Luis Ortega Douglas

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Luis Ortega Douglas Luis Ortega Douglas 


Luis Ortega Douglas: an interesting man in an interesting time
Written by Carlos Reyes Sahagún on Jul 4th, 2011

I recover the information published in this newspaper on June 21 by my occasional neighbor of the page, the First State Columnist, Matías Lozano Díaz de León, about the centenary of the birth of Mr. Luis Ortega Douglas, that was fulfilled on that date , and that in turn took him from a job of Eng. Adolfo Padilla Muñoz.

Luis Ortega Douglas, interesting character in an interesting time; man of extremely light blood, controversial until the scandal; to provoke extreme feelings among those who knew him and / or were affected or benefited by his actions.

It will be because of the "do not pull it off", or for another reason that I do not know, but the fact is that we ignore more about local politics than we do.

This is the case of Ing. Ortega Douglas, who governed -or "disobeyed," as it is seen- the state between December 1956 and November 1962, and who previously, between 1948 and 1950, was municipal president of the capital, in another sexenio for other stormy, that of Ing. Jesús María Rodríguez Flores.

Perhaps the almost permanent scandal that accompanied its management is an element that hinders a serious evaluation; objective, of those administrative lapses; an evaluation that transcends the jocular, sparkling, always ingenious anecdote, to consider not only the negative that occurred, but also those aspects that contributed to the development of Aguascalientes.

In principle Ortega Douglas was one of the first construction professionals there was, along with also civil engineers Gustavo Talamantes Ponce, Flavio Madrigal, the architect Francisco Aguayo Mora, and others.

Many of the works whose construction he directed today form part of our architectural heritage. Some examples of what I affirm were documented by J. Jesús López García in his book Aguascalientes [1920-1944] the architectural transition published by the UAA.

Nothing else on Madero Avenue are the following: the house that is currently the headquarters of the delegation of SEMARNAT, the building of the Industrial Mexicana, the old building of the Ford, and then the headquarters of Farmacia Sánchez. In addition, we must add, in Juan de Montoro Street, that jewel that is the old Alameda Cinema.

He also built the building that originally housed the Distribuidora Cuauhtémoc, and which is currently the Trillas Bookstore, on Avenida Madero, the south tower of the cathedral, the Arellano Valle school, etc.

As municipal president, he promoted the urbanization of the capital, based on measures as important as the Urban Regulatory Plan, and to a certain extent, the fate of Governor Jesús María Rodríguez Flores.

Because of this, it is hard for me to understand that he was "resurrected" six years later, to become a State Executive. As such, it promoted the creation of infrastructure, such as neighborhood roads, the introduction of electric power, etc. One of the first multifamily buildings was built in Aguascalientes, in the old barracks Las Palomas, in Galeana and Rayón, the Government Palace was expanded, the Rivero y Gutiérrez school was built in its current headquarters, etc.

However, many of the positive things fostered by this character are overshadowed by accusations of "highly inexplicable enrichment". I did not hear him say it, but he did attribute that maxim of corruption, certainly false; gossip from people who have nothing better to do, that "if there is no work not left over", in reference to the fact that it is in the budgets for public works where resources can be found which are subject to an act of Magic.

Some measures attempted by his administration met with the strong opposition of important sectors of the "living forces", which put an end to his modernizing efforts.

To resist his intention to revalue the property, the House of Urban Property and Users of Water was formed, and when he wanted to indebt the Aguascalientes City Council for the construction of Avenida Oriente Poniente, he met with the refusal of the municipal president, Ms. . María del Carmen Martín del Campo, who was supported by PRI organizations such as the Workers' Federation of Aguascalientes, at a time when corporatism was the basic support of any government.

Ortega Douglas became governor in a ceremony that took place at midnight on November 30, 1956. President Ruiz Cortinez sent as his representative the secretary of labor, Lic. Adolfo López Mateos, who just two years later would replace Ruiz Cortines in office. Ortega squandered a golden opportunity to align himself with the one to whom the Veracruz citizen would inherit the country, in a gesture that undoubtedly had to have some consequence for the state.

With Luis Ortega came to an end a stage of turbulence that had lasted, not without some moments of calm, since 1945, approximately; a period in which society contradicted again and again the mythical invention of Prof. Alejandro Topete del Valle embodied in the state's coat of arms, which states that Aguascalientes is the "land of good people".

With Prof. Enrique Olivares Santana at the head of the State Executive, Aguascalientes began a stage of stability that lasts until today, and if Olivares was able to bring to a successful conclusion and without major problems some of the most expensive projects of Ortega, the opening of the Avenidas Oriente Poniente, Hero of Nacozari and Circunvalación, it was because before this one had paid the political cost for such measures.

Luis Ortega Douglas was the Governor of the Mexican State of Aguascalientes.

Artistic and urbanistic contributions of engineer Ortega Douglas in the city of Aguascalientes, Mexico (1948-1969)
Alejandro Acosta Collado

Engineer Luis Ortega Douglas began to build houses and schools in Aguascalientes, Mexico. He also became Municipal President of the local City Council. Ortega Douglas changed the built profile of the city thanks to his entrepreneurial ideas and personal relationships - which he used to his advantage as a political leader. He also received great support from the then president of Mexico: Adolfo Ruiz Cortines. Ortega Douglas worked as hard as his father John Douglas taught him, who at the beginning of the 20th century established an important factory, as well as contributing to the arrival of electric power in the city of Aguascalientes. Based on primary documentary sources, it is demonstrated in this writing that Ortega Douglas followed progressive ideologies from abroad and nationals to contribute with substantial changes in the way of building and conceiving urbanism in the city. Ortega Douglas built important modernist buildings on Avenida Madero. He is also credited with the construction of the Douglas Chalet on Vázquez del Mercado Avenue, as well as a large cinema on Avenida Alameda. Contributing with the previous in the change of imaginary of modernist ideas in the citizens. He also remodeled the old Parian, using his academic thesis as a basis. After leaving the position of Municipal President, he dedicated himself to building in a particular way through a company. Ortega Douglas also became Governor of the State in 1956. Thus, from the year 1956 to 1962 he returned to the scene in the planning of urban transformation, promoting the use of the automobile as the main means of transport, thereby increasing mobility in the city. As governor, he continued applying urban planning ideas of his predecessor: Jesús María Rodríguez, to evolve the city, also following some proposals from Carlos Contreras' plan. Ortega Douglas promoted the construction of López Mateos Avenue, as well as the vehicular peripheral rings that surround the city, promoting the city of Aguascalientes as an important urban planning reference in the Mexican Republic. This paper aims to demonstrate how Ortega Douglas decided to promote the use of the automobile, establishing novel design proposals,

In 1948, the engineer Luis Ortega Douglas started building houses and schools in Aguascalientes, Mexico. He also became the main City Hall Administrator. Ortega Douglas changed the city profiles thanks to his power and the relationships I used to have as a political leader. Also I have got some help from the President of Mexico: Adolfo Ruiz Cortines. Ortega Douglas worked as hard as his father John Douglas educated him, who at the beginning of the century had established an important mill, and also brought the electrical power to Aguascalientes City. Based on historic papers it was found that Ortega Douglas followed foreign ideas to change architecture and urbanism in the city. Ortega Douglas built several important modern buildings on Madero Avenue. Ortega Douglas built a Chalet on Vázquez del Mercado Avenue and even a big cinema on Alameda Avenue. I have changed the city image to a modern place to live. Also I have rebuilt the main mall in the city center, -named Parián, based on his thesis work. After administering the city, Ortega Douglas became a builder and continued building as well. He also became Governor of the State of Aguascalientes in 1956. From 1956 to 1962 he was a big influence in the city planning and promoted the use of the cars to increase the speed to get from one point to another within the city. Eleven a Governor, I followed the city planning Jesus Maria Rodriguez had used, -as a former Governor, to change the city and also followed a few designs of Carlos Contreras to make Aguascalientes a modern city. Ortega Douglas promoted the construction of Lopez Mateos Avenue and also the two main rings (avenues) that contained the city to show how Aguascalientes could become an important city in the nation. The paper pretends to show how Ortega Douglas decided to promote the use of cars and settled new ways to design the city, based on modern ideas.

Luis was the son of José Guadalupe Ortega y Romo de Vivár and María Adela Douglas.  Born in the city of Aguascalientes, he was Municipal President in the period of 1948-1950 and Governor of 1956 - 1962.  He married Irene Hernandez Duque. His brother, Edmundo built Castillo Douglas.

The remains of former governor Luis Ortega Douglas also lie in the Los Angeles Cemetery.

See also:
•  Castillo Douglas


Sources for this article include:
•  Faculty of information science, Complutense University

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