Deacon Isaac Douglas

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Deacon Isaac Douglas, D.D.S., son of nathan Douglas, was born in Troy, Michigan, USA on 25th May 1830.

" Isaac Douglas had in early life only the advantages of a winter school, when he could be spared from the duties of the farm. During his 20th summer, he studied dentistry witli his elder brother, Caleb S. Douglas, who had an office temporarily in his father's house. The winter previous to and summer following his majority he continued studying with his brother at Romeo, where the latter had settled. He remained with Caleb until his death, in June, 1852, when he continued the business in his own name.

In the fall of 1852, finding that in order to practice his profession thoroughly, he needed a better knowledge of medicine than could be obtained from dental books, he began the study of medicine with Dr. Wyker, of Romeo. In 1854, his health failed, and he was olbliged to relinquish his profession in part, and receive medical treatment. He continued in ill health for a year and a half under allopathic treatment, when he changed to homeopathic treatment, and at the end of four weeks was able to resume professional duties. At this time he began the study of homeopathy with Drs. Ellis and Drake, and in the winter of 1858 entered the Homeopathic Medical College, at Cleveland, 0. Here he pursued one course of lectures, passing all the examina tions and taking a high standing in his class.

Returning to Romeo, where there was no settled physician, he cheerfully responded to calls for his medical services, at the same time pursuing his dental duties until 1865, since which time he has given his entire attention to dentistry. Since 1865 a number of young- men have studied with him, including his brothers Henry F. and Elon G., both of whom are now practicing dentistry with marked success, beside others who have become physicians, allopathic as well as homeopathic. As an example of his skill, it may be stated that he put in nineteen fillings in six hours, and had the satisfaction of seeing them seventeen years afterward all in good condition. Tlie longest time he has over devoted to one filling was ten and a half hours, and the largest number ever put in in one year Avas 1196. From Jan. 1, 1SG6, to Jan. 1, 1872. ho put in 4394 fillings, only seventeen of which had to be replaced within two years of the operation. He was one of the organizing members of the Michigan Dental Association, and always made it a point to be present at its meetings, contributing greatly to their interest ])y verbal and written discussions. He has occupied every office in the association except those of secretary and treas- urer, both of which he has declined. He was also one of the or- ganizing meml:)ers of the Michigan Homeopathic Institute, and was connected with it until its dissolution. In May, 1877, he was elected a member of its successor, the Michigan Homeopatliic Society, As a' recognition of his large experience, and his repu- tation as a practitioner and contributor to dental science, tlie degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery was conferred upon him by the Ohio College of Dental Surgery, in March, 1871.

"Dr. Douglas became a member of the Baptist church in Troy in Febuary, 1844, and at tlie early age of 16 was appointed a church committee. In 1853 he changed his membership to the Baptist church in Romeo. In 1872, in consetiuenco of a change of views, he severed his connection with the Baptist society, since which time he has been connected with the Congregatiotial church in Romeo. , For seven summers past he has been superintendent of a Sunday-school in the county adjoining his own.

For the seven years previous to his uniting witli the Congregational church, he was one of the deacons in the Baptist church in Romeo, and for five years the leading member, paying from one-tenth to one-eighth of the current expenses of the church. He has been a generous contributor to Christian societies of vari- ous denominations, helping largely to build np the cause of religion in his locality. In politics the doctor has always been a republican. In a professional way he is considered very gener- ous, largely favoring the poor when commanding his services, either making very light charges or none at all. His habits have always been strictly teini)erate.

In 1876 he joined the Sons of Temperance, and in April, 1877, he became a member of the Knights of Honor. He married, Oct. 2, 1852, Elizabeth Clark, who, with her parents, emigrated from Bedford, England, in 1834. They were shipwrecked off New York harbour, after being on the ocean 21 weeks, losing everything, and barely escaping with their lives. Dr. Douglas has had four children, three girls and one boy " : —

i. Mary Feances*', b. June 19, 1854; num.; teach., ('77) Romeo.
ii. Emma Redecca^ b. May 15, 1856; d. Aug. 18, 1856.
iii. \ William Wilkinson CLARK^ h. April 19, 180G.
iv. { Elizabeth Clark®, b. April 10. 18(iG.



Sources for this article include:
  • Eminent and Self-Made Men of Michigan

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