Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1698 | - 1698—1698: Invention of steam engine by Capt Thomas Savery
- 1698—1698: Darien Expedition: a disastrous attempt to establish a Scots settlement in Panama
- 1698—1698: Duties (taxes) on entries in parish registers - repealed after five years
- 4 Jan 1698—4 Jan 1698: Most of the Palace of Whitehall in London destroyed by fire
- 14 Nov 1698—14 Nov 1698: Eddystone Lighthouse (Henry Winstanley's) first lit; completed 10 days earlier
2 | 1700 | - 1700—1700: Population in England and Scotland approx 7.5 million
3 | 1701 | - 1701—1701: Act of Settlement bars Catholics from the British throne
- 23 May 1701—23 May 1701: After being convicted of piracy and murdering William Moore, Captain
William Kidd hanged in London
4 | 1702 | - 8 Mar 1702—8 Mar 1702: Anne Stuart becomes Queen
- 11 Mar 1702—11 Mar 1702: First English daily newspaper The Daily Courant (till 1735)
5 | 1703 | - 4 Aug 1703—4 Aug 1703: British take Gibraltar
- 24 Nov 1703—24 Nov 1703: Climate: Most violent storms of the millennium cause vast damage
across southern England - about a third of Britain's merchant fleet lost, and Eddystone
lighthouse destroyed on 27 November (Nov 24 - Dec 2)
6 | 1704 | - 1704—1704: Penal Code enacted - Catholics barred from voting, education and the military
- 13 Aug 1704—13 Aug 1704: Battle of Blenheim
7 | 1705 | - 1705—1705: First workable steam pumping engine devised by Thomas Newcomen (some say c1710
or 1711)
- 1705—1705: Isaac Newton knighted (for his work at the Royal Mint)
8 | 1706 | - 1706—1706: First evening newspaper The Evening Post' issued in London
9 | 1707 | - 16 Jan 1707—16 Jan 1707: Union with Scotland - Scots agree to send 16 peers and 45 MPs to English
Parliament in return for full trading privileges - Scottish Parliament meets for the last time in
- 1 May 1707—1 May 1707: English and Scottish Parliaments united by an Act of the English Parliament -
The Kingdom of Great Britain established - largest free-trade area in Europe at the time
10 | 1708 | - 1708—1708: First Jacobite rising in Scotland
- 1708—1708: Earliest Artillery Muster Rolls
11 | 1709 | - 1709—1709: Second Eddystone lighthouse completed
- 1709—1709: First Copyright Act pass
- 1709—1709: Bad harvests throughout Europe - bread riots in Britain
- 2 Feb 1709—2 Feb 1709: Alexander Selkirk rescued from shipwreck on a desert island, inspiring the book
Robinson Crusoe (published in 1719) by Daniel Defoe
12 | 1710 | - 1710—1710: Tax on Apprentice Indentures introduced
13 | 1711 | - 1711—1711: Incorporation of South Sea Company, in London
- 11 Aug 1711—11 Aug 1711: First race meeting at Ascot
14 | 1712 | - 1712—1712: Imposition of Soap Tax (abolished 1853)
- 1712—1712: Last trial for witchcraft in England (Jane Wenham)
- 1712—1712: Toleration Act passed - first relief to non-Anglicans
15 | 1713 | - 1713—1713: By this year there are some 3,000 coffee houses in London
16 | 1714 | - 1714—1714: Longitude Act: prize of ?20,000 offered to the inventor of a workable method of
determining a ship's longitude (won by John Harrison in 1773 for his chronometer).
- 1714—1714: Schism Act, prevents Dissenters from being schoolmasters in England
- 1714—1714: Landholders forced to take the Oath of Allegiance and renounce Roman Catholicism
- 1 Aug 1714—1 Aug 1714: Queen Anne Stuart dies - George I Hanover becomes king (1714-1727).
17 | 1715 | - 1715—1715: Second Jacobite rebellion in Scotland, under the Old Pretender ('The Fifteen')
- 1 Aug 1715—1 Aug 1715: Riot Act passed
18 | 1716 | - 1716—1716: The Septennial Act of Britain leads to greater electoral corruption - general elections
now to be held once every 7 years instead of every 3 (until 1911)
- 1716—1716: Climate: Thames frozen so solid that a spring tide lifted the ice bodily 13ft without
interrupting the frost fair
19 | 1717 | - 1717—1717: First Masonic Lodge opens in London
- 1717—1717: Value of the golden guinea fixed at 21 shillings
20 | 1719 | - 1719—1719: Third abortive Jacobite rising
21 | 1720 | - 1720—1720: South Sea Bubble, a stock-market crash on Exchange Alley - government assumes
control of National Debt
- 1720—1720: Manufacturing towns start to increase in population - rise of new wealth
- 1720—1720: Wallpaper becomes fashionable in England
22 | 1721 | - 2 Apr 1721—2 Apr 1721: Robert Walpole (Whig) becomes first Prime Minister (to 1742)
23 | 1722 | - 1722—1722: Last trial for witchcraft in Scotland
- 1722—1722: Knatchbull's Act, poor laws
24 | 1723 | - 1723—1723: Excise tax levied for coffee, tea, and chocolate
- 1723—1723: The Waltham Black Acts add 50 capital offences to the penal code - people could be
sentenced to death for theft and poaching - repealed in 1827
- 1723—1723: The Workhouse Act or Test - to get relief, a poor person has to enter Workhouse
25 | 1724 | - 1724—1724: Rapid growth of gin drinking in England
- 1724—1724: Longman's founded (Britain's oldest publishing house)
26 | 1726 | - 1726—1726: First circulating library opened in Edinburgh
- 1726—1726: Invention of the chronometer by John Harrison
27 | 1727 | - 1727—1727: Board of Manufacturers established in Scotland
- 11 Jun 1727—11 Jun 1727: George I dies - George II Hanover becomes king
28 | 1729 | - 9 Nov 1729—9 Nov 1729: Treaty of Seville signed between Britain, France and Spain - Britain maintained
control of Port Mahon and Gibraltar
29 | 1730 | |
30 | 1731 | - 1731—1731: Invention of seed drill by Jethro Tull [others say 1701]
- 1731—1731: Invention of sextant by John Hadley
31 | 1732 | - 7 Dec 1732—7 Dec 1732: Covent Garden Opera House opens
32 | 1733 | - 1733—1733: Excise crisis: Sir Robert Walpole wanted to add excise tax to tobacco and wine -
Pulteney and Bolingbroke oppose the excise tax
- 1733—1733: Law forbidding the use of Latin in parish registers generally obeyed - some continued in
Latin for a few years
- 1733—1733: John Kay invents the flying shuttle, revolutionised the weaving industry
33 | 1734 | - 1734—1734: Kent's Directory published
34 | 1737 | - 1737—1737: Licensing Act restricts the number of London theatres and subects plays to censorship
of the Lord Chamberlain (till 1950s)
35 | 1738 | - 24 May 1738—24 May 1738: John Wesley has his conversion experience
36 | 1739 | - 1739—1739: Wesley and Whitefield commence great Methodist revival
- 7 Apr 1739—7 Apr 1739: Dick Turpin, highwayman, hanged at York
- 23 Oct 1739—23 Oct 1739: War of Jenkins' Ear starts: Robert Walpole reluctantly declares war on Spain
37 | 1741 | - 1741—1741: Benjamin Ingham founded the Moravian Methodists or Inghamites - Earliest Moravian
38 | 1742 | - 1742—1742: England goes to war with Spain - incited by William Pitt the Elder (Earl of Chatham)
for the sake of trade
39 | 1743 | - 16 Jun 1743—16 Jun 1743: (June 27 in Gregorian calendar): Battle of Dettingen - last time a British
sovereign (George II) led troops in battle
40 | 1744 | - 1744—1744: Tune 'God Save the King' makes its appearance
41 | 1745 | - 1745—1745: Jacobite rebellion in Scotland ('The Forty-five')
- 19 Aug 1745—19 Aug 1745: Bonnie Prince Charlie (The Young Pretender) lands in the western Highlands -
raises support among Episcopalian and Catholic clans - The Pretender's army invades Perth,
Edinburgh, and England as far as Derby
42 | 1746 | - 16 Apr 1746—16 Apr 1746: Battle of Culloden - last battle fought in Britain - 5,000 Highlanders routed by
the Duke of Cumberland and 9,000 loyalists Scots - Young Pretender Charles flees to
Continent, ending Jacobite hopes forever - the wearing of the kilt prohibited
43 | 1747 | - 1747—1747: Abolition of Heritable Jurisdictions in Scotland
- 1747—1747: Act for Pacification of the Highlands
44 | 1749 | - 27 Apr 1749—27 Apr 1749: First performance of Handel's Music for the Royal Fireworks (in Green Park,
45 | 1750 | - Feb 1750—Feb 1750: Series of earthquakes in London and the Home Counties cause panic with
predictions of an apocalypse (Feb/Mar)
- 16 Nov 1750—16 Nov 1750: Original Westminster Bridge opened (replaced in 1862 due to subsidence)
46 | 1751 | - Mar 1751—Mar 1751: Chesterfield's Calendar Act passed - royal assent to the bill was given on 22
May 1751 - decision to adopt Gregorian Calendar in 1752: In and throughout all his
47 | 1752 | - 1752—1752: Benjamin Franklin invents the lightning conductor
- 1 Jan 1752—1 Jan 1752: Beginning of the year 1752 [Scotland had adopted January as the start of the year
in 1600, and some other countries in Europe had adopted the Gregorian calendar as early as
- 3 Sep 1752—3 Sep 1752: Julian Calendar dropped and Gregorian Calendar adopted in England and
Scotland, making this Sep 14
48 | 1753 | - 1753—1753: Private collection of Sir Hans Sloane forms the basis of the British Museum
- 1 May 1753—1 May 1753: Publication of ?Species Plantarum' by Linnaeus and the formal start date of plant
49 | 1754 | - 1754—1754: Hardwicke Act (1753): Banns to be called, and Printed Marriage Register forms to be
used - Quakers & Jews exempt
- 1754—1754: In the General Election, the Cow Inn at Haslemere, Surrey caused a national scandal by
subdividing the freehold to create eight votes instead of one
- 1754—1754: First British troops not belonging to the East India Company despatched to India
50 | 1755 | - 1755—1755: Publication of Dictionary of the English Language' by Dr Samuel Johnson
- 1755—1755: Period of canal construction began in Britain (till 1827)
- 2 Dec 1755—2 Dec 1755: Second Eddystone Lighthouse destroyed by fire
51 | 1756 | - 15 May 1756—15 May 1756: The Seven Years War with France (Pitt's trade war) begins
- Jun 1756—Jun 1756: Black Hole of Calcutta - 146 Britons imprisoned, most die according to British
52 | 1757 | - 1757—1757: The foundation laid for the Empire of India
- 14 Mar 1757—14 Mar 1757: Admiral Byng shot at Portsmouth for failing to relieve Minorca
- 23 Jun 1757—23 Jun 1757: The Nawab of Bengal tries to expel the British, but is defeated at the battle of
Plassey (Palashi, June 23) - the East India Company forces are led by Robert Clive
53 | 1758 | - 1758—1758: India stops being merely a commercial venture - England begins dominating it
politically - The East India Company retains its monopoly although it ceased to trade
54 | 1759 | - 1759—1759: Wesley builds 356 Methodist chapels
- 15 Jan 1759—15 Jan 1759: British Museum opens to the public in London
- 16 Oct 1759—16 Oct 1759: Third Eddystone Lighthouse (John Smeaton's) completed
55 | 1760 | - 1760—1760: Carron Iron Works in operation in Scotland
- 5 May 1760—5 May 1760: First use of hangman's drop
- 25 Oct 1760—25 Oct 1760: George II dies - George III Hanover, his grandson, becomes king. The date conventionally marks the start of the so-called first Industrial Revolution'
56 | 1761 | - 16 Jan 1761—16 Jan 1761: British capture Pondicherry, India from the French
57 | 1762 | - 1762—1762: Cigars introduced into Britain from Cuba
58 | 1763 | - 1763—1763: Treaty of Paris - gives back to France everything Pitt fought to obtain - (Newfoundland
[fishing], Guadaloupe and Martininque [sugar], Dakar [gum]) - but English displaces French
as the international language
59 | 1764 | - 1764—1764: Lloyd's Register of shipping first prepared
- 1764—1764: Practice of numbering houses introduced to London
- 1764—1764: James Hargeaves invents the Spinning Jenny (but destroyed 1768)
- 1764—1764: Mozart produces his first symphony at age eight
60 | 1765 | - 1765—1765: The potato becomes the most popular food in Europe
- 22 Mar 1765—22 Mar 1765: Stamp Act passed - imposed a tax on publications and legal documents in the
American colonies (repealed the following year)
61 | 1766 | - 1766—1766: Start of 'composite' national records on rainfall in the UK
- 5 Dec 1766—5 Dec 1766: Christie's auction house founded in London by James Christie
62 | 1767 | - 1767—1767: Newcomen's steam pumping engine perfected by James Watt
63 | 1768 | - 9 Jan 1768—9 Jan 1768: Philip Astley starts his circus in London
- 6 Dec 1768—6 Dec 1768: The first edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica' published in Edinburgh by
William Smellie
64 | 1769 | - 1769—1769: Arkwright invents water frame (textile production)
- 1769—1769: Capt James Cook maps the coast of New Zealand
- 6 Sep 1769—6 Sep 1769: David Garrick organises first Shakespeare festival at Stratford-upon-Avon
65 | 1770 | - 1770—1770: Clyde Trust created to convert the River Clyde, then an insignificant river, into a major
thoroughfare for maritime communications
- 28 Apr 1770—28 Apr 1770: Capt James Cook lands in Australia (Botany Bay) ? Aug 21: formally claims
Australia for Britain
66 | 1771 | - 1771—1771: Right to report Parliamentary debates established in England
67 | 1772 | - 1772—1772: First Travellers' Cheques issued by the London Credit Exchange Company
- 1772—1772: Morning Post' first published (until 1937)
- 14 May 1772—14 May 1772: Judge Mansfield rules that there is no legal basis for slavery in England
68 | 1774 | - 13 Sep 1774—13 Sep 1774: Cook arrives on Easter Island
69 | 1775 | - 19 Apr 1775—19 Apr 1775: Battle of Lexington: first action in American War of Independence (1775- 1783)
70 | 1776 | - 1776—1776: Somerset House in London becomes the repository of records of population
- 1776—1776: Watt and Boulton produce their first commercial steam engine
- 4 Jul 1776—4 Jul 1776: American Declaration of Independence
- 7 Sep 1776—7 Sep 1776: First attack on a warship by a submarine - David Bushnell's ?Turtle' attacked
HMS Eagle in New York harbour. The attack was perhaps spectacular (a charge did
detonate beneath the ship) but was nevertheless unsuccessful. 'Turtle' was a one man
Affair man-powered [Les Moore]