Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1891 | - 1891—1891: Primary education made free and compulsory
- 18 Mar 1891—18 Mar 1891: First telephone link between London & Paris
- 4 May 1891—4 May 1891: Fictional date when Sherlock Holmes throws Moriarty over Reichenbach Falls, then disappears for 3 years! (published in 1893)
- 24 Aug 1891—24 Aug 1891: Thomas Edison patents the motion picture camera
2 | 1892 | - 1892—1892: Electric oven invented
- 1892—1892: Shop Hours Act - limit 74 hours per week for under-18's
- 6 Oct 1892—6 Oct 1892: Alfred Lord Tennyson dies, aged 83, at his house Aldworth, near Haslemere
3 | 1893 | - 1893—1893: Henry Ford's first car
- 1893—1893: Zip fastener invented
4 | 1894 | - 1894—1894: Picture postcard introduced in Britain
- 1 Jan 1894—1 Jan 1894: Manchester Ship Canal opens
- 1 Mar 1894—1 Mar 1894: Blackpool Tower opens
- 30 Jun 1894—30 Jun 1894: Tower Bridge first opens
- 2 Aug 1894—2 Aug 1894: Death duties first introduced in Britain
5 | 1895 | - 1895—1895: Sir Henry Wood starts Promenade Concerts in London
- 12 Jan 1895—12 Jan 1895: The National Trust founded in England
- 24 May 1895—24 May 1895: Henry Irving becomes the first person from the theatre to be knighted
- 28 May 1895—28 May 1895: Oscar Wilde sent to prison
- 12 Jul 1895—12 Jul 1895: First recorded motor journey of any length (56 miles) in Britain
- 17 Oct 1895—17 Oct 1895: First people in Britain to be charged with motor offences - John Henry Knight and James Pullinger of Farnham, Surrey
- Nov 1895—Nov 1895: X-rays discovered
6 | 1896 | - 5 Apr 1896—5 Apr 1896: First modern Olympic Games held in Athens
- 2 Jun 1896—2 Jun 1896: Guglielmo Marconi receives a British patent (later disputed) for the radio
7 | 1897 | - 1897—1897: Thomas Edison patents the Kinetoscope, the first movie projector
8 | 1898 | - 1898—1898: First photograph using artificial light
- 1898—1898: Zeppelin builds airship
- 1898—1898: Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company founded
- 17 Mar 1898—17 Mar 1898: USS Holland launched, the first practical submarine
- 27 Jun 1898—27 Jun 1898: The first solo circumnavigation of the globe completed at Rhode island by
Joshua Slocum in Spray (started from Boston, Mass on Apr 24, 1895)
9 | 1899 | - 6 Mar 1899—6 Mar 1899: Aspirin first marketed by Bayer
- 11 Oct 1899—11 Oct 1899: Start of Second Boer War
10 | 1900 | - 1900—1900: School leaving age in Britain raised to 14 years
- 1900—1900: Central Line opens in London: underground is electrified
- 1900—1900: Escalator shown at Paris exhibition
- 9 Feb 1900—9 Feb 1900: Davis Cup tennis competition established
- 27 Feb 1900—27 Feb 1900: Labour Party formed
11 | 1901 | - 1901—1901: Commonwealth of Australia founded
- 1901—1901: Hubert Cecil Booth patents the vacuum cleaner
- 22 Jan 1901—22 Jan 1901: Queen Victoria dies - Edward VII king
- 2 Feb 1901—2 Feb 1901: Queen Victoria's funeral - interred beside Prince Albert in the Frogmore
Mausoleum at Windsor Great Park
- Jun 1901—Jun 1901: Denunciation of use of concentration camps by British in Boer War
- 2 Oct 1901—2 Oct 1901: Britain's first submarine launched
- 12 Dec 1901—12 Dec 1901: First successful radio transmission across the Atlantic, by Marconi - Morse
code from Cornwall to Newfoundland
12 | 1902 | - 1902—1902: Balfour's Education Act provides for secondary education
- 1902—1902: Cremation Act - cremation can only take place at officially recognised establishments,
and with two death certificates issued
- 1902—1902: Marie Curie discovers radioactivity
- 24 May 1902—24 May 1902: Empire Day (later Commonwealth Day) first celebrated
- 31 May 1902—31 May 1902: Treaty of Vereeniging ends Second Boer War
- 9 Aug 1902—9 Aug 1902: Coronation of Edward VII
13 | 1903 | - 1903—1903: Workers' Education Association (WEA) formed in Britain
- 1903—1903: Women's Social and Political Union formed in Britain by Emmeline Pankhurst
- 1903—1903: Henry Ford sets up his motor company
- 14 Dec 1903—14 Dec 1903: First flight of Wilbur & Orville Wright
14 | 1904 | - 1904—1904: Leeds University established
- 8 Apr 1904—8 Apr 1904: France and UK sign the Entente Cordiale
- 4 May 1904—4 May 1904: America takes over construction of the Panama Canal from the French
(completed 1914)