Name |
Bessie Bowman |
Gender |
Female |
Person ID |
I92910 |
My Genealogy |
Last Modified |
17 Nov 2020 |
Notes |
- "Fountain County, Indiana USGenWeb Project;http://ingenweb.org/infountain/
Bessie Ann Bowman
Crawfordsville Journal-Review
Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana
April 5, 1969 p 6
Mrs. Bessie Ann Keller, 79, of 908 Grace Ave died shortly before noonFriday in Culver Hospital after an illness of several weeks. A nativeof near Wallace, she was a daughter of Jacob and Barbara ElizabethBasham Bowman. She married Harry Lee Keller April 8, 1909. They livedmost of their lives on farms in Fountain and Montgomery Counties,moving to Crawfordsville in 1943. Mrs. Keller attended the GraysSchool in Fountain County. She was a member ofthe First Chruch of theNazarene, here. Survivors include her husband, two sons, Gerald ofCrawfordsville and Morris of Dallas, Texas, a sister, ura Hamm andhalf-sister, Zula Livengood of near Hillsboro and 5 grandchildren andthree great grandchildren. Funeral rites are at 2 p.m. Monday at theFirst Church of Nazarene, Rev. WS Muir will officiate with intermentin Waynetown Masonic Cemetery. Friends may call after 1 p.m. Sunday atHunt & Son Funeral Home. Thanks to the Proctors for this obit.
File Created: 2008-Sep-20"