Notes |
- SOURCE: Notes of Joyce Lorraine Clore Elkins of Parke County,c.1975-2003, from the Clore Family Volumes (now owned by her daughterSandra Lee Elkins Juhl, Compiler); Page 128.
"This is another of the columns written exclusively for The DailyClintonian by Russell Hamm, of Rosedale. Mr. Hamm has a hobby ofresearching interesting old towns and sites in Parke and VermillionCounties--GLC.
JOHN LUSK: ENIGMA by Russell L. Hamm
Excerpt: "(..., Salmon Lusk, Jr., was killed in the Battle ofThompson Station, Springhill, Tennessee, etc...) ...He (John Lusk)kept the letters home of Salmon Lusk, Jr., killed in the Civil War, aswell as his diary and poetry...etc..."
NOTE: John Lusk was the son of Salmon Lusk, Sr., and Salmon Jr.'sbrother. See notes of John Lusk.
[Transcribed 25 May 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler,]
"American Civil War Soldiers
Name: Solomon Lusk
RESIDENCE: Annapolis, Indiana
Enlistment Date: 5 Aug 1862
Side Served: Union
State Served: Indiana
Service Record: Enlisted as a Corporal on 5 August 1862.
Enlisted in Company A, 85th Infantry Regiment Indiana on 5 Aug 1862.
Killed Company A, 85th Infantry Regiment Indiana on 5 Mar 1863 atThompson's Station, TN.
Sources: 76
Source Citation: Side served: Union; State served: Indiana; Enlistmentdate: 5 Aug 1862..
Historical Data Systems, comp.. American Civil War Soldiers [databaseon-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 1999."[Transcribed 25 May 2008, SLJuhl, Compiler,]
"Salmon Lusk (First_Last);
Regiment Name 85 Indiana Infantry.
Side Union
Company A
Soldier's Rank_In Corp.
Soldier's Rank_Out Corp.
Alternate Name
Film Number M540 roll 45
85th Regiment, Indiana Infantry
Organized at Terre Haute, Ind., September 2, 1862. Ordered to Kentuckyand duty at Covington, Lexington, Nicholasville and Danville, Ky.,till January 26, 1863. Attached to 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, Army ofKentucky, Dept of Ohio, September-October, 1862. 1st Brigade, 3rdDivision, Army of Kentucky, Dept. of Ohio, to February, 1863. Coburn'sBrigade, Baird's Division, Army of Kentucky, Dept. of the Cumberland,to June, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Reserve Corps, Army of theCumberland, to October, 1863. Coburn's unattached Brigade, PostMurfreesboro, Tenn., Dept. of the Cumberland, to January, 1864. 2ndBrigade, 1st Division, 11th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, toApril, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 20th Army Corps, Army of theCumberland, to June, 1865.
SERVICE.-Moved to Louisville, Ky., thence to Nashville, Tenn., January26-February 1. Moved to Brentwood Station, Tenn., February 21, thenceto Franklin. Action at Franklin March 4, and at THOMPSPON'S STATION,SPRING HILL, MARCH 4-5 (1863). Regiment captured by Van Dorn,comanding Bragg's Cavalry forces, nearly 18,000 strong. Exchanged May5, 1863. Regiment reorganizing at Indianapolis, Ind., till June 12.Ordered to Nashville, Tenn., June 12, and guard duty along Nashville &Chattanooga Railroad at Franklin and Murfreesboro till April, 1864.Garrison's Creek near Fosterville and Christiana October 6, 1863(Detachment). March to Lookout Valley, Tenn., April 20-28. Atlanta(Ga.) Campaign. Demonstration on Rocky Faced Ridge May 8-11. Battle ofResaca May 14-15. Cassville May 19. Advance on Dallas May 22-25. NewHope Church May 25. Operations on line of Pumpkin Vine Creek andbattles about Dallas, New Hope Church and Allatoona Hills May 25-June5. Pine Mount June 5. Operations about Marietta and against KenesawMountain June 10-July 2. Pine Hill June 11-14. Lost Mountain June15-17. Gilgal or Golgotha Church June 15. Muddy Creek June 17. NoyesCreek June 19. Kolb's Farm June 22. Assault on Kenesaw June 27. Ruff'sStation, Smyrna Camp Ground, July 4. Chattahoochie River July 5-17.Peach Tree Creek July 19-20. Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25.Operations at Chattahoochie River Bridge August 26-September 2.Occupation of Atlanta September 2-November 15. March to the seaNovember 15-December 10. Siege of Savannah December 10-21. Campaign ofthe Carolinas January to April, 1865. Lawtonville, S. C., February 2.Battle of Bentonville, N. C., March 19-21. Occupation of GoldsboroMarch 24. Advance on Raleigh April 10-14. Occupation of Raleigh April14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army.March to Washington, D. C., via Richmond, Va., April 29-May 19. GrandReview May 24. Mustered out June 12, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 40 Enlisted men killed andmortally wounded and 3 Officers and 190 Enlisted men by disease. Total235."