James Kennedy Douglas
"Soon afterward he removed to Camden, where, until his death, he was one of the leading figures in both mercantile and social life. He was one of the mainstays of Bethesda (Presbyterian) Church, and was identified with the temperance and other great moral movements of his day. Colonel Shannon says that he was courtly in manner, much travelled and possessed of a large fortune won by skill and integrity; and that a contemporary said of him: 'Man and boy, I have known him for fifty years, and I have never known him for one moment anywhere else than on the side of virtue.' Though he left no son, one of the largest and most influential family connections in Camden trace back to Mr. Douglas as their progenitor and bond of union. His home, one of the oldest houses in Camden, still stands on the north side of York Street, between Lyttleton and Fair.
He had four daughters.
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