Notes |
- Authoress
'Widely emembered' for 'many noble works' including for training orphan boys and girls near Aberfoyle
Ann Jean Douglas, authoress, 9 Apr 1839/4 Jan 1839 married George Cupples 18 May 1858 in Edinburgh. (Ann Jane Dunn Douglas, as Mrs. George Cupples, "John Stocks and 'The Bison'" /i 70) (Cupples, Ann Jane Dunn Douglas (Mrs George), 1839-1898 Columbia U Library Hodder & Stoughton Papers) (MRS GEORGE CUPPLESOLD DOLPHIN HB in good condition, decorated boards, some spotting at edges LONDON: GA AHBOOKS$12.90 BUY) (Title : Norris Seton Author: CUPPLES, Mrs. George Contributor: JEAFFRESON, John Cordy variant spelling JEFFRESON Mark : JEAFFRESON September 11,1869), (Mrs George Cupples Alice Leighton A Tale For The Young "Hardcover. Poor 1894. T Nelson & Sons London pub.Decorated cloth cover, fading, book loose at spine, can be repaired. A good name is rather to be chosen than riches. Payment and delivery arranged upon contact w/seller. Literature-England-Classics-Juvenile" ) (Cupples, Mrs. George - Bluff Crag (or. A Good Word Costs Nothing) Capt?, George CUPPLES (M: 1822 - 1891) The Two Frigates [f|1859 Mrs George, (Anne Jane) CUPPLES, nee DOUGLAS (F: 1839 - 1898) Talks With Uncle Richard About Wild Animals [? Mamma's Stories About Domestic Pets [? Cupples, Mrs. George. Clever little Madge and other stories. With a picture on every page. London, Edinburgh, & New York: T. Nelson and Sons, [ca. 1865]. 12mo. [1] f., [32] pp.; illus.