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Douglas of Muldearg






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Also spelt Mulderg


The exact date at which the Douglasses settled in Ross-shire cannot now with accuracy be ascertained. But the traditions of the family uniformly assert that they came from Lanarkshire to the North about the time of the Reformation.

It appears from reliable evidence that they were located about the Abbey of Fearn, in Easter Ross, at the latter part of the sixteenth century, and possessed landed property in the seventeenth and early part of the eighteenth century, in the parishes of Fearn and of Kiltearn.

In the Valuation Roll, 1644, of the Sheriffdom of Inverness, including Ross, Hector Douglas I. of Mulderg is styled "of Mulderg;" his rental in Fearn parish is marked £1540 Scots, and in Kiltearn parish £533 6s 8d Scots. In 1646 he was one of those selected to make a loan, his name and the amount appearing in a list discerned at Aberdeen thus—" Hector Douglas, Elder of Mulderg, £1333 6s 8d Scots."


Hector Douglas II married c1630 Bessie Gray. They had three sons, Hector III, Hector IV and a son whose son was Hector V, successor to his uncle Hector IV.


Hector Douglas IV. of Mulderg was appointed one of the Commissioners of Supply for the Sheriffdom of Ross in 1661.

In 1662 he was fined £2400 for non-conformity to Scottish Episcopacy, the highest fine being that of Mackenzie, Kilcoy, £6000, who is said to have been a pious man. The second largest was that of the excellent Sir Robert Munro, Baronet of Fowlis, £3600. The third highest was that of Hector Douglas, Mulderg.


From the title deeds of the property of Mulderg, it appears that there was a "Hector Douglas, younger," in 1647 ; also that a "Hector Douglas died in 1675." The Douglas family ceased as proprietors of Mulderg in 1718. Some of the Douglasses also possessed the estate of Rainy, which adjoins that of Mulderg to the north and north-east. Both these properties were possessed by the Maccullochs at a later date.

The Douglasses of Mulderg and of Kiltearn were the same family, and their burying-grounds in both parishes can be pointed out.




  • THOMAS MACKENZIE of Inverlaul, 1688 son of John M. of Inverlaul, min. of this parish; was a member of the Court of High Commission 21st Oct. 1634 ; adm. to Tarbat in 1633, deserted his charge and went to Ireland in 1635, but returned and adm. here in 1638 ; elected a member of the Glasgow Assembly that year, but charges were brought against him and his commission was rejected. He protested in behalf of the Presb. against the Assembly as constituted and adhered to the declinature by the bishops; dep. 13th Dec. 1638 and ordered to be excommunicated, " unless he satisfied by repentance." He retired to Inverlaul ; died at Cadboll 7th April 1665, and was buried at Fearn. He marr. Agnes, daugh. of Hector Douglas of Mulderg, and had issue John of Inverlaul ; Thomas, writer, Edinburgh ; a daugh. (marr. Hector Douglas, fifth of Mulderg). [Baillie s Letters; Peterkin s Records; Hist, of the Mackenzies, 523; Seaforth Writs; Allangrange Writs; Reg. of Deeds, 31st Aug. 1652.]


  • WILLIAM ROSS of Shandwick, born 1593, son of Robert R. of Kinloch, min. of Alness ; educated at King s College, Aberdeen, 1614; adm. to Kincardine before 1624 ; trans, to Nigg 13th April 1633 ; pres. by Presb. of Tain ; trans, and adm. in 1644 ; suspended and the sentence approved by the General Assembly in July 1649, but he was still in the charge 3rd April 1660 ; died at Shandwick 20th April 1663. He marr. (1) Elizabeth, daugh. of William Campbell of Delnies, Nairn, and had issue David, murdered at Invereshie in 1651 ; Andrew, sixth of Shandwick, died Oct. 1675 ; Alexander ; Katherine (marr. Jarues Fraser of Pitcalzean) : (2) (cont. llth Nov. 1639) Isobel, daugh. of Hector Douglas of Mulderg (she marr. (2) Andrew Fraser, portioner of Pitcalzean), and had issue Janet, marr. (cont. 7th Nov. 1666) Donald Ross, Dean of Guild and merchant, Tain ; Isobel (marr. 1680, Alexander Munro of Teannaird) ; Elizabeth, marr. (cont. 8th Dec. 1680) William Ross in Shandwick. [Dingwall Presb. Reg. ; Reid s Geneal. of the ...


  • Ratification Hector Douglas of Mulderg - 1648
    The estates of parliament have ratified, approved and perpetually confirmed and by this ratification ratify, approve and perpetually confirm the charter made and granted by his majesty, with advice and consent of his highness's treasurer and treasurer depute and other lords of exchequer, his majesty's commissioners of this kingdom of Scotland, under his highness's great seal to Hector Douglas, elder, of Mulderg, his male heirs, successors and assignees whatsoever heritably and irredeemably of all and sundry the lands, mills and others after-specified...


See also:

  • Genealogy of Douglas of Muldearg (pdf)
  •   Note:  Primary sources confirm some the details given in The Families of Mulderg and Robertson of Kindeace but contradict others.


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    Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024