Rev James Douglas
In 1942 a former curate, of Magheralin Parish, the Rev.
James Douglas, joined the Forces as a Padre. Sadly, he was killed
during the battle for Mont Pincon(1), on August 5
1944, following
the Normandy landings, and was later mentioned in
dispatches, having been in the front line with his men.
Douglas was appointed curate of Magheralin in August 1933 and
remained there for five years before moving to Colebrook as Rector
in February, 1938 and later joining the army as a padre. The
resilient and complete faith in God which had characterised Mr.
Douglas' ministry in Magheralin was the gift he took with him to the
field of battle. That he was able to share God's saving grace with
so many young men, and urge them to place their trust in God was
indeed a special calling for Mr. Douglas. He felt honoured that God
had called him to do this business and he answered that call
faithfully to the end. A Padre leading his men in prayer in the
fleeting minutes before battle is a sobering moment.
The Rev.
James Douglas was born in Waterford and educated in Wesley College
and Trinity College, Dublin. When he first came to Magheralin, he
lodged at first in the `Wilderness' with the Gilpin family(2). Later in
1935 he married and moved to the curate's house at no. 19 Avenue
Road. This was formerly a Police Barracks and retained a cell in the
basement! One night, Mrs. Douglas was startled to hear banging on
the door. Upon opening it, she discovered that a man, pursued by a
crowd for some misdemeanour was seeking police protection! Mrs.
Douglas played the organ in Dollingstown for some time.
Today, half a century later, (circa 1991) Mr. Douglas is survived by
three children and his wife. One daughter lives in Helen's Bay,
while his son is the well-known
Dr. James Douglas, often referred to as
`the kidney man' at Belfast City Hospital. Mr. Douglas' eldest
daughter Anne, now lives in the area and is a parishioner of the
church where her father once served. A teacher, she married Dr. W.
Miller, who is a local GP. Mrs. Douglas, although frail and unable
to attend the church where she has so many happy memories, is still
a frequent visitor to the area.
Note: 1, Some historians claim that the battle of the XXX
Corps on Mont Pinçon was one of the hardest of the whole campaign in Normandy.
The moral of the 7th Armoured Division was very low as in the previous operation
Goodwood the unit had suffered heavy losses and had little time to regroup.
Despite this, the division began on the morning of August 6, to advance from
Villers-Bocage until Aunay-sur-Odon. The division advanced through the pines and
chestnut trees at the foot of the mountain, 1100 meters high. In the night
between 6 and 7 August, the British conquered the woods less than 2 km from La
Vallée (crossroads between Auney and Caen, and between Villers-Bocage and Conde)
directed towards Les Trois Maries, on the plain behind the woods of Mont Pinçon.
The top of the mountain was very well defended and the British were able to
reach only with the help of artillery. On August 7, the armored squadrons of the
Royal Guard and advanced toward Les Grands Bonfaits The Busq. The 2nd Squadron
of the 2nd Armored Battalion Irish Guards stood on the nearby ridge when he was
attacked by three German Panzer IV and artillery that forced the British to
abandon their positions. Always August 7 wagons of the 7th Armoured Division and
infantry Division “Wessex” reached the top of the mountain. At 12:00, however,
already some 14 tanks and other vehicles were destroyed. Only after August 9
Aunay between the crest and La Vallée was completely in Allied hands.
2. Anthony Capper Gilpin married Eirene Claire
Douglas, daughter of Sinton Douglas and Anne Elizabeth Chapman. They
may, or may not, be of the same family. Anthony worked for the United
nations, probably in Geneva.
Any contributions will be
gratefully accepted
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