1901 - 1901 (0 years)
Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1901 | - 1901—1901: Commonwealth of Australia founded
- 1901—1901: Hubert Cecil Booth patents the vacuum cleaner
- 22 Jan 1901—22 Jan 1901: Queen Victoria dies - Edward VII king
- 2 Feb 1901—2 Feb 1901: Queen Victoria's funeral - interred beside Prince Albert in the Frogmore
Mausoleum at Windsor Great Park
- Jun 1901—Jun 1901: Denunciation of use of concentration camps by British in Boer War
- 2 Oct 1901—2 Oct 1901: Britain's first submarine launched
- 12 Dec 1901—12 Dec 1901: First successful radio transmission across the Atlantic, by Marconi - Morse
code from Cornwall to Newfoundland