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“Circa 1766, one of Trenton’s oldest structures, the Douglass House has
had four locations over the past 200 + years, but sits today just a few
hundred feet from its original location. It became a landmark during the
Revolutionary War when General George Washington made it his
headquarters and held his council of war here prior to the Battle of
Assunpink, January 2, 1777.” – Downtown Trenton Artwalk
Douglass House . . . in which the conference between Washington and his
generals took place on the night preceding the momentous Battle of
Princeton. The modest little two-and-a-half-story frame building was
then owned by Quartermaster Alexander Douglass, who had turned it over
to Brigadier General Arthur St. Clair for his headquarters. Situated
farther from the enemy’s gunfire, incident to the second Battle of
Trenton, than was General Washington’s own headquarters in the True
American Inn, the Douglass House was selected as the meeting place of
the little group of patriots upon whose determination the fate of the
new-born nation depended . . . [It] was built by George Bright about the
year 1766 on lot No. 9 in the ‘New Town of Kingsbury.’ Bright had
purchased the lot from Robert Lettis Hooper on September 21, 1756, and
conveyed it to Alexander Douglass on May 12, 1769. Douglass remained in
possession of the property for over 66 years, and upon his death on
April 4, 1836, devised it to Joseph Douglass, son of his brother
William. Quartermaster Douglass had been one of Trenton’s true patriots,
serving his country throughout the Revolution. He took part in the
Battles of Long Island, the Assunpink and Princeton, and the battle at
Springfield, N.J., on June 23, 1780.” – Trenton Historical Society
“On the front of the German Evangelical Trinity Lutheran Church, on
South Broad Street nearly opposite Livingston, is a bronze tablet
bearing this inscription: Here in the house of Alexander Douglass
Washington called a council of war on the evening of January 2, 1777,
when the flank movement to Princeton was decided upon.” – Trenton
Historical Society
The house has been restored, and interpretation story boards