This page was last updated on 11 October 2021

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Please Support the Douglas Archives




The Douglas Archives is a mix of historical records and biographies and also a genealogy database with details of over 150,000 individuals.

Users can download information about their ancestors free, but the costs of hosting the website have just gone up by $200, and I could do with some assistance to offset them.

If everyone who visited the site today chipped in just $1, that would do it! If every member chipped in just $1, that would do it!

If everyone who downloads a Gedcom donated $10, that would do it! If everyone who copies material from the site donated $3, that would do it too.

Please help us keep the site growing as the more users we have, the better our information becomes.

Errors and Omissions

The Forum

What's new?

We are looking for your help to improve the accuracy of The Douglas Archives.

If you spot errors, or omissions, then please do let us know


Many articles are stubs which would benefit from re-writing. Can you help?


You are not authorized to add this page or any images from this page to (or its subsidiaries) or other fee-paying sites without our express permission and then, if given, only by including our copyright and a URL link to the web site.


If you have met a brick wall with your research, then posting a notice in the Douglas Archives Forum may be the answer. Or, it may help you find the answer!

You may also be able to help others answer their queries.

Visit the Douglas Archives Forum.


2 Minute Survey

To provide feedback on the website, please take a couple of minutes to complete our survey.


We try to keep everyone up to date with new entries, via our What's New section on the home page.

We also use the Community Network to keep researchers abreast of developments in the Douglas Archives.

Help with costs

Maintaining the three sections of the site has its costs.  Any contribution the defray them is very welcome



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The content of this website is a collection of materials gathered from a variety of sources, some of it unedited.

The webmaster does not intend to claim authorship, but gives credit to the originators for their work.

As work progresses, some of the content may be re-written and presented in a unique format, to which we would then be able to claim ownership.

Discussion and contributions from those more knowledgeable is welcome.

Contact Us

Last modified: Friday, 02 August 2024