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Fort Douglas, Canada








Fort douglas
Fort Douglas cairn
Fort Douglas Cairn, Winipeg
Fort Douglas plaque
This plaque, located near the Alexander Docks between Waterfront Drive and the Red River, features a sketch of Fort Douglas made by Lord Selkirk during his visit to the Red River Settlement in 1817.
Fort Douglas was a fort of the Hudson's Bay Company that was built by Scottish and Irish settlers in 1812 in what is today Winnipeg, Manitoba. It was in the immediate vicinity (down river) of the North West Company establishment, Fort Gibraltar.

During the conflict between the Hudson's Bay Company and the North West Company, the fort was burned by the Métis and employees of the North West Company. The fort was soon rebuilt and there was a short period of relative peace. It was used as a trading post.

In 1812, Miles Macdonell established the headquarters of the Red River Settlement nearby on Point Douglas. Named for Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl of Selkirk, it was also the Hudson’s Bay Company’s first post in this area.

In 1816, Cuthbert Grant’s Métis seized the fort for the Nor’Westers, whose own Fort Gibraltar had been burned by Governor Semple, but Selkirk recaptured it that summer. After the Battle of Seven Oaks in 1816, the fort was again destroyed, and the settlers were removed from their land.

After the union of 1821, the Hudson’s Bay Company occupied the rebuilt Fort Gibraltar (renamed Fort Garry) and Fort Douglas remained the residence of the Governor of the settlement until it was destroyed in the flood of 1826.


A different perspective


During the war of 1812, a group of white invaders led by Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl of Selkirk, thought they had the right to invade Anishinabe land in Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. They refer to the illegal land grant they illegally purchased through the Hudson Bay Company as, Assiniboia. Their actions were learned of by the Anishinabe Nation. White historians refer to them as the Metis who they claim were a mixed Indian-white people. The Metis were really a totem of the Anishinabe people. They were known as the Mitewiwin or Medicine Society. Metis is pronounced as May-Tay. Mitewiwin is pronounced as Mi-Tay-Wi-Win. The whites dropped the "wiwin" and simply called the members of this Anishinabe totem, the Mitay.

During the War of 1812, the whites knew they would win the conflict and early on conspired to invade the Manitoba region. Their goals were to steal Anishinabe land and kill off the wild game which roamed throughout that region. In 1811, Selkirk led a small group of white invaders to the region around what is now Winnipeg and illegally established the Red River Colony (Assiniboia). In 1809 the white invaders built Fort Gibralter. In 1812 they built Fort Douglas. This is the part of this obvious conspired event Anishinabe people must read carefully. Supposedly Selkirk did not want the Northwest Trade Company competing for furs with the Hudson Bay Company. Both the white trade companies were conspiring to steal Anishinabe land at the time. Anishinabe ogimak knew exactly what that meant. They not only had to deal with the Northwest Trade Company trappers but also the trappers from the Hudson Bay Company.

However, very few white trappers dared to trap on Anishinabe land. If they did and were caught, chances were they were executed. Anishinabe ogimak knew from prophecy that the whites would kill off the wild game which roamed their land. Anishinabe ogimak did allow the whites to travel to certain areas in Anishinabe land to pick up furs trapped for by Indian trappers. A group of 128 white men led by Miles McDonald, attempted to start the colony in 1812. They invaded by way of York Factory which was located next to Hudson Bay. By August 30, 1812 they arrived to the vicinity of Fort Gibralter (Winnipeg) and set camp. By that date they only numbered 35. McDonald supposedly said to the west of Red River, the land was a plain (did not have trees), while to the east of Red River, the land was covered by trees. McDonald also lied about the nature of that land. He said the land was unsettled. At the time (1812) perhaps 1,000s if not 10,000s of Anishinabek, lived around what is now the Winnipeg region.

McDonald is Arrested

With Fort Gibralter there for protection, the white invaders led by McDonald, commenced to start farms and send for more white invaders. Their actions were learned of by Anishinabe ogimak who cut off supply routes to force the white invaders to change their policy. In responce to the Anishinabe blockade, McDonald tried to break through the blockade. They refer to it as the Pemmican Proclamation. The white invaders actions led to Anishinabe military commanders arresting McDonald. McDonald was forced to go to Montreal. McDonald was fortunate to not have been executed for his illegal actions.

The Battle of Red River

After McDonald was arrested and forced to go to Montreal, ogima Little Shell II (ogima Little Shell I had been killed in a battle nearly a decade earlier near Spirit Lake, North Dakota), or possibly another Anishinabe ogima (ogima Little Shell II may have been very young when this battle was fought), ordered an Anishinabe military commander to lead a force of Anishinabe soldiers to the site of the unwanted white settlement i'll name Red River. At the time some 140 whites were living there. Upon arriving to the white invaders town of Red River, Anishinabe soldiers commenced to attacking the settlement, as well as burning their crops, and also destroying their homes. Historians claim that 60 white invaders were forced to go back to Jack River to wait for an arrival of a new larger group of white invaders led by Robert Semple, after this battle. White casualties were 80 or more killed and wounded. Anishinabe casualties are unknown.

In 1815, that other larger group of white invaders led by Robert Semple, arrived at York Factory on August 18, 1815. In responce to the destruction of Red River, the white invaders led by Colin Robertson, left Montreal to travel using a southern route, to the site of the ruins of Red River. After arriving to the ruins of Red River, Robertson learned that a few (60) of the survivors fled to Jack River. Robertson left for Jack River to bring back the white invaders to the site of the ruins of Red River, and to wait for the expected arrival of the larger group of white invaders led by Robert Semple.

The Second Battle of Red River

While Robertson was off gathering the few survivors of the First Battle of Red River, ogima Little Shell II once again ordered an Anishinabe military commander to lead Anishinabe soldiers back to the ruins of Red River and attacked the supposed 4 white invaders who stayed there while Robertson went off to bring back the white invaders who fled to Jack River. Supposedly the 4 white soldiers were capable of preventing the Anishinabe soldiers from defeating them. If they actually defeated the Anishinabe soldiers they certainly numbered far more than only 4 soldiers. The white soldiers confined themselves in a blacksmith shop when they battled the Anishinabe soldiers. Casualties are unknown.

After the Second Battle of Red River, the white invaders commenced to building a fort they named Fort Douglas. Again the larger group of white invaders led by Robert Semple, arrived from York Factory and settled near Fort Douglas. They went about building new homes and to farming. Their illegal actions enraged Anishinabe ogimak. According to white historians, ogima Peguis was most willing to help the whites destroy (exterminate) his people. Read the Seven Fires Prophecy. They claim the Anishinabe ogima taught them the ways of his land, hunting, trapping, fishing and even brought food to the white invaders to make certain they survived on so the white invaders could destroy (exterminate) his people. Read the Seven Fires Prophecy. It is deplorable for Anishinabe people to have to read about ogima Peguis supposedly telling the white invaders that he would send his soldiers out to defend them if the whites from the Northwest Fur Trade Company, dared to attack them. We are not stupid!

The June 19, 1816 Battle of Fort Douglas (aka Battle of Seven Oaks)

Enraged Anishinabe ogimak had enough. They sent a force of some 60 (it was far more than 60) of their brave soldiers under the command of an Anishinabe military commander ordered by ogima Little Shell II, to lead the Anishinabe soldiers to Fort Douglas to destroy the unwanted fort. In Fort Douglas, the white invaders seen the approach of the force of brave Anishinabe soldiers and prepared for battle. They did not leave the fort as historians have written. They knew if they wanted to survive their only choice was to remain in the fort. They knew if they sent the 24 white soldiers out of the fort to fight the enraged Anishinabe soldiers and were defeated, the enraged Anishinabe soldiers would have forced their way into the fort and killed all the white invaders who numbered over 200 when including the 60 white invaders Robert Semple brought back to Fort Douglas, from Jack River. They kept inside the fort and fought to the death. Of the white soldiers who fought in this battle, all 24 were killed. Anishinabe casualties were only 2. After the Anishinabe soldiers forced their way into Fort Douglas, they either killed all the white invaders in the fort or most. Total white casualties may have surpassed over 200 killed.

After the Battle of Fort Douglas, the selfish and spolied rotten whites once again tried to start a colony along the Red River in southern Manitoba. It did not work out. Anishinabe soldiers guarded the white trading posts throughout that region, making sure the white traders and their families, dared not expand the farm land Anishinabe ogima leased to them. What set off this white invasion into the Red River region was the Louisiana Purchase. The Anishinabe Nation controlled the entire Red River Valley, up until the end of the Anishinabe-American War of 1862-1864. The 1863 Old Crossing Treaty which was ratified by the government of the Anishinabe Nation and the United States on May 5, 1864, officially ceded the Red River Valley to the white invaders.


See also:
•  Fort Douglas, Utah

•  War of 1812


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Last modified: Thursday, 23 January 2025