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The links between the Douglases and the Blacklocks are unclear. It
could be through the Douglases of Locjleven in the 15th century, through
Border links - or something quite different!
William Blakloche, chaplain in the monastery of Duntermlyne, appears as
charter witness in 1483 <RD. , p.372)-Adam Blaiklol of the West Port of
Edinburgh was hanged for perjury in 1615 (Trials,111«p.354), and another
Adam Blaiklok was constable of the parish of Kirkpatriek-Juxta, 1617
(RPC.,XI,p.199). Janet Blaklok was heir of John Blaiklok, burgess of
Drumfreis, 1637 (Inquis,, 2310), Robert Blaklok in Raehill and John
Blaiklock in Harthope, 1638 (ibid., 2386, 2389), and Margaret Blackclock
is recorded in Ruckan, 16S4 (RPC.,3.ser.X,p.2S3).
The most prominent of the name was Or. Thomas Blacklock (1721-1791), the
early friend of the poet Burns.
Seventeen of the name are recorded in Dumfries Commissariot Record. A
familiar Cumberland surname, meaning ’one with black hair', 0E. blaec
locc.B1aickloch 1634, Blakloik 1541.
Is it possible that Blackett and its variants are an alternative
designation or description (black-haired) for members of the
Bell family serving under Douglas lords.