated financially. He has had a large practice as a
physician and in many families the name of Dr. Douglass is never uttered
but with grateful hearts.
The lady who for many years has shared the fortunes of Dr. Douglass
became his wife March 12, 1856, prior to which time she was known as
Miss Maria E. Carr. She was born in Albemarle County, Va., is of good
blood, and in her own person exhibits the virtues of mind and heart and
graces of manner characteristic of the family. Dr. and Mrs. Douglass
have two children living; their first-born, John Hodgen, died at the
early age of twenty-three years. The survivors are Benjamin Todd, now a
student in the Lebanon Law University at Lebanon, Tenn., and Maria Lee,
at home. Dr. Douglass gives his political adherence to the Democratic
Mrs. Douglass is a lineal descendant of Sir Thomas Carr, of England,
who, on coming to America, obtained a grant to large tracts of land in
Virginia. His home was in Louisa County and his residence was known as
Bear Castle. His son John was an extensive planter and so far as known
spent his entire life in the Old Dominion. The next in the direct line
was Overton Carr, who settled in Maryland, buying land and engaging in
farming. He owned the present site of our National Capital. Following
him was Jonathan B. Carr, who was born in Bladensburg, Md., reared in
his native State, but removed to the Old Dominion where he practiced law
a number of years. He finally removed to Lincoln County, Mo., in 1836,
bought land and turned his attention to farming. There his death
occurred in September, 1860. Jonathan Carr married Anna Barbara Carr,
who was born in Albemarle County, Va., and whose father, Garland Carr,
was a son of the owner of Bear Castle. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Carr
were the parents of Mrs. Douglass.
Dr James Robinson Douglass
Born: 29 Dec 1830, Bowling Green, Pike County, Missouri, USA
Died: 11 Dec 1902, Batchtown, Calhoun County, Illinois, USA
Buried: Wilson Cemetery, Batchtown, Calhoun County, Illinois, USA