Field Marshall Luigi Scotti Douglas

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Luigi Scotti Douglas (Naples, June 23, 1796 - Naples, December 14, 1880) was a general of the Army of the Two Sicilies.  He is the son of Giuseppa (1801-1890)and Dorotea De la Granelais whom he married in 1839.

He embraced the arms career in 1816, entering the Royal Bodyguard. He married Maria Giuseppina Carlier, from whom he had several children, of whom Ferdinando, Federico and Alfonso also chose a military career. On 13 October 1856 he was authorized by royal appointment to use the title of count of Vigoleno. In 1859 he reached the rank of field marshal.

In charge of facing the invasion of the Sardinian Army from the north, on 20 October 1860 he was engaged with his troops in the battle of Macerone. Defeated in the field, he was taken prisoner along with his entire General Staff and was put under arrest by Enrico Cialdini. Subsequently, he published a pamphlet in which he apologized for having served in the Army of the Two Sicilies.

On April 25, 1861 he obtained a pension from the government of the newly formed Kingdom of Italy.



Luigi Scotti Douglas (Napoli, 23 giugno 1796 – Napoli, 14 dicembre 1880) è stato un generale dell'Esercito delle Due Sicilie.

Abbracciò la carriera delle armi nel 1816, entrando nella Reale Guardia del Corpo. Sposò Maria Giuseppina Carlier, dalla quale ebbe diversi figli, dei quali Ferdinando, Federico e Alfonso scelsero anch'essi la carriera militare. Il 13 ottobre 1856 fu autorizzato con nomina regia ad usare il titolo di conte di Vigoleno. Nel 1859 raggiunse il grado di maresciallo di campo.

Incaricato di fronteggiare l'invasione dell'Armata Sarda proveniente da nord, il 20 ottobre 1860 fu impegnato con le proprie truppe nella battaglia del Macerone. Sconfitto sul campo, fu preso prigioniero insieme al suo intero Stato Maggiore e fu messo agli arresti da Enrico Cialdini. Successivamente, pubblicò un opuscolo nel quale si scusava di aver prestato servizio nell'Esercito delle Due Sicilie.

Il 25 aprile 1861 ottenne la pensione dal governo del neonato Regno d'Italia.

The events linked to the expedition of the Thousand and the subsequent invasion of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (1860-61) by the Sardinian Army saw former students of The Nunziatella military school in Naples on both sides of the conflict.

Numerous students of Nunziatella also left the Academy and took part in the fighting on the side of the Army of the Two Sicilies. Their presence on the fire front was a consequence of the events linked to the departure of Francis II from Naples: Commander Muratti, who immediately switched to Garibaldi's side, imposed an oath of loyalty on the students who wanted to remain in the institute.

Among those who refused and fled the Academy, ...[were] eleven-year-old Alfonso Scotti Douglas, son of General Luigi Scotti Douglas , who participated in the work of the Engineers in the fortress of Capua.

For more on the Douglas Scotti families of Italy, see our Italy portal.



Sources for this article include:
  • National Association of former Nunziatella students,

    Any contributions will be gratefully accepted


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    Last modified: Friday, 02 August 2024