1758 - 1769 (10 years)
Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1758 | - 1758—1758: India stops being merely a commercial venture - England begins dominating it
politically - The East India Company retains its monopoly although it ceased to trade
2 | 1759 | - 1759—1759: Wesley builds 356 Methodist chapels
- 15 Jan 1759—15 Jan 1759: British Museum opens to the public in London
- 16 Oct 1759—16 Oct 1759: Third Eddystone Lighthouse (John Smeaton's) completed
3 | 1760 | - 1760—1760: Carron Iron Works in operation in Scotland
- 5 May 1760—5 May 1760: First use of hangman's drop
- 25 Oct 1760—25 Oct 1760: George II dies - George III Hanover, his grandson, becomes king. The date conventionally marks the start of the so-called first Industrial Revolution'
4 | 1761 | - 16 Jan 1761—16 Jan 1761: British capture Pondicherry, India from the French
5 | 1762 | - 1762—1762: Cigars introduced into Britain from Cuba
6 | 1763 | - 1763—1763: Treaty of Paris - gives back to France everything Pitt fought to obtain - (Newfoundland
[fishing], Guadaloupe and Martininque [sugar], Dakar [gum]) - but English displaces French
as the international language
7 | 1764 | - 1764—1764: Lloyd's Register of shipping first prepared
- 1764—1764: Practice of numbering houses introduced to London
- 1764—1764: James Hargeaves invents the Spinning Jenny (but destroyed 1768)
- 1764—1764: Mozart produces his first symphony at age eight
8 | 1765 | - 1765—1765: The potato becomes the most popular food in Europe
- 22 Mar 1765—22 Mar 1765: Stamp Act passed - imposed a tax on publications and legal documents in the
American colonies (repealed the following year)
9 | 1766 | - 1766—1766: Start of 'composite' national records on rainfall in the UK
- 5 Dec 1766—5 Dec 1766: Christie's auction house founded in London by James Christie
10 | 1767 | - 1767—1767: Newcomen's steam pumping engine perfected by James Watt
11 | 1768 | - 9 Jan 1768—9 Jan 1768: Philip Astley starts his circus in London
- 6 Dec 1768—6 Dec 1768: The first edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica' published in Edinburgh by
William Smellie
12 | 1769 | - 1769—1769: Arkwright invents water frame (textile production)
- 1769—1769: Capt James Cook maps the coast of New Zealand
- 6 Sep 1769—6 Sep 1769: David Garrick organises first Shakespeare festival at Stratford-upon-Avon