Black Line Dispossession of Indigenous Tribes

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Hobart Town Courier Saturday 25 September 1830

Black Line Dispossession of Indigenous Tribes
Colonial Secretary's Office, Sept., 1830.

1. THE Community being relied upon to act en masse on the xx Oct. next, for the purpose of capturing those hostile Tribes of the Natives which are daily com mitting renewed atrocities upon the Settlers; the following outline, of the arrangements which the Lieutenant Governor has determined upon, is published, in order that every person may know the principle on which he is required to act, and the part which he is to be individually in this important transaction.

2. Active operations will at first be chiefly directed against the Tribes which occupy the country South of a line drawn from Waterloo Point East to Lake Echo, West, including the Hobart, Richmond, New Norfolk, Clyde, and Oatlands Police Districts, — at least, within this country, the Military will be mainly employed, the capture of the Oyster Bay and Big River Tribes, as the most sanguinary, being of the greatest consequence.

3. In furtherance of this measure, it is necessary that the Natives should be driven from the extremities within the settled Districts of the county of Bucking ham, and that they should subsequently be prevented from escaping out of them, —and the following movements are, therefore, directed first to surround the hostile Native Tribes, —secondly, to capture them in the county of Buckingham, progressively driving them upon Tasman's Peninsula,— and, thirdly, to prevent their escape into the re mote unsettled Districts to the Westward and Eastward.

4. Major Douglas will, on the seventh of October cause the following chain of posts to be occupied ; viz :—From the Coast near St. Patrick's Head, to the source of the St. Paul's River, and by that River and the South Esk, to Epping Forest, and Campbell Town. This line being taken up, the Parties composing it, will advance in a Southerly direction towards the eastern Marshes, and will thoroughly examine the country between their first Stations and the head of the Macquarie, and on the afternoon of the 12th Oct. they will halt with their left at a Mountain on the Oyster Bay Tier, on which a large fire is to be kept burning, and their right extending towards Malony's Sugar Loaf. To effect this movement, Major Douglas will reinforce the post at Avoca, and this force, under the orders of Capt. Wellman will be strengthened by such Parties as can be dispatched by the Police Magistrate of Campbell Town, and by the Roving Parties under Mr. Batman, and will receive the most effectual cooperation from Major Gray, who will no doubt, be warmly seconded by Messrs. Legge, Talbot, Grant, Smith, Gray, Hepburn, Kearney, Bates, and all other Settlers in that neighbourhood.

5. Major Douglas will also, on the seventh of Oct. form a chain of posts from Campbell Town along the Southwest bank of the Macquarie to its junction with the Lake River. These Parties will then advance in a Southerly direction, carefully examining the Table Mountain range on both its sides, and the banks of the Lake River, and they will halt on the afternoon of the 12th, with their left at Malony's Sugar Loaf, and their right at Lackey's Mill, which position will already be occupied by Troops from Oatlands. In this movement, Major Douglas will receive the cooperation of the Police Magistrate of Campbell Town, who will bring forward upon that portion of the line extending from the highroad near Kimberly's on the Saltpan Plains to Malony's Sugar Loaf, the force contributed by Messrs. Willis, W. Harrison, Pearson, Jellicoe, Davidson, McLeod, Leake, Clarke, Murray, Horne, Scardon, Kermode, Parra more, Horton, Scott, Dickenson, R. Davidson, Cassidy, Eagle, Gardener, Robertson, Hill, Forster, with any other Settlers from that part of his District, while that portion of the line extending from Lackey's Mill to Kimberly's will be strengthened by Messrs. G. C. Clarke, G. C. Simpson, Sutherland, Ruffey, Gatenby, G. Simpson, C. Thomson, H. Murray, Buist, Oliver, Malcolm, Taylor, Mackersey, Bayles, Stewart, Alston, Bibra, Corney, Fletcher, Young, O'Connor, Yorke, and any other Settlers, resident in that part of the District, who will on their march have examined the East side of Table Mountain.

6. In order to obviate confusion in the movements of this body, the Police Magistrate will, without delay, ascertain the strength which will be brought into the field, and having divided it into Parties of Ten, he will nominate a Leader to each, and will attach to them experienced Guides for directing their marches,—and he will report these arrangements to Major Douglas, when completed. The remainder of the forces under Major Douglas, will, on the afternoon of the 12th, take up their position on the same line, extending from the Oyster Bay range to the Clyde, South of Lake Crescent, over Table Mountain. Its right, under the command of Capt. Mahon, 63d Regiment, resting on the Table Mountain, passing to the rear of Michael Howe's Marsh. Its left, under Capt. Wellman, 57th Regiment, at a Mountain in the Oyster Bay tier, where a large fire will be seen. Its right centre, under Captain Macpherson 17th Regiment, extending from Malony's Sugar Loaf to Capt Mahon's left —and its left centre under Capt. Baylie, 63rd Regiment, extending from Malony's Sugar Loaf to Capt. Wellman's right.

7. Major Douglas's extreme right will be supported by the Roving Parties, and by the Police of the Oatlands District, which, together with the Volunteer Parties formed from the District of Oatlands, will be mustered by the Police Magistrate in Divisions of Ten Men, and he will nominate a Leader to each Division, and will attach experienced Guides for con ducting the march and he will report his arrangement when completed, to Major Douglas, in order that this force may be placed the right of the line, to which position will file from Oatlands by the path over Table Mountain.

8. Between the 7th and the 12th of Oct., Lieut Aubin will thoroughly examine the tier extending from the head of the Sxxx River, North, down to Spring Bay the Southern extremity of his District, in which duty he will be aided in addition to the Military Police stationed at Spring Bay and Little Swan Port, by Capts. Maclaine and Leard, Messrs. Meredith, Hawkins, Gatehouse, Buxton, Harte, AxxxAllen, King, Lyne, and all Settlers in that District, and by Capt. Gxxxver and Lieut. Steele, with whatever force can be collected at the Carlton, and at Sorell by the Po lice Magistrate of that District.

In occupying this position, the utmost care must be taken that xxxxportion of this or any other xxxxshews itself above the tiers South of Spring Bay before the general line reaches that point, and the Constables at East Bay Neck, and the Settlers on the Peninsula must withdraw before the 7th Oct. in order that nothing may tend to deter the Native Tribes from passing the Isthmus. On the 12th, Lieut Aubin will occupy the passes in the tier which the Natives are known most to frequent, and will communicate with the extreme left of Major Douglas's line—taking up the best points in observation, and causing at the same time a most minute reconnaissance to be kept upon the xxoutens, in case the Natives could pass into that Peninsula, as they are in the habit of doing either Shellfish or eggs, in which case they will promptly carry into effect the instructions with which he has already been furnished.

9. Capt. Wentworth will, on the 4th of Oct., push a strong Detachment under the orders of Lieut. xxxly from Bothwell towards the Gt. xxxe, for the purpose of thoroughly examining St. Patrick's Plains and the banks of the Shannon, extending its left on retiring to the Clyde, towards the Lagoon of Islands, and right towards Lake Echo.

This Detachment will be assisted by the Roving Parties under xxxwin and Doran, and by the Settlers resident on the Shannon.

10. Capt. Wentworth will also march the Troops at Hamilton township, under Capt. Vicary, across the Clyde to occupy the eastern bank of the Ouse. For this service every possible assistance will be afforded by the Party formed from the Establishments of Messrs. Triffith, Sharland, xxxzetti, Young, Dixon, Austin, xxxn, Jamieson, Shone, Risely, and any other settlers in that District, together with any men of the Field Police who may be well acquainted in that part of the country.

11. A small Party of Troops under the command of Lieut. Mur xxxx will also be sent up the North bank of the Derwent, to scour the country on the West bank of the Ouse. This Detachment will be strengthened by any Parties of the Police or Volunteers that can be supplied by the Police Magistrate in New Norfolk, and from Hobart Town.

12. These three Detachments, under the orders of Capt. Vicary, Lieut. Croly, and Lieut. Murray, after thoroughly scouring the country, especially the Blue Hill, and after endeavouring to drive towards the Clyde whatever Tribes of Natives may be in those quarters, will severally take up their positions on the 12th Oct., as follows; viz,— Lieut. Croly's force will rest its left of the Clyde where Major Douglas's extreme right will be posted, and its right at Sherwin's.— Capt. Vicary's left will rest at Sherwin's, and his right at Hamilton; Lieut. Murray's left at Hamilton, and his right on the high road at Allanvale, his whole line occupying that road.

13. The parties of Volunteers and Ticket of Leave men, from Hobart town and its neighbourhood, will march by New Norfolk, for the purpose of assisting Captain Went worth's' force, in occupying the Clyde; and they will be rendering a great service by joining that force in time to invest the Blue Hill, which will be about the 10th of October.

14. The Police Magistrate of New Norfolk will reserve, from amongst the Volunteers and Ticket of Leave men, a sufficient force to occupy the Pass, which runs from the high road, near Downie's, by Parson's Valley, to Mr. Murdoch's, on the Jordan, and on the 9th of October, he will move these bodies by the Dromedary Mountain, which he will cause to be carefully examined towards that Pass, which on the afternoon of the 20th he will occupy, taking care so to post his parties as to prevent the Natives from passing the Chain, on being pressed from the northward.

15. Captain Donaldson will, with as little delay as possible, make arrangements for advancing from Norfolk Plains towards the country on the West Bank of the Lake River, up to Regent's Plains and Lake Arthur, driving in a southerly direction any of the tribes in that quarter. He will also push some parties over the tier to the Great Lake, so as to make an appearance at the head of the Shannon and of the Ouse; and on the 12th of October, his position will extend from Sorell Lake to Lake Echo, by St. Patrick's Plains. In this important position he will remain, with the view of arresting the flight of any tribes towards the West, which might possibly pass through the first line. And as the success of the general operations will so much depend upon the vigilant guard to be observed over this tract of country, the Lieutenant Governor places the utmost confidence in Captain Donaldson's exertions in effectually debarring the escape of the Tribes in this direction; for which purpose he will withdraw, if he thinks proper, the detachment at West bury, and will concentrate his forces on the position described. In this service Capt. Donaldson will be supported by all the force that can be brought forward by the Police Magistrates of Launceston and Norfolk Plains in addition to that which can be contributed by the settlers in those districts.

16. It may be presumed, that by the movements already described, the Natives will have been enclosed within the settled districts of the county of Buckingham.

17. On the morning of the 14th of October, Major Douglas will advance the whole of the Northern Division in a South easterly direction, extending from the Clyde to the Oyster Bay Range; Captain Mahon being on his right, Captains Macpherson and Bailie in his centre, and Captain Wellman on his left, while Lieut. Aubin will occupy the crests of the tier. The left wing of Major Douglas's division will move along the tier nearly due South to Little Swan Port River, the left centre upon Mr Hobbs's stock run, the right centre upon the Blue Hill Bluff, and the right wing to the Great Jordan Lagoon. Having thoroughly examined all the tiers and the ravines on its line of march, the division will reach these stations on the 16th and will halt on Sunday, the 17th of October.

l8. A large fire will be kept burning on the Blue Hill Bluff, from the morning of the 14th until the morning of the 18th, as a point of direction for the centre, by which the whole line will be regulated.

19. On Monday, the 18th, Major Douglas's division will again advance, in a Southeasterly direction, its left moving upon Prosser's River, keeping close to the tier, its centre upon Prosser's Plains to Olding's Hut, its right upon Musquito Plain and the north side of the Brown Mountain, which stations they will reach respectively on the evening of the 20th, and where they will halt for further orders, taking the utmost care to extend the line from Prosser's Bay, so as to connect the Parties with the Brown Mountain, enclosing the Brushy Plains, with the hills called the three Thumbs, in so cautious a manner, that the Natives may not be able to pass them.

20. From the morning of the 18th to the 22d a large fire will be kept burning on the summit of the Brown Mountain, to serve as a point of direction for Major Douglas's right and Captain Wentworth's left.

21. On the morning of the 14th October, the Western Division, under the orders of Captain Wentworth, formed on the Bank of the Clyde, will enter the Abyssinia Tier and after thoroughly examining every part of that range, will move due east to the Banks of the Jordan, with its left at Bisdee's Broadribb's, and Jones's Farms, its centre at the Green Ponds, and its right at Murdoch's Farm, at the Broad Marsh, which stations they will severally gain on Saturday evening, the 16th of October, and where they will halt on Sunday the 17th.

22. Whenever Captain Went worth's force moves from the Clyde to the Eastward, those Settlers who do not join him, will invest the road of the Upper, and Lower Clyde, and will keep guard on it during the remainder of the operations, extending their left through "Miles Opening," to Mrs. Jones's Farm.

23. On Monday the 18th, the Western Division will advance, its left, which will connect, with the right of the Northern Division, by Spring Hill, the Lovely Banks, and the Hollowtree Bottom, to Mr. Reis's Farm, on the West of the Brown Mountain,—its centre, over Constitution hill and the Bagdad Tier, and by the Coal River, Sugar Loaf to Mr. Smith's Farm, at the Junction of the Kangaroo and Coal Rivers,—its right over the Mangalore Tier, through Bagdad and the Teatree Brush, to Styne and Troy's Farm on the Coal River, which stations they will respectively reach on the afternoon of the 20th, and where they will have further orders.

24. Whenever the right with Capt. Wentworth's Division have reached Mr. Murdoch's at the Jordan, Mr. Dumaresq's force will abandon the Pass of Parxxx Valley, and will extend itself to Capt. Wentworth's extreme in advancing with that force, until it occupies the Coal River, and Capt Wentworth's right to the Mouth of the River. A Police Observation will be stationed at the Mountain called " Gxxx Quoin," near the Tea tree Brush.

25. The Assistant Commissary General will provide rations for the undermentioned stations, at:
Waterloo Point
Malony's Sugar Loaf
Lackey's Mill
Under the Bluff of Xxxx Mountain
New Norfolk
Murdoch's (Jordan)
Cross Marsh
Hobbs, (Little Swan River)
Mr. Torlesse's Nicholas's on the Ouse
Green Ponds
Bisdee's Farm Richmond
Mr Reid's Kangaroo Point
Olding's Prosser's Plains
Captain McLaine's, Spring Bay
Lt. Hawkins's, Little Swan Port
Tier West of Waterloo Plains
Jone's Hut, St. Patricks Plains
Capt. Wood's Hut, Regent Plains
Mr. Geo. Kemp's Hut, Lake Sorell
Michael Howe's Marsh

The arrangement, at the different depots, for the conveyance of ra­tions and stores to the Parties em­ployed, will be undertaken by Mr Scott, Mr. Wedge, and Mr. Shar­land; and as the leader of each party will be a respectable indivi­dual, he will keep a Ration-Book in which he will insert his own name, and the names of all his party, which on his presenting at any of the Depots, stating the quantity required, the respective storekeepers will issue the same, taking care that no greater quantity than 7 days' supply, consisting of the following articles per diem, viz. 8 oz. of Sugar, ˝ oz. tea, 2 lbs. flour, and 1˝b of meat, for each person, shall be issued at one time to any party.

25. The inhabitants of the Country, generally, are requested not to make any movements against the Natives, within the circuit oc­cupied by the troops, until the general line reaches them, and the residents of the Jordan and Bag­dad line of road will render the most effectual assistance, by joining Capt. Wentworth’s force, while yet on the Clyde.

26 The assigned servants of settlers will be expected to muster, provided each with a good pair of spare shoes, and a blanket, and 7 day’s provisions, consisting of flour or biscuit, salt, meat, tea, and sugar; so, also, prisoners holding Tickets of Leave; but these latter, where they cannot afford it, will be furnished with a supply of pro­visions from the Government Ma­gazines.

27. It will not be necessary, that more than two men of every five should carry fire arms, as the remaining three can very advantageously assist their comrades in carrying provisions, etc. and the Lieutenant Governor takes this opportunity of again enjoining the whole community to bear in mind, that the object in view is not to injure or destroy the unhappy Sa­vages, against whom these move­ments will be directed, but to cap­ture and raise them in the scale of civilization, by placing them under the immediate control of a competent establishment, from whence they will not have it in their power to escape and molest the White In­habitants of the Colony, and where they themselves will no longer be subject to the miseries of perpetual warfare, or to the privations which the extension of the Settlements would progressively entail upon them, were they to remain in their present unhappy site.

28 The Police Magistrates and the Masters of Assigned Servants will be careful to entrust with arm only such prisoners as they can place confidence in ; and, to ensure regularity, each prisoner employed will be furnished by the Police Magistrate with a Pass, describing the Division to which he is attached, and the name of its leader, and containing the personal description of the prisoner himself.

By His Excellency’s Command

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