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- Crawfordsville Journal, Montgomery County, Indiana,
The Crawfordsville Journal, (June 5, 1923 I think)
"Brown's Valley
Isaac Rice, son of Jonathan Napoleon B. and Narcissus Ann Rice, wasborn near Newtown, Ind., April 19, 1854; died June 3, 1923, age 69years, 1 month and 14 days. Early in life Mr. Rice accepted the LordJesus Christ as his Savior and united with the Baptist Church andcontinued in that faith, being a valued member of the Brown's ValleyBaptist Church at the time of his death. His everyday Christianity wasone of the outstanding features of his life. He lived the Christlikelife from his youth up and those who knew him best have naught to sayagainst him. On Dec. 31, 1877, he was united in marriage to ElizabethFlorence Parrent. To this union were born five children: four girlsand one boy. One girl and one boy who passed away July 20, 1915, wereover there to welcome him home as were also three of hisgrandchildren. On Dec. 2, 1916, Mr. Rice was united in marriage toMrs. Lucy Schrader and she with the three daughters of the firstmarriage, namely, Mrs. Elva L. Slavens of Waveland, Mrs. Mabel E.Wiatt of Bellmore and Miss Claral E. Rice of Brown's Valley; onesister, Mrs. Elvessa Mortimore of Veedersburg; one brother, JonathanRice of Linden, five grandchildren and other relatives and a host offriends mourn his departure. But they sorrow not as one without hopefor Mr. Rice had not only given evidence of his faith in Godthroughout his life but as he came near the end of life's journey heexpressed a desire to be released from this mortal body that he mightbe with the loved ones and Jesus over there. In the departure of Bro.Rice the Church has lost a loyal supporter and the community a goodcitizen but we feel assured there has been one more added to thecitizens of heaven. The funeral was conducted at the Baptist Church onTuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock and was in charge of Rev. W.C. Tatemof Terre Haute. The pallbearers were nephews of the deceased. Theflower bearers were four neighbor girls, Misses Mildred Pahlman, GraceWilkinson, Anna Dee Motter and Mary Patton. The choir sang threebeautiful selections, "Asleep in Jesus", "Nearer My God to Thee", and"Sometime We'll Understand." Citation: The Indiana GenWeb Project,Copyright ©1997-2007, Montgomery County Website; WWW.USGENWEB.COM; Biographies &Obituaries."
"Isaac Rice
SOURCE: History of Montgomery County, Indiana, A. W. Bowen, 1913. pp:1224;
Although Isaac Rice, farmer of Brown Twp in the Browns Valley country,has spent the major portion of his life in Fountain County, he hasbecome well known and has many close friends since taking up hisresidence in Montgomery county, for he has shown himself to beneighborly, hospitable, energetic an dpublic spirited, a good man forany neighborhood, in fact, every community wants such newcomers, andthe reason is plain to see. Mr. Rice was born in Fountain County,Indiana on April 19, 1854; there he grew to manhood and received hiseducation in the common schools and there he resided continuously fora period of 41 years, removing to Montgomery Co in 1895, locating atLinden, where he lived 7 years, then moved to Brown Township, where hestill resides. He is a son of "Boney" and Narcissus McCollins Rice.The father was born in Fountain County Indiana and there he spent hislife engaged in farming, staying close to his work and taking littlepart in public affairs, although he was a staunch Democrat. His deathoccurred on Feb 11, 1876. His wife was born in Kentucky, and her deathoccurred in Fountain County. They were good, honest people. They werethe parents of 14 children, 7 of whom are still living. Isaac Rice wasmarried on December 31, 1876 to Florence Parrent who was born inFountain County, this state on Jan 1, 1856. She is a daughter ofWilliam and Ellen Stephens Parrent, a highly respected family. Fivechildren have been born to our subject and wife, 3 of whom are stillliving, namely: Elva, Mabel and Clare. Mr. Rice has always engaged infarming, and his efforts have been crowned with success. He has made aspecialty of raising spotted Poland-China hogs, also draft roadhorses, also raised Barred Plymouth Rock chickens for over 30 years.He has had great success with his fine poultry and live stock. He isthe owner of 160 acres nearly all of which is under a fine state ofcultivation or at least is tillable with the possible exception ofabout 20 acres. His fields are fairly well tilled. He has a good homewell furnished. He is still very actively engaged in general farmingand stock raising and is regarded as one of the leading men of thesehonored vocations in the Browns valley country. Mr. Rice is a memberof the Anti-Horse Thief Association. He belongs to the Baptist Churchand politically he is a Democrat, and has always been loyal in hissupport of the same, although he has never been an aspirant for publichonors.
Prepared by: Karen Zach