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Douglas of Pierston



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Pierston, or Perceton

This was long a family of distinction in Cunninghame, and is still respectably represented, though the property has been out of their hands more than 100 years. It was acquired through the marriage of an heiress, about the year 1400, or soon after, by Robert Barclay, of a potent family in those times. This lady was the youngest of three daughters of a Sir William Douglas, Dominus de Pierston, so designed in 1891.

 The eldest daughter was married to Blair of Adamton, the second to Craufurdi of Thirdpart—and all of them brought great possessions to their respective husbands, the youngest having for her share, not only the lands of Pierceton, but those also of Warrickhill adjoining, extending to about 900 Scots acres of among the most fertile lands in the parish of Dreghorn; making, previous to the reign of King Robert Bruce, a part of the great possessions of John Balliol, King of Scots, and his near relatives, de Ferrars and de la Suche.

The notices respecting this family are, however, very scantily supplied, either from public records, or from private communication. In the Register of Sasines I find only three entries as under:—
1572.—David Barclay is retoured heir of conquest to Richard Barclay his brother, son of the late William Barclay of Pearston, father of the said David, in the forty shilling land of Kirkland, in the parish of Kilmaurs.
J644.—Robert Barclay of Pearston is retoured heir to his father William, in these lands, stated in two articles, at forty shillings and at ten pound, old extent.
1661.—Robert Barclay of Pearston is retoured heir male to his brother William in these lands.—From this it should seem, that the preceding Robert had died without issue, and been succeeded by his uncle.
In 1668 the dignity of a Baronetcy was conferred on the family, probably in the person of the last-named Robert, and continues till this day.
In 1689 Pearston, elder and younger, are among the commissioners of supply for Ayrshire, and again in 1696 and 1704. About the year 1600 William Barclay, then of Pearston, married Jean, eldest daughter of John Boyle of Kelburn, by Marion, daughter of Hugh Craufurd of Kilbirny—by Elizabeth Barclay of Eadyland.

Warrix (now Warrick) Hill formed part of the demesne of the De Morvilles who forfeited their lands to Robert the Bruce. Sir James, son of Sir James Stewart of Bonkill, son of Alexander the High Steward of Scotland, obtained Peirstoun and Warrixhill, and his son, also Sir James, in turn inherited. This son had only a daughter as heir and she married Sir William Douglas and thus the property passed by marriage to the Barclay's of Pierstoun. Warrixhill became divided into two and the Montgomeries of Bourtreehill held one half whilst the Cunninghamhead family obtained the other. In 1524 William Cuninghame inherited the lands from his father John and both parts were sold to John Edmeston, Minister of Cardross, whose son John sold them to Jonathan Anderson, a Glasgow Merchant. William Henry Ralston, a cadet of the Ralstons of that Ilk purchased them in 1790 from John, son of Jonathan Edmeston. A nephew, Alexander MacDougal Ralston inherited in 1833. Margaret Fullarton was the wife of Alexander McDougall Ralston. They were buried in Dreghorn parish churchyard. The three sections of Peirstoun were known as Pierstoun-Barclay, Pierstoun-Blair and Pierstoun-Cunninghame. This latter portion is thought to have contained Warrickhill itself. John Muir of Warwick Mains died in 1875. He was a private in the Ayrshire Yeomanry Cavalry and was killed in accident by his horse. He was buried in Dreghorn Parish Churchyard.

The Barclays held this estate for several centuries. King Robert the Bruce originally gave the lands of Pierstoun and Warrickhill to Sir James Stewart in around 1330. His son James inherited and his only offspring, a daughter, married Sir William Douglas (see Perceton) who took the title of Pierston and in turn his only offspring again were daughters, the eldest of whom married Robert Barclay in around 1444. Charles II made Robert Barclay a Baronet by Letters Patent in 1668. The Barclays were much travelled and had strong social links with British and foreign royalty, also serving with distinction in the Royal Navy and the army. Nether-Pierstoun became simply Pierstoun / Perceton upon its sale to Andrew Macreadie, Provost of Stranraer in 1720..

Perceton House.
The mansion house still stands, a little to the south of the former site, with a modern office block added for the use of the Irvine Development Corporation (IDC) which was wound up some years ago. The office block was designed so that the whole building could be converted easily into a hotel, however in the event North Ayrshire Council took over the buildings from IDC.

A daughter of Sir William Douglas, Dominus de Pierston, married Robert Barclay about the year 1400 and the lands of Pierceton and Warrickhill were the inheritance, being 900 Scots acres of among the most fertile lands in Dreghorn Parish. Previously they were part of the possessions of John Balliol, King of Scots and his near relatives, De Ferreres and De la Suche (Zouche). The Barclay family sold the property in 1720 to the Macredies, however the Baronetcy continued in the time of Robertson (1823), the family then residing in Middlesex. Perceton was originally a Barony held under Hugh de Morville. In 1640 the Lands of Perstoune held by the Laird were valued at £700.

The Macredie's, spelt 'McReady' in 1776 were involved in British Army service and various business pursuits until John Macredie succeeded in 1816. He had a daughter, Rachel Anne, who married Patrick Boyle Mure, second son of Thomas Mure of Warriston, by Helen, daughter of the Hon. Patrick Boyle of Shewalton, third son of John, second Earl of Glasgow. In addition to the name Mure he assumed the name of Macredie. Mure Macredie died in 1868, leaving two sons and three daughters.


Archibald Crawfurd of Auchnames, who had a grant from his father of certain lands in 1427, and afterwards succeeded him in Auchnames. He married Margaret, daughter and a co-heiress of Sir William Douglas of Peirston, by whom he had two sons; 1. Robert; and 2. Thomas, ancestor of the Craufurds of Thirdpart.

 The eldest son, Robert Crawford, succeeded him in Auchnames. He was twice married, 1st to Margaret Douglas(1), daughter of George, Master of Angus, (and sister to Archibald, the Great Earl, who married the widow of James IV. daughter of Henry VII. of England,) by whom he had a daughter, married to Semple of Noblestoun.— He next married Marion Houston, daughter of Houston of that Ilk, by whom he had three sons; James, Henry, and Robert,—in whose favour he granted a charter, in 1483, and in 1484, gave seisin of his whole lands to his eldest son, James, reserving his own life-rent, and was killed in 1513, along with James IV. at the battle of Flouden, and was succeeded by his son* VII. James Craufurd of Auchnames, who had a charter of the lands of Corsbie and Munnock in 1498, and he appears in other charters.

1. Margaret Douglas married  Sir James Douglas, 7th Baron of Drumlanrig.  Although the father of 18-20 children through two marriages and other partners, Sir James sired only one son in wedlock, Sir William of Hawick. Sir William predeceased his father in 1572. He died in 1578. Was this her second husband?

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Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024