Notes |
- SOURCE: Early Long Island: a colonial study [database on-line].Provo, UT: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005. Original data Flint,Martha Bockee',. Early Long Island: a colonial study. New York:Putnam, 1896. Page 84. EXCERPTS:
"The town was not yet so large that it did not feel safer behind thepalisades erected by an ordinance of 1660. Thirty-one families werethen living there, and the population was one hundred and thirty-four. A church was organised under the Domine, Hendricus Selyns. It wasmade up from four hamlets of the "Kerch-buurte," or churchneighborhood, with a membership of twenty-seven. For some yearsservices were held in a barn, and the first building was not put upuntil 1666. Its site was in Fulton Street, near Lawrence, and it wascalled by Dankers and Sluyter, "a small and ugly little churchstanding in the middle of the street."
"2-"Het Register der Ledermaten der Kerche van Breuckelen" gives thefollowing names of its charter members: Adam Brower, etc..."[Transcribed 31 July 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
SOURCE: Original data: Stiles, Henry Reed,. The civil, political,professional and ecclesiastical history and commercial and industrialrecord of the county of Kings and the city of Brooklyn, N.Y.: from1683 to 1884. New York: Munsell, c1884. Page 87;, c.1680 - AdamBrower, The civil, political, professional andecclesiastical history and commercial and industrial record of thecounty of Kings t [database on-line]. Provo, UT: The GenerationsNetwork, Inc., 2005. NOTE: Verifies land patent of Adam Brower withsignature-Mark-AB.
SOURCE: Updated Sat Feb 28 04:45:24 2004; Contact: Nancy Rubin, TreesRUs-Burial Place of Adam Brower,; Obtained Genealogy of AdamBrower: 31 July 2008
SOURCE: Research by: Edwin G. Donovan, 8th great grandson; Attachedto Adam Brower (1696 - 1769); Titled: Adam Brouwer and MagdalenaJacobs Verdon NYC and Brooklyn NY;; 3 pages length;
"Adam & Magdalena were married 19 Mar 1645 in NYC and had 14 childrenall listed in Adam's will dated 22 Jan 1691/92. the baptismal recordsfor 8 of the children were located in teh NYC/Brooklyn reformed DutchChurch. Adam, from Cologne Germany in 1642 first resided in NYC, thenlater in Brooklyn, where he was taxed in 1675 and 1683. He was bap 18Jan 1621/22 & died before 21 Nov 1692. Magdalena Jacobs, biorn 1628,came from Holland according to an early history on the family,although the marriage record reported she was from New Nederlandt &from a Verdon family. the surname "Berkhoven" was noted in Adam'swill Annetje's & Rachel's marriage record. Etc...For eight childrenlisted above only F~tje's baptism could not be located, but she wasmost likely older than Helena, as F~tje listed in the will and alsomarried before Helena. For the remaining children, listed on the nextpage, only the baptism of Nicholas was found. the job of gettingcorrect birth order is more difficult, but necessary to estimate theirbirth year.
Adam's 1691/92 'will' did not list his children in their actual birthorder but first named 3 that only got one shilling. They are Pieter,Jacob and Aeltje (this is not quite accurate-please read the 'will').Next it named a few legacies for specific grandchildren. then allfive remaining males in birth order. Last are the females unknown ifthey are in order. the known baptism and marriage dates plus order inAdam's will must all be considered to place the last six children incontext. An estimate of the remaining children's order is: Adam'swill names Abraham before Nicholas, and Annetje before Sarah & Rachel. Aeltje and Sarah are likely born before Nicholas, or else they wouldbe much too young for the recorded marriage. Magdalena usuallyaveraged 2 years between children so only 4 would fit into the timeframe between the recorded baptism of Adam & Nicholas. I put Aeltjejust after Adam, due to her marriage date. Next is Sarah and thenAnnetje due to the known marriage dates. Abraham likely is bornbefore Nicholas (will order) that leaves Rachel last. Magdalena aboutage 47 by then is near the end of her long & busy child bearing yrs.
A history by Edwin R Purple, (pub 1881) lists them in the followingorder:
Pieter, Mathew, William, Maria, Aeltje, F~tje, Jacob, Helena, Adam,Abraham, Anna, Sarah, Nicholas, Rachel.
....Grand children marked (+) were baptized, and were found in therecords. The remaining children have been listed in reports of someother researchers, but the baptisms have not been found in myresearch. A filmed copy of the record was used. Full date(s) .. is arecord from the Reformed Dutch Church, NYC, Brooklyn. Other dates areestimates of (+/-) 2 years as the best guess. There are large gapsand missing years in the Brooklyn baptism list between 1663 & 1678that impact this family. ....Magdalena Jacobs Verdon out lived Adam,and she is granted letter of administration for his estate 15 April1693 in NYC." [Transcribed 31 July 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
Updated: 2007-05-03 00:29:02 UTC (Thu) Contact: Frank Van Orden;
"(I) Adam Brouwer immigrated to America from Coulen (Cologne) in
1642, and married in New Amsterdam, New York, March I9, I645,
Magdalena Jacobs Verdan. Berkhoven was probably his correct name, and
Brouwer (Dutch for brewer) refers to his occupation. He wrote his name
Adam Brouwer Berkhoven, the latter name being dropped by his
descendants, and Brouwer now written Brower. Adam resided in Long
Island. His will names children: Pieter, Jacob, Aelttie, Mathys,William, Adam,
Abraham, Nicholas, Mary, Fytie, Helena, Anna, Sara and Rachel. He must
have owned a great amount of land and property, for he devises the useof
it to his wife during her life and then to be equally divided among
the children, except the first three (listed), whom he styles"disobedient
children," and whose shares he devises to their children:
Abstracts of Wills Vol I 1665-1707, pages 213 & 214:
Page 421.--Letters of administration upon the estate of ADAM BREWER,
late of the town of Brooklyn, are granted by Governor BenjaminFletcher, to
his widow, Magdalena Brewer, April 15, 1693.
Page 422.--ADAM BREWER. "In the name of God Amen. Whereas I, Adam
Brewer, Berkhoon, inhabitant of ye Towne of Brooklandt, being atpresent
sick, but fully having my knowledge and understanding." "I desire that
none of my children shall trouble or move their mother during herlife." "I
leave to my eldest son Peter, 3 shillings by reason that he has been
disobedient to his father. And also Jacob Brewer and Altie Brewer for
reason of their disobedience shall not receive a penney from theirfather
Adam Brewer," but their portions are left to their children. The other7
children, Mathys, William, Adam, Abraham, Anna, Sarah, and Rachelshall
have an equal share in the estate. Leaves to Adolphus the son ofWilliam,
3 pieces of 8. To Magdalena, daughter of Peter, 1 piece of 8, and tohis
daughter Vrentie 1 piece of 8. "This is that which ye Testator Adam
Brewer as his last will and testament, he hath signed and sealed the
same with his own hand," January 22, 1691/2. Makes Barent VanFlentburg
and Wm. Nazareth tutors and overseers.
Witnesses, Henry Sleght, Cornelius Sebrig, Johanes Fredrichs.
The foregoing witnesses appeared before me, November 21, 1692, and
made oath to the same.
SOURCE: From New Netherland connections, V. 4, #4: was a soldier (21Feb
1645) in the Manhattan Indian War. He sailed on the ship Swol toBrazil
for the Chamber of Amsterdam in 1641. He bought a house from Hendrich
Jansen fron Jeveren, locksmith, on the 2nd of May 1645." [Transcribed31 July 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
Source: "A History of the City of Brooklyn. Including The Old TownAnd Village Of Brooklyn, The Town Of Bushwick, And The Village AndCity Of Williamsburgh. Vol. I.
Chapter II. XXII.
Upon Bout 's patent was located Freeke 's Mill, or the "old GowanusMill," probably the oldest in the town of Breukelen . As early 1661 ,it was occupied conjointly by Isaac De Forest and Adam Brower , thelatter purchasing the interest of the former.* They were, undoubtedly,tenants of Bout , who, in 1667 (King's Co. Convey., p. 179), gave "thecorn and meadows and place whereon the mill is grounded," to thechildren of Adam Brower . And, according to a deed, dated April 30,1707 , of Sybrant Brower to Abram and Nicholas Brower (King's Co.Convey., liber iii. p. 201) it appears that their ancestor, AdamBrower , had received from the heirs of Bout and Teunis Nuyse aconveyance of the neck of land upon which the mill was located. Thismill-pond was formed by damming off the head of Gowanus Kil , and theold mill was located just north of Union, west of Nevin , and betweenthat street and Bond.*" [Transcribed 31 July 2008,SLJuhl, Compiler]
SOURCE: Historical miscellany [database on-line]. Provo, UT: TheGenerations Network, Inc., 2005. Original data: Gritman, Ch. T.,Historical miscellany. New Your, N.Y., unknown, 1920, page 1_288.,ADAM Brewer - King's County Deeds Liber 2. 288 No. 199 Page 247GOWANUS, The Gowanos Mill, Page 349,
"P. 247: 17 January 1671. I underwritten doe acknowledge to therequisition of Adam Brewer what I arent evertse have written havewritten between Adam Brewer and John Buys concerning the corner andmeadow and there the MILL is grounded upon what is comprehended in thesame I will declare and verifye it, by oath at all times. A. Everts
We underwritten John Cornelinsse Buys, aged about thirty-eight years,and Dirick Jansen, aged about thirty-two years doe acknowledge thatthey awhile agoe have seen and heard out of the mouth of John EvertseBout in the house of John DAmon keeping taverne in Broockland that theaforesd John Evertse Bout should have spoken in their presence,whereas the aforesd assistants demanded of him concerning the sdmatter, how it was for present with the corner and meadow whereon theMILL is grounded if the aforesd John Evertse Bout replyed he had not,but said in presence of this aforesd assistance, that he John EvertseBout this place whereon the mill is grounded and the corner of and themeadows not hath given unto Adam Brewer, but John evertse Bout saidthat he the corner and meadows and place whereon the MILL is groundedhath given to the children of Adam Brewer. This we assistants declareto be true and to have heard and seen it, and are willing at all times(if need require) to confirme it with oath, in Midwout this 2oth ofAugust 1667 in the presence of Peter Janse Schooll and Denys IsaackVansartervelt honest persons herunto required the day above. SignedJohn Cornelinsse Buys, Dirick Janse, In my presence Arent Evertsen"
"P. 349: October 10th 1700. PETER Brower of East New Jersey to ABRAMBrower and Nicholas Brower of Broockland
Whereas there is a certain neck or kooke of land and meadows with acertain CORNE MILL thereon standing lying scituate and being in thetownship of Broockland aforesaid commonly knowne and called by thename of the GOWANOS MILL neck, Bounded, North by said mill creeke(including sd creeke) and soe by the land of Jacob Hansen, South bythe Highway to a place called the Gowanos along the house of HenrickVechte being some part thereof, and the other part thereof South bythe home lott of Volert Briez, East by creeke and West by creeke."all formerly in the tenure and occupation of Adam Brower late ofBroockland aforesd deceased the true owner thereof as by certaineconveryances from Tunis Nuysen deceased and the heyres of John EvertseBout deceased.
Said Peter Brower, deldest son and heyre of said Adam Brower deceased,conveys this property to said Abram and Nicholas Brower."[Transcribed 31 July 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
SOURCE: Book - The heroes of the American Revolution and theirdescendants: Battle of Long Island [database on-line]. Provo, UT:Generations Network, Inc., 2005. Original data: Whittemore, Henry,.The heroes of the American Revolution and their descendants; Battle ofLong Island. Brooklyn: Heroes of the Revolution Pub. Co., 1897-1899.Page xxiv;
"EXCERPTS: ...extending to the road in the Village of Brooklyn. UponBout's patent was located Frecke's mill, or the "Old Gowanus Mill,"probably the oldest in the Town of Breukelen...or the "Yellow Mill,"in Gowanus, was also built upon Bout's patent, by Adam and Nicholas,the sons of Adam Brower, in 1709. Brooklyn Church (Reformed Dutch)was to be the alarm-post where the covering party was to concentratein case the enemy attacked during the night....This church was thesecond one which had occupied the same site. It was built in 1766,and stood in the middle of the Jamaica road (now Fulton street), andimmediately opposite to a burying ground on the west side of Fultonstreet, between Bridge and Lawrence streets....Washington'sHeadquarters, Brooklyn - The question has often been raised as towhether Washington had a "headquarters" in Brooklyn, either previousto or during the battle of Long Island, and if so, where located.Tradition, ..., locates it at the old Reformed Dutch church, on Fultonstreet, ..." [Transcribed 31 July 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
"American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI)
Name: Adam Brower
Birth Date: 1600
Birthplace: Hol, New York
Volume: 19
Page Number: 371
Reference: Bergen fam. des of Hans Hansen Bergen of NY. By Teunis G.Bergen. Albany, 1876. (658p.):57; Godfrey Memorial Library, comp..American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI) [database on-line].Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 1999. Original data:Godfrey Memorial Library. American Genealogical-Biographical Index.Middletown, CT, USA: Godfrey Memorial Library";[Transcribed 31 July 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
"American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI)
Name: Adam Brower
Birth Date: 1630
Birthplace: Hol, New York, Farmer, Miller
Volume: 19
Page Number: 371
Reference: Bergen fam. des of Hans Hansen Bergen of NY. By Teunis G.Bergen. Albany, 1876. (658p.):357; Godfrey Memorial Library, comp..American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI) [database on-line].Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 1999. Original data:Godfrey Memorial Library. American Genealogical-Biographical Index.Middletown, CT, USA: Godfrey Memorial Library. ";[Transcribed 31 July 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
"A History of the City of Brooklyn. Including The Old Town And VillageOf Brooklyn, The Town Of Bushwick, And The Village And City OfWilliamsburgh. Vol. I.
Chapter II. XXII.
February 14th, 1667 , Bout received a confirmatory patent of the abovepremises, which covered the neck of land on which a few years ago werelocated Freecke 's and Denton 's flour-mills, and also a considerabletract east of Freecke 's mill-pond, extending to the Brooklyn . Boutgave the neck to the children of Adam Brower , the common ancestor ofthe Browers of this vicinity."[Transcribed 31 July2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
"A History of the City of Brooklyn. Including The Old Town And VillageOf Brooklyn, The Town Of Bushwick, And The Village And City OfWilliamsburgh. Vol. I.
Chapter II. XXII.
Denton 's Mill, or "the Yellow Mill," in Gowanus , was also built uponBout's patent, by Adam and Nicholas , the sons of Adam Brower , in1709 . The mill-pond was formed by the damming off a branch of theGowanus Kil , and the mill was located on the northeast side of thepresent First street, about midway between Second and Third avenues.The dwelling-house, which was burned down about 1852 , was in Carroll, midway between Nevins street and Third avenue."[Transcribed 31 July 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]
SOURCE: Updated: Sat Feb 28 04:45:54 2004 Contact: Nancy Rubin;
"Alias: Adam /Berkoven/
Cologne,: Arrived in 1642 from Cologne, Germany. Entry from the log
Port New Netherlands: "Disembarked on the fifth day September 1642,
Adam Van den Berkhoven Cologne, Germany, on the ship Romyn, Van den
Berkhoven here-in-after will be known as Adam Brower"
Brower is the Dutch spelling brewer.
Even into the nineteenth century members the Bower family were well
known furniture makers.
Ref: Historical Achieves Section, NY State Historical Society,Tarrytown,
Early Settlers Kings Co. by T G Bergen Page 51
NJ Genesis quoting "Dutch settlers in New Jersey" fist Paper publishedin
1873 by Tuenis G. Bergen
H lived in New Netherlands until 1647, moved to Long Island 1647 -Joined
the Dutch Reformed Church. His name is on the tax rolls 1675-1698
Ref: Harvery's History Bergen Co P 130 E 69625.33 - Library Congress
Historical Notes on New Netherlands and New Amsterdam
In 1642, when Adam Brower came to New Netherlands - the population New
Netherland and New Amsterdam (Lower Manhattan) was 500 people.
William Kieft was appointed director the Colony until 1647 when Peter
Stuyvesant became director. In 1664 the Colony was taken by force bythe
British, but in 1672 the Dutch again took possession. It remainedDutch
for only a short time however when it was returned by treaty toBritish
rule in 1674." [Transcribed 31 July 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler]