1827 - 1829 (1 year)
Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1827 | - 1827—1827: Ohm's Law published
2 | 1828 | - 25 Oct 1828—25 Oct 1828: St Katharine Docks in London opened (designed by Thomas Telford)
3 | 1829 | - 1829—1829: London Metropolitan Police Force formed, nicknamed 'Bobbies' after Sir Robert Peel
- 1829—1829: Louis Braille invents his system of finger-reading for the blind
- 10 Jun 1829—10 Jun 1829: First Oxford/Cambridge Boat Race
- 6 Oct 1829—6 Oct 1829: George Stephenson's Rocket wins the Rainhill trials (it was the only one to
complete the trial!)