Douglas of Rathobyres

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They (The Wilkie family) descended from a fami ly seated at Rathobyres , in Mid Lothian, from the beginning of the fourteenth century ti l l the present day ; i n 1540 the property was held by George, Wal ter, and Margaret Wi lkie, the latter be ing rel ict of James W inram, and mother of John W inram, prior of the Augustines at St Andrews, and superintendent of Fi fe, who patroni sed hi s cousin, Robert Wi lkie above named.

One l ine of the Wi lkies of Rathobyres ended on the death of Robert, whose hei rs, i n 1643, were hi s si sters, Agnes, wi fe of Wi l l iam Fairholm, and Sarah, wi fe Of James Granger.

The other l i ne was represented in the beginning of last century by David of Rathobyres, who sold the estate to hi s younger son, the Rev. Patrick ; the eldest son was great- grandfather of Si r David Wi lki e, painter i n ordinary to thei r Maj esties George IV. , Wi l l iam IV. , and Victoria, who died unmarried 184 1 ; the fami ly i s represented by hi s nephew.
The Rev. Patrick of Rathobyres, and of Gilchriston , CO. Haddington, was succeeded i n these estates by hi s eldest son, Jarhes, who settled Rathobyres on hi s thi rd son, the Rev. Dani el Wi lki e, one of the mini sters of Edinburgh, whose son i s the present proprietor ; Wi l l iam of Tyne House, co. Haddington, eldest son of James, left three sons—Captai n Wi l l iam, who died i n 1875, leaving i ssue ; George, M.D. , who married Maria, daughter Of Edward Vi scount St Vincent and James, C.A . , who died i n 187 1 , leavi ng i ssue.

•  Anno 1588 - Comperet Margaret Douglas, relict and execr. nominat to umquhile James Douglas, portioner, Rathobyres
•  Douglas, James, of Knightsrig, and portioner of Ratho byres Will dated 18 May 1588
•  Archibald Douglas of Kilspindle was succeeded in the lands of Cramond by his son Patrick, who in turn alienated them to Alexander Douglas, a macer in Edinburgh in 1600, portioner of Rathobyres.
•  James Douglas, of Knightsridge, son of Robert Douglas of Pumpherston, married Margaret Douglas, one of the four co-heiresses of John Douglas of Rathobyres, with whom he is named in an Acquittance dated 12 June 1576, and is then styled as brother to the deceased Mungo Douglas of Pumperston. James died on 6 April 1584, and was succeeded by his son, William Douglas of Knightsridge and Cliftonhall.



Sources for this article include:

•  The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707 Vol. I. No. 59

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