Notes |
"Rush Herman R 1895 1968 p27 Crawfordsville MasonicCemetery (Union)"
SOURCE: Contibuted by a direct family member per e-mail dated 18August 2008, Mike Petros of California. Note: The date of the articlenor the name of the newspaper is given, although it is probably fromthe Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana newspaper and on theday of his death due to the tone of the article.
Herman R. Rush, 73, of 1105 Danville Avenue died at 6:50 a.m. inCulver Hospital where he had been a patient for a week. Mr. Rush hadbeen a technical advisor in the purchasing department at the U.S.General Depot in Columbus, Ohio, prior to his retirement. He was bornSept. 27, 1895 at Homer, Ill., son of James and Mary Gilson Rush. Hemarried Ruth Wright March 2, 1920 in Crawfordsville. Mr. Rush was amember of the Christian Church and a 1914 graduate of CrawfordsvilleHigh School. Survivors include his widow; two daughters, Mrs. JeanWilliams of Chicago and Mrs. Eleanor Petros of Naperville,Shannondale, and seven grandchildren. funeral Arrangements arepending at Hunt and Son funeral Home."
Social Security Death Index
Name: Herman R. Rush
SSN: Private
Last Residence: 47933 Crawfordsville, Montgomery, Indiana, UnitedStates of America
Born: 27 Sep 1895
Died: 15 Oct 1968
State (Year) SSN issued: Indiana (Before 1951 )
Source Citation: Number: Private; Issue State: Indiana;Issue Date:Before 1951. Social Security Death Index [database on-line]. Provo,UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2008.
- (Medical):One week in the hospital prior to his death.