1297 Sanquhar
Sir Wm Douglas bt English
1307 (8 May) Sanquhar
Sir James (The Black) Douglas bt English
Extract from the History of Sanquhar, [--] The supposed site of an
ancient Celtic battle, scarcely a mile and a half from the burgh, on the
eastern slope of what must f[ormerly] have belonged to the Town common. The
slop[e] of this green field contains many graves, all lying north and south,
- a proof that they existed prior to the age of Christianity in th[is]
Country, else the graves would have been l[aid] east and west, They are to
be found scatt[ered] here and there throughout the field, every w[arrior]
being buried on the exact spot where he fell[--] These graves are in many
cases single, in other instances double, and some are of the breadth of
four, and six, and so on, and in some places where the tumult of the fight
h[as] been thickest, there may scores huddl[ed] together,..
[Site of BATTLE - Situation:] About 1 mile N,E, [North East]by E,
[East] from Sanquhar Burgh.-
[Page is signed:] Samuel S Hill Lce. Corpl [Lance Corporal] RS&M
[Royal Sappers and Miners]
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See also: •
Sanquhar Castle |