Notes |
- SOURCE: Robert Grant; Manuscript, "1752John Sr. Wright of York County, Virginia, His Wives and Ann Wright,and His Descendants," 252 pages of shared research; revised April 30,2007; Contributed 08 August 2008 to Sandra Lee Elkins Juhl, Compilerper E-mail.
"York County, Virginia, Land Records, 1729-1763 stated at thefollowing order
was filed at York County, Virginia, D.B. 5/551:
"18 Jun 1753. Dudley Wright son of John Wright decd of York Co hathwith the
consent, approbation and good liking of the court and of his own freewill and
consent put himself an apprentice to Peter Sandefur of Warwick Cobricklayer
and to live with him until he shall come to the age of 21 (being 16the 21 Apr last)
to learn the art and practice of the bricklayers trade . . . .Wit:Matthew Langston,
This record indicates that Dudley Wright was born on April 21, 1737.
York County, Virginia, Wills, Inventories and Accounts, 1760-1783stated that the
will of Dudley Wright was dated on December 16, 1760, probated onDecember 21,
1762, at York County, Virginia, W.B. 21/83:
?To my mother my grey horse and the rest of myestate to be equallydivided
between my mother, brother John Wright, my sister Elizabeth Wright andbrother
Benjamin Wright. Exec. Mother and brother John Wright. 16 Dec 1760.Wit.
Henry Howard, Harwood Burt. Proved 21 Dec 1762. Anne Wilks and John
Wright, execs. granted probate, with Robert Shield their security.
The listing of John, Elizabeth, and Benjamin Wright as his siblingsconfirms the
identification of this Dudley Wright as the son of 1752 John Wright ofYork County."