Notes |
- 1840 Census Jefferson County, New York
Male age 0-5 - - - - - 3
Male age 5-10 - - - - 1
Male age 10-15 - - - 0
Male age 15-20 - - - 1
Male age 20-30 - - - 0
Male age 30-40 - - - 0
Male age 40-50 - - - 1
Male age 50-60 - - - 0
Female age 0-5 - - - 1
Female age 5-10 - - 0
Female age 10-15 - 0
Female age 15-20 - 0
Female age 20-30 - 1
Female age 30-40 - 0
Female age 40-50 - 0
Female age 50-60 - 0
Internet note on Jefferson County, NY -
Really enjoyed viewing the map of Henderson. The maps of that area aregreat. I saw where a L. Dexter, MD must have had an office. Myhusband's great grandfather was Livingston L.(Luen) Dexter, MD fromHenderson in Jefferson County. Livingston Luen Dexter was b. Dec 21,1833 in Belleville and d. Nov 25, 1906 in Wapello County, Iowa. He wasthe s/o Zadock Dexter and Irena Hyde, the names used on his deathcertificate. Some Jefferson County records list his mother as IrenaCook.
The siblings of Livingston Dexter are, Beulah Ann (married RobertSearles), Bestow (married Caroline Cooper), Sarah ( married Cook),Erestes and Irena (d. an infant). Beulah's death certificate alsolisted her mother as Irene Hyde and not Cook.
Zadock Dexter, after his wife Irene's death, married Adeline R.Rainey. A descendant of Adeline told me her maiden name was Cook. Thatis all the proof I have. Being so far away it is hard to locateinformation. Zadock and Adeline had two sons, George and McClure
Livingston Luen Dexter was a graduate of Bellevue Medical College in1863. He had married Elizabeth Ann Pollard also of that area. Theymoved to Ottumwa, Wapello County, Iowa around 1866.
Marie McCoy
Its plaster exterior, which is a comparatively recent modification,reminds one of the quaint and picturesque houses of Brittany orNormandy. This particular house, which is in the town of Hendersonnear the Ellisburg town line, appears to have been built about 125years ago by Zadock Dexter, who on March 3, 1825 had paid his brother,William, $800 for 82.7 acres in that immediate area. (JeffersonCounty NY Deed Book V, p. 192) On the preceding Jan. 7 William hadbought 137.95 acres in the same area from William Henderson, of HydePark, the landowner, for whom the town was named. (Jefferson County NYDeed Book V, p. 161)
Whether William and Zadock Dexter had the same ancestry as the Dexterfamily at Black River is not apparent at this time. William died in1856 and among his bequests were two cherry bureaus, one to his widowand one to his daughter. A $50 bequest to the American Bible societyorganized in New York in 1816 indicates that he was a religious man.
Zadock died on Feb. 13, 1870 leaving a will executed April 4, 1864giving his wife, Adaline R. Dexter the house 30 acres of land which hehad bought that same day from Cyrus N. and Cornelia Rowe for $2.500.(Jefferson County NY Deed Book 156, p. 274) Three days prior to thatZadock and Adaline R. Rowe had sold the neighboring 52 acres and thehouse shown herewith to their son Bestow Dexter for $2,500.(Jefferson County NY Deed Book 156, p. 275)
Upon the death of Bestow Dexter, the property passed to his widow,Mrs. Caroline E. Dexter who disposed of it to Frank and Mary E.Hamlin, town of Henderson, and the deed stated that the plot touchedthe 30 acres, which Rowe had sold to William Dexter in 1864. When theHamlins sold this quaint little house March 25, 1919, they includedbut 18 acres of land with it.