Douglas of Greenlaw

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Greenlaw Greenlaw Greenlaw Greenlaw       

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Greenlaw Mansion is a big Georgian house. It was built by the Gordon family in around 1714 and later turned into a hotel.

It is situated off the A713 Castle Douglas road to Ayr, at Greenlaw.

To the north of the house is a farm called Ermenzie. In front is an old disused railway line. In the summer now the embankments are all rosy purple with masses of willow herb.

Clustered round the crossroads to the east of Greenlaw is Townhead of Greenlaw and to the south-west is the farm, Mains of Greenlaw.

Greenlaw Mansion was burnt down in 1984. Before the fire it looked beautiful. Its colour was yellow and white. It had 18 rooms. At the last visit, it was partially refurbished.

Robert Douglas, Master of Lincluden set up as a country gentleman at 'Greenlaw, one of the alienated estates of 'the college'.

William Douglas of Baitford (or Greenlaw?), fl 1636, married Agnes Maxwell, daughter of the 8th Lord Maxwell.

A marriage-contract was signed 3 April 1603 between Agnes Maxwell and William Douglas of Greenlaw, Lincluden, and Penzerie. A sentence of death passed on him 6 September 1610 for treasonable communing with Lord Maxwell, etc., was commuted to one of banishment. He returned to Scotland without leave in 1612, and was rehabilitated 12 February 1626.

[n the way just explained] the family of Douglas of Baitford or Pinzerie, descended from George, third son of Sir William Douglas of Drumlanrig, became connected with Lincluden College. The relationship brought about a melancholy episode in its annals, the particulars of which we must now put on record. On the 2nd of April 1603 a contract of marriage was entered into between Agnes Maxwell and William Douglas, heir-apparent of Baitford, with consent of her brother John, the ninth Lord Maxwell, Provost Douglas, liferenter of Lincluden, and James Douglas, feuar thereof, the father of the bridegroom ; they obliging themselves to make over to him, and the heirs born of the marriage, the " haill temporality " of the College. Young Douglas, or Pinzerie as he was usually styled, was no fitting match for a daughter of the house of Maxwell. Though of high descent and with brilliant worldly prospects before him, he degenerated into a thorough vagabond, figuring at times as a common housebreaker, at others as a treasonable emissary, and filling up his cup of guilt with sundry deeds of blood that brought ruin in their train.

6 Sep 1610 was sentenced to death for treasonable communing with Lord Maxwell, which was commuted to one of banishment He returned to Scotland without leave in 1612 ..."

William Douglas of Baitford, 1603 {Privy Council Register), retoured heir of his father James, 19th January 1628. As William Douglas of Greenlaw and Lyncluden, son of James of Baitford, he is mentioned 1610-14 {Privy Council Register), and as William Douglas of Baitford, 1617-27 {Privy Council Register).

Note. — The stumbling-block of the whole pedigree has been William Douglas, who is said at different times to be of Baitford and of Penzerie. He is also said to be grand-nephew and also son of Robert Douglas of Lincluden, whom he succeeded in part of his properties, notably Greenlaw. He was a thorough scoundrel, and was eventually tried for theft and other crimes in 1610, and sentenced to have his right hand struck off, and then to be hanged. In Pitcairn's Trials he is called "William Douglas of Lyncluden and Grenelaw (callit Williame of Pinzerie), eldest sone and appeirand air of William Douglas of Baitfurd." The father's Christian name is evidently a mistake. Sir Herbert Maxwell in his House of Douglas assumes that William was executed, but the letters of remission granted to him, 1626, would show that William escaped the gallows. Combining the families, therefore, we have : —

(1) David Douglas, possibly son of George Douglas (of Penzerie and Baitford) and father of : —

{a) Archibald Douglas.
{b) James, father of William, who married Agnes, sister of John, 9th Lord Maxwell.
{c) George Douglas.
{d) Robert Douglas.

William DOUGLAS and his wife Agnes, were probably parents of: —
   Alexander Douglas, father of: —
     Robert Douglas.

In September and October 1592, Robert Douglas, Provost of Lincluden hosted the Chancellor John Maitland and his wife Jean Fleming, Countess of Cassilis at Greenlaw.

The Gordons:
In 1617, John Murray of Lochmaben and Sir Robert Gordon of Lochinvar were given the Douglas properties in the parish of Crossmichael when they were stripped from the Douglases.

Sir Robert Gordon (c.1565-1628) of Greenlaw (and of Lochinvar) was a member of the Council of War for Scotland and an early investor in the North American colonies. An 18th-century descendant, Sir Alexander Gordon, made the canal which, in 1765, connected Carlingwark Loch in what would become Castle Douglas to the River Dee, opening up the river for the transport of fertiliser.

In March 1674 [Kirkcudbright Sheriff Court Deeds 1623-1674 Entry 1712 ] John Broun of Mollance gave Alexander Milligan (then in Mains of Greenlaw, also a former Lincluden farm) tack of half of the five merkland of Gerranton from Whitsunday 1674 for payment of 100 merks ( = 33 shillings 4 pence) and two great loads ( = 4 bolls) of farm meal and two great loads of farm beir, reserving the ‘fowls payable out of the cott crofts’ for himself. One of the witnesses was ‘John Geran in Greinthorne’.

In 2022, the owner of Greenlaw id Stephen Barter Hicks.

See also:
•  Ratification to John Murray of Lochmaben and [Sir Robert Gordon], laird of Lochinvar  [pdf  2.9mb]

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Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024