Carl Douglas
Carl Douglas (born 10 May 1942) is a Jamaican-born singer, best
known for his song "Kung Fu Fighting", which hit number one in both
the UK Singles Chart and the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 in 1974. The
R.I.A.A. awarded gold disc status on 27 November, and it won a
Grammy Award for Best Selling Single in 1974. This homage to martial
arts films has overshadowed the rest of the singer's career,
resulting in his appearance on cover versions of the song. Douglas
did release two other singles ("Blue Eyed Soul" and "Dance The Kung
Fu", which was sampled by DJ Premier in his 2007 remix of Nike's
25th Air Force One anniversary single "Classic (Better Than I've
Ever Been)", featuring Kanye West, Nas, KRS-One and Rakim ) but he
has gone down in recording history as an example of a one hit
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